
Is the U.S. Losing the Race with Russia for Total Ecosystem Services Mapping?

 Why be primitive or last place in trying to map the ecosystem services of the state or nation one lives in? Alaska could probably have the entire state's ecosystem services mapped with some sort of federally financed, state operated program. Germany has done it...




It is possible that the EU https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/mapping-europes-ecosystems-1 is ahead of Alaska too. As in the arms race, the ecosystem services race may have economic, political and financial consequences for the players. Alaska should not be a loser in the ecosystem services mapping race.

It doesn't appear to me that the U.S. government has got an ecosystem service map and survey with comprehensive data for Alaska done. The Russkies may have more data on their big board about Alaska ecosystem services than the Alaska State Government or even the U.S. Government. I wonder if the White House situation room has a Big Board with full display of the state of U.S. and Russian ecosystem services in real time providing updates whenever launches of defoliation or loss of biological species happen.

Maybe I should have invented a way to make potato chips at home from whole potatoes or soy beans and got a patent and manufactured the chip makers in China so I could live on Golden Pond. Instead I need to wonder about ecosystem services and water conservation and if wastewater could be reduced by using solar charged electrical toilets without water; maybe microwave toilets in major cities, instead of water-using ones. A properly designed microwave toilet ought to be fairly cheap. It would be interesting to see the design. I suppose even a poor manufacturer could make Beatles wigs with good hidden audio headfones and mp3 players for workers not allowed to listen to music at work. Maybe the wigs could have built in motion sensors so one would get a beep if their boss is sneaking up from behind. Perhaps Shanghai would be the place to make those. Even the Chinese could listen to my blog if the wig had a speech translator so they could find blogs talking about ecosystem services.

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