Photons are a basic particle of the Universe bringing energy from the sun to the Earth heating up land, sea and sky molecules putting them into more energetic states. Human life on Earth prevalently politically fails to correctly interpret the relationship of photons to living processes, additional molecules impacted and photosynthesis. Photons also enable photography by illuminating objects and surfaces bouncing off at wavelengths reset by the object interactions they bounced off from to eventually reach a camera lens.
The December 2012 'Discover' magazine has an informative story on the fate of the Biosphere 2 terrarium project in Arizona. It sought to recreate a self-contained Earth-like ecosphere inside a glass dome. A worker or two died on the construction that was originally funded by a wild billionaire investor in humankind's future. Several meaningful facts on the function of an ecosphere were mentioned.
Half of the photosynthesis in the world is done by microbes in the ocean-half! Carbon dioxide is sequestered on land and in the sea's plant/animal life. Fully one third of human issued carbon dioxide gases go to the ocean's carbon sequestration zooplankton in shell making from carbonate etc.
The world's oceans are becoming more acidic as a result of increasing carbonic acid reaching it. The extra acid is bad for the tiny carbon removal team players ruining their shells to say the least.
Photosynthesis removes carbon and stores it in plants or seashells while oxygen is released. There is only a 1 or 2% surplus of oxygen over carbon in the process so obviously human production of excess carbon releases to the atmosphere can defeat the removal of carbon from the atmosphere and let global heating occur with an increasing percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Historically mass extinctions have occurred in times of higher carbon dioxide-oxygen ratios.
The world's oceans have a capability of removing carbon dioxide from the environment yet that is a slow half-million year process of feedback, and besides, human alteration of the balance of the forests and oceanic, tundra and desert photosynthetic cycles are radical. Global heating can create a large increase in releases of Co2 from usually frozen northern areas of the world (such as flaming tundra fires adding mercury poisoning as an added detriment) and simultaneously decrease the amount of photosynthesis in oceans while also advancing desertification of formerly green wild temperature and sub-tropical regions Human carbon dioxide emmissions are a simple, stupid and effective way of painting human civilization into a corner. Needless to say, smart painters don't do that.
Obviously no Republican Presidential will talk competently about the economic assault upon human survival prospects on Earth and take a different, innovative intelligent tack before the Co2 levels increase enough to make future candidates even more dumb than today.
Both political parties appear to be corrupt versions of a concentrate corrupt wealth and perversion for global, wealthy elites platform. That is an efficient networked tool for ecocide preceded by the impoverishment of U.S. citizens.
I believe that years ago someone published an operating manual for the planet Earth. There must have been a second edition with global warming, photosynthesis, food production, biodiversity, sustainable economic development and other important updates. Reading in the book of Revelation we can see the importance of keeping the ecospheric engineering systems working smoothly and even increasing upon other worlds. Perhaps a modest Biosphere 3 could be built deep within a crater on the moon, and an Ecosphere 4 on Mars.
Eventually mankind may achieve a well deserved ecospheric doom preceeded by myriad forms of social depravity and even unemployment of college graduates. In the meantime Godly people should strive to get the ecospheric engine of health working efficiently again and quit the drunk driving of oil spills, fossil fuel engines, over-heated asphalt paved cities and get some major desalinization of seawater projects going to irrigate the southwest desert. Here is what will happen to the last, flunking, ungodly people of Earth. (from the Revelation chapter 19)
"And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh."
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
Christians Can Vote for Non-Sectarian Presidential Candidates
Texas mega-church pastor Robert Jeffers has taken a stand against voting for non-Christians political candidates. His position has the implicit conflict of interest in that he enjoys a good living from the way things are, is of the same state as Texas Gov. Rick Perry as well as countless oil corporations and defense contractors. If one visits Johnson City Texas there is a fine cemetery with many American casualties of the Vietnam conflict. 'Halliburton's Army' is good book describing the history of Brown, Root, Halliburton, Rumsfeld, Cheney and others from L.B.J.'s early days through Afghanistan and Iraq.
Separation of church and state is a principal distinguishing theocratic government from secular. Christians are informed that the kingdom of God is not of this world. Yet that does not mean that the ungodly and lost must reign without reproof. Believers in God may support the constitution of the United States and civil liberties for citizens without becoming mired down in the city of mankind.
Christians may exert a positive impact on the world in a variety of ways through the leadership of right character. Excluding Americans from government and a support for those that claim to be Christian yet might not, or that might be misguided Christians instead of competent moral candidates is a way to fulfill some of the bad prophecies of the Bible. We don't want to elect an Adolph Hitler II claiming to be Christians and deserving of election because the other choices are of some other, yet non-violent faith.
For it is written that in the latter days Christians would be put out of the churches or synagogues-and I suppose mega churches might be filled with hierarchical priests (that word is only used twice in the New Testament) that hope to have their own take high political office. It was also written that Christians would be blamed by some of the people for secular problems, and of course that is common today on the left in the U.S.A.
One must wonder how voters must view Presidents that have waged wars upon foreign poor people (in pursuit of terrorists and nation rebuilding) while spending trillions of taxpayer dollars that have enriched particular contractors, taken oil fields for Exxon-Mobil and others in Iraq (common enough perceptions) and are said to be believing Christians can be a good role model for Christians today?
A contemporary Christian Church ought rightly to be led an egalitarian priesthood of believers with all sharing in the ministration of the word of God. Beginner, Intermediate, Elder roles and easy to implement liturgies, Christian welfare and job network banking, nationwide attendance records and transfer; a myriad of improvements for the church today are possible and should be practically implemented-especially since according to the Bible tithing to 'priests that do not produce for themselves' was to be just 1/3rd of 1/10th every third year from the producers.
The Christian Church ought not to be manipulated into default voting for oily war candidates that claim to be Christian. Murder, mayhem, destruction of foreign infrastructure and anti-environmental maladroit energy and economic development policies are not things that are divine at all. Christians should select competent political candidates with good policy that can obey the law-it is only Christians that can live by faith and we know that the secular law hasn't been abandoned.
Mankind has a wicked, dumb nature that requires competent political governance that respects the right all of citizens to run for office regardless of race, color or creed. Christians too should require political competence from their candidates rather than a commitment to wage war given the chance instead of creatively leading through intelligent redesign of the given empirical political relations.
It may be that Christianity hasn't got the same right to war policy that the Moslem religion claims. Christians are not instructed to conquer the world through jihad. One knows that Christianity took the Roman Empire through good example rather than through force of arms. Looking to Jesus Christ as a political role model for the U.S. military contracting business and the foreign oil support business is seemingly a stupid design.
Separation of church and state is a principal distinguishing theocratic government from secular. Christians are informed that the kingdom of God is not of this world. Yet that does not mean that the ungodly and lost must reign without reproof. Believers in God may support the constitution of the United States and civil liberties for citizens without becoming mired down in the city of mankind.
Christians may exert a positive impact on the world in a variety of ways through the leadership of right character. Excluding Americans from government and a support for those that claim to be Christian yet might not, or that might be misguided Christians instead of competent moral candidates is a way to fulfill some of the bad prophecies of the Bible. We don't want to elect an Adolph Hitler II claiming to be Christians and deserving of election because the other choices are of some other, yet non-violent faith.
For it is written that in the latter days Christians would be put out of the churches or synagogues-and I suppose mega churches might be filled with hierarchical priests (that word is only used twice in the New Testament) that hope to have their own take high political office. It was also written that Christians would be blamed by some of the people for secular problems, and of course that is common today on the left in the U.S.A.
One must wonder how voters must view Presidents that have waged wars upon foreign poor people (in pursuit of terrorists and nation rebuilding) while spending trillions of taxpayer dollars that have enriched particular contractors, taken oil fields for Exxon-Mobil and others in Iraq (common enough perceptions) and are said to be believing Christians can be a good role model for Christians today?
A contemporary Christian Church ought rightly to be led an egalitarian priesthood of believers with all sharing in the ministration of the word of God. Beginner, Intermediate, Elder roles and easy to implement liturgies, Christian welfare and job network banking, nationwide attendance records and transfer; a myriad of improvements for the church today are possible and should be practically implemented-especially since according to the Bible tithing to 'priests that do not produce for themselves' was to be just 1/3rd of 1/10th every third year from the producers.
The Christian Church ought not to be manipulated into default voting for oily war candidates that claim to be Christian. Murder, mayhem, destruction of foreign infrastructure and anti-environmental maladroit energy and economic development policies are not things that are divine at all. Christians should select competent political candidates with good policy that can obey the law-it is only Christians that can live by faith and we know that the secular law hasn't been abandoned.
Mankind has a wicked, dumb nature that requires competent political governance that respects the right all of citizens to run for office regardless of race, color or creed. Christians too should require political competence from their candidates rather than a commitment to wage war given the chance instead of creatively leading through intelligent redesign of the given empirical political relations.
It may be that Christianity hasn't got the same right to war policy that the Moslem religion claims. Christians are not instructed to conquer the world through jihad. One knows that Christianity took the Roman Empire through good example rather than through force of arms. Looking to Jesus Christ as a political role model for the U.S. military contracting business and the foreign oil support business is seemingly a stupid design.
Limited Access Printing Press and Karl Marx: The Effect of Restricted Publishing on the Marketplace of Ideas
Limited Access Printing Press and Karl Marx: The Effect of Restricted Publishing on the Marketplace of Ideas
Limited public access to publishing opportunity in the past retarded the evolution of political intelligence. The 19th century political philosopher Karl Marx was an unquestionably brilliant sociological analyst, historian and philosopher as well as writer. The author of Das Kapital is challenging to classify as an intellectual. If he were writing and publishing today where would one place his work categorically, and would it be much noticed?
Selecting a publishing classification for Karl Marx or for any author for books-in-print in this era of liberal studies surpassing liberal arts can be regarded as the new normal of difficulty. In the mid 19th century publishing opportunities were far more limited. In fact comparatively few publishing houses existed in England-it wasn’t the print-on-demand Internet publishing era when a thousand new philosophy books might be printed each day for no-author cost except the energy used to produce it.
A freedom to publish new philosophical ideas about society from an interdisciplinary foundation has taken hold; those books needn’t pass the political review and approval of social elites before publication. The public reading environment has grown into a tangled bank sheltering spirit and substance.
Karl Mark was a friend of F. Engles who was the son of a rich industrialist and able to afford to pay for Marx’s publishing efforts if necessary. Very few aspiring authors in Marx’s day could afford a self-publishing project if they could even find a publisher willing to accept the book and the public risk of publishing.
With much social illiteracy and fewer philosophers than today Marx’s 19th century break-through book was a much larger fish in a much smaller intellectual pond. The people yearning to breathe free and escape the shackles of poverty had their Karl Marx and the Bible and if American maybe Ben Franklin’s Almanac for inspiration. Books were far costlier and a smaller percent of the public spent money to buy them-especially philosophy books.
What was absent from the social political experience was the thousand other philosophical books of political and social analysis that might have been written by bright individuals commonly literate and able to publish at very low or no cost. Karl Marx’s historical influence was in part a result of the lack of intellectual competition.
Das Kapital was a ground breaking work of social analysis for its combination of history, economics, politics and sociology as well as of course, political philosophy. Thomas Hobbes book of political philosophy ‘The Leviathan’ had set the fundamental British paradigm for writing political philosophy-of course in support of the absolute power of monarchy-by social elites.
In Germany the tradition of idealism may have been a product of a political environment of juxtaposition of Hapsburg imperialism, dynamic tension between Catholicism and protestant reformer affiliated themselves with various German polities under aristocratic authority flexing independence and a view toward the intellect and independent evolution as expressions of reality-for-itself. G.W.F. Hegel’s ‘Phenomenology of Mind’ is an example of the existential evolution of a world view philosophical loosely reflecting the historical circumstances of the time abstracted. Hegel’s dialectical evolution of matter as an expression of the spirit seeking to realize itself is obviously also readily adaptable as a paradigm for political self-expression.
Immanuel Kant’s ‘Critique of Pure Reason’ seems to abstract thought and ideas themselves a step beyond Hegel’s phenomenology that was tied to history. One may readily appreciate Kant’s epistemological descriptions of categories of thought and yet wonder what the effects might have been if contemporary Internet publishing opportunities had existed in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries for philosophers.
David Hume, the author of an essay on human understanding-simultaneously an epistemological, metaphysical and political tract moving toward democracy rather than monarchy influenced the economic philosopher Adam Smith substantially. Smith was a pupil and friend of Hume as each were part of the British liberal enlightenment that was a sort of post-monarchical development of social thought for the masses philosophically and politically.
Adam Smith’s belief that economics could be advanced through free enterprise was taking a step away from the power of monarchy and aristocracy. Smith did not intend that free enterprise would become dominated by any concentration of wealth that could usurp the accumulated wealth and power of the aristocracy. He was pro free enterprise more so than pro-capitalism.
Capital itself is virtually anything of value. The government may own all of the capital, and individual can own all of the capital or several large corporations-capital itself is only incidental to the vitality of free enterprise and of the well being of a democracy. Adam Smith was most concerned with the well being of democracy and of free enterprise-not so much was he concerned about the abstract accumulation or distribution of capital except as it would improve the well being of the people.
Capital may be made into about anything as an abstract concept politically speaking. It is possible to make capital as capitalism a kind of ultimate good or highest religion justifying any means. If Satan returns to take over a rebuilt Temple he might well be able to claim to be the Capitalist numero uno advocating mass murder, holocaust and death of all human beings that are not his slaves. That seems a fair enough paradigm for those that believe capitalism is the ultimate good expression of self interest, yet of course such believers are very dumb.
Free enterprise as the means through which a people in a democracy may pursue their vital economic interests may be reinforced with laws preventing the over-networking of economic power and the over-concentration of wealth. As intellectual power when concentrated and restricted as in the mid-19th century may abort competing philosophical thought, free enterprise inventions and ecospherically valuable business actualization including transport and energy may be aborted by the over-capitalization of a tiny minority of society or of government.
Free enterprise within a democratic paradigm should advance the ecopheric health and economic prosperity of all the people. Government should provide basic social insurance for medical, food, housing and education that should be phased out as the improvement of low cost free enterprise products can instead provide those necessary services. If all the people rise with the advance of free enterprise, and if the difference of income between the most rich and most poor is far smaller than today-perhaps 1500%, then the most brilliant have an interest in enriching society as well as themselves in order to enrich themselves. It would be very easy to put excess individual profit into ecospheric recovery and space exploration the next 500 years as each are sorely underfinanced. Space free enterprise working off a government space dock infrastructure can thrive to farther ventures.
Twentieth century political revolutionaries seemed to have few philosophical alternatives to Marx’s communism. The idea of existentialist revolutionaries may be a little ponderous-‘Being and Nothingness’ in the hands of Vladimr Lenin or Mao Tse Tung would have produced different revolutionary results and perhaps ineffective war psychology support against opposition forces.
Communism became a kind of atheist religion initially because of the failure of publishing to distribute hundreds or thousands of alternative social structure analyses that could be broadly distributed for reading by the grupenfurhers of the peasants. The first mass distribution of a social political philosophy had a much greater impact upon readers back in the day. If ‘Das Kapital’ had been released as just another Oprah book of the month its influence amidst so many others would have been far less.
The Internet today is reaching farther into the realm of the world’s peasant population even as they are forced to move off the land and become homeless people or shanty-town slum squatters listening for the whopping thoppers or silent high tech aircraft with the killer elite snipers overhead encouraging them to move. Some of the restive poor are able to find work being exploited as cheap labor by foreign corporations, are victimized by corrupt government officials, criminal gangs or the pollutants de jure. Even in the darkness of a world over-populated under-resourced and badly managed increasing numbers are able to access Internet publishing spaces to share ideas.
With luck capitalism as religion will not develop the absolute-power-is-best point of view collaterally destroying the opportunity to create an ecospherically rational free enterprise democracy that would be so much better than any of the myriad forms of authoritarianism that Thomas Hobbes preferred.
Limited public access to publishing opportunity in the past retarded the evolution of political intelligence. The 19th century political philosopher Karl Marx was an unquestionably brilliant sociological analyst, historian and philosopher as well as writer. The author of Das Kapital is challenging to classify as an intellectual. If he were writing and publishing today where would one place his work categorically, and would it be much noticed?
Selecting a publishing classification for Karl Marx or for any author for books-in-print in this era of liberal studies surpassing liberal arts can be regarded as the new normal of difficulty. In the mid 19th century publishing opportunities were far more limited. In fact comparatively few publishing houses existed in England-it wasn’t the print-on-demand Internet publishing era when a thousand new philosophy books might be printed each day for no-author cost except the energy used to produce it.
A freedom to publish new philosophical ideas about society from an interdisciplinary foundation has taken hold; those books needn’t pass the political review and approval of social elites before publication. The public reading environment has grown into a tangled bank sheltering spirit and substance.
Karl Mark was a friend of F. Engles who was the son of a rich industrialist and able to afford to pay for Marx’s publishing efforts if necessary. Very few aspiring authors in Marx’s day could afford a self-publishing project if they could even find a publisher willing to accept the book and the public risk of publishing.
With much social illiteracy and fewer philosophers than today Marx’s 19th century break-through book was a much larger fish in a much smaller intellectual pond. The people yearning to breathe free and escape the shackles of poverty had their Karl Marx and the Bible and if American maybe Ben Franklin’s Almanac for inspiration. Books were far costlier and a smaller percent of the public spent money to buy them-especially philosophy books.
What was absent from the social political experience was the thousand other philosophical books of political and social analysis that might have been written by bright individuals commonly literate and able to publish at very low or no cost. Karl Marx’s historical influence was in part a result of the lack of intellectual competition.
Das Kapital was a ground breaking work of social analysis for its combination of history, economics, politics and sociology as well as of course, political philosophy. Thomas Hobbes book of political philosophy ‘The Leviathan’ had set the fundamental British paradigm for writing political philosophy-of course in support of the absolute power of monarchy-by social elites.
In Germany the tradition of idealism may have been a product of a political environment of juxtaposition of Hapsburg imperialism, dynamic tension between Catholicism and protestant reformer affiliated themselves with various German polities under aristocratic authority flexing independence and a view toward the intellect and independent evolution as expressions of reality-for-itself. G.W.F. Hegel’s ‘Phenomenology of Mind’ is an example of the existential evolution of a world view philosophical loosely reflecting the historical circumstances of the time abstracted. Hegel’s dialectical evolution of matter as an expression of the spirit seeking to realize itself is obviously also readily adaptable as a paradigm for political self-expression.
Immanuel Kant’s ‘Critique of Pure Reason’ seems to abstract thought and ideas themselves a step beyond Hegel’s phenomenology that was tied to history. One may readily appreciate Kant’s epistemological descriptions of categories of thought and yet wonder what the effects might have been if contemporary Internet publishing opportunities had existed in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries for philosophers.
David Hume, the author of an essay on human understanding-simultaneously an epistemological, metaphysical and political tract moving toward democracy rather than monarchy influenced the economic philosopher Adam Smith substantially. Smith was a pupil and friend of Hume as each were part of the British liberal enlightenment that was a sort of post-monarchical development of social thought for the masses philosophically and politically.
Adam Smith’s belief that economics could be advanced through free enterprise was taking a step away from the power of monarchy and aristocracy. Smith did not intend that free enterprise would become dominated by any concentration of wealth that could usurp the accumulated wealth and power of the aristocracy. He was pro free enterprise more so than pro-capitalism.
Capital itself is virtually anything of value. The government may own all of the capital, and individual can own all of the capital or several large corporations-capital itself is only incidental to the vitality of free enterprise and of the well being of a democracy. Adam Smith was most concerned with the well being of democracy and of free enterprise-not so much was he concerned about the abstract accumulation or distribution of capital except as it would improve the well being of the people.
Capital may be made into about anything as an abstract concept politically speaking. It is possible to make capital as capitalism a kind of ultimate good or highest religion justifying any means. If Satan returns to take over a rebuilt Temple he might well be able to claim to be the Capitalist numero uno advocating mass murder, holocaust and death of all human beings that are not his slaves. That seems a fair enough paradigm for those that believe capitalism is the ultimate good expression of self interest, yet of course such believers are very dumb.
Free enterprise as the means through which a people in a democracy may pursue their vital economic interests may be reinforced with laws preventing the over-networking of economic power and the over-concentration of wealth. As intellectual power when concentrated and restricted as in the mid-19th century may abort competing philosophical thought, free enterprise inventions and ecospherically valuable business actualization including transport and energy may be aborted by the over-capitalization of a tiny minority of society or of government.
Free enterprise within a democratic paradigm should advance the ecopheric health and economic prosperity of all the people. Government should provide basic social insurance for medical, food, housing and education that should be phased out as the improvement of low cost free enterprise products can instead provide those necessary services. If all the people rise with the advance of free enterprise, and if the difference of income between the most rich and most poor is far smaller than today-perhaps 1500%, then the most brilliant have an interest in enriching society as well as themselves in order to enrich themselves. It would be very easy to put excess individual profit into ecospheric recovery and space exploration the next 500 years as each are sorely underfinanced. Space free enterprise working off a government space dock infrastructure can thrive to farther ventures.
Twentieth century political revolutionaries seemed to have few philosophical alternatives to Marx’s communism. The idea of existentialist revolutionaries may be a little ponderous-‘Being and Nothingness’ in the hands of Vladimr Lenin or Mao Tse Tung would have produced different revolutionary results and perhaps ineffective war psychology support against opposition forces.
Communism became a kind of atheist religion initially because of the failure of publishing to distribute hundreds or thousands of alternative social structure analyses that could be broadly distributed for reading by the grupenfurhers of the peasants. The first mass distribution of a social political philosophy had a much greater impact upon readers back in the day. If ‘Das Kapital’ had been released as just another Oprah book of the month its influence amidst so many others would have been far less.
The Internet today is reaching farther into the realm of the world’s peasant population even as they are forced to move off the land and become homeless people or shanty-town slum squatters listening for the whopping thoppers or silent high tech aircraft with the killer elite snipers overhead encouraging them to move. Some of the restive poor are able to find work being exploited as cheap labor by foreign corporations, are victimized by corrupt government officials, criminal gangs or the pollutants de jure. Even in the darkness of a world over-populated under-resourced and badly managed increasing numbers are able to access Internet publishing spaces to share ideas.
With luck capitalism as religion will not develop the absolute-power-is-best point of view collaterally destroying the opportunity to create an ecospherically rational free enterprise democracy that would be so much better than any of the myriad forms of authoritarianism that Thomas Hobbes preferred.
2011 Nobel Prizes in Chemistry & (Astro)physics
Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded for discovery of ten-fold symmetry in quasi-crystal (instead of the usual three-fold symmetry).
Three Americans won the 2011 Nobel Prize for Physics in what may be the Nobel Prize Committee's biggest blunder if it turns out that the accelerating expansion of the Universe turns out to be an incorrect theory.
The physics prize was awarded to three astrophysicists for making the observation that the observed rate of expansion of the universe seems to be accelerating possibly driven by the unknown 'dark energy' that might be vacuum energy or the supply-side theory of something from nothing. Einstein called that anti-gravity cosmological constant his 'biggest blunder'.
If the observed rate of expansion is just an apparent observational effect caused by the uneven expansion rates of various parts of the Universe-the Universe could be thousands of times larger than the observable universe and the space time might be expanding in some areas and contracting in others-then the theory would need to be scaled back.
The prize was obviously well-given this year. What the Universe is really like-if its laws are just variables that seem constant given the time scale of observations by humans, the expansions of space-time, the nature of a continuing expansion acceleration believed to have resumed 5.5 billion years ago after a slow down from the inflation era caused by gravity-awaits discovery. The conjecture that the unknown cosmological constant 'dark energy' necessarily has some sort of inexhaustible energy supply and would continue to expand the universe forever-or just rip it apart into large or small fragment universes perhaps dominated locally by gravity drawing it together to create a myriad of new little universes-isn't certain.
Three Americans won the 2011 Nobel Prize for Physics in what may be the Nobel Prize Committee's biggest blunder if it turns out that the accelerating expansion of the Universe turns out to be an incorrect theory.
The physics prize was awarded to three astrophysicists for making the observation that the observed rate of expansion of the universe seems to be accelerating possibly driven by the unknown 'dark energy' that might be vacuum energy or the supply-side theory of something from nothing. Einstein called that anti-gravity cosmological constant his 'biggest blunder'.
If the observed rate of expansion is just an apparent observational effect caused by the uneven expansion rates of various parts of the Universe-the Universe could be thousands of times larger than the observable universe and the space time might be expanding in some areas and contracting in others-then the theory would need to be scaled back.
The prize was obviously well-given this year. What the Universe is really like-if its laws are just variables that seem constant given the time scale of observations by humans, the expansions of space-time, the nature of a continuing expansion acceleration believed to have resumed 5.5 billion years ago after a slow down from the inflation era caused by gravity-awaits discovery. The conjecture that the unknown cosmological constant 'dark energy' necessarily has some sort of inexhaustible energy supply and would continue to expand the universe forever-or just rip it apart into large or small fragment universes perhaps dominated locally by gravity drawing it together to create a myriad of new little universes-isn't certain.
Ecoside Beyond the Gated Community (poem)
Pain is a sound that overcomes concerns
of taxes and debts unpaid-these things
reach deep into troubled pockets
emptying competing concerns
like spare planets for existential doubts
onto the tarmac aft jet exhaust
letting network tides arise
Wrecked waves of darkening skies, future frosts
disappear into abysal silent heat
compactors of chemical balance
microwave ashing of excrement
with crumpled leaves of brownian motion
complicating spiders searching
for energy unto the end
Automatic actions trifle hecklers half cocked
squirrels put away last nuts
as evil puts down lost political souls
reducing the uncertainty of tomorrow
clearing fields for fuhrer time
now and then in history's recurrent rhyme
Democracy too, died in the buzzing wind
high velocity through power lines
humming songs of wild notes
deep and pure geometries forever trimmed
increase lifelessness emerging to halt
Artificial lights aglow
orange night halos advertising cities
cold in the proprietary distance
post cards for alien wonder
like a metaphor actualized
perfected museums cloned of myriad windows
seem like Hollywood echos
of hetero dialectical recombinations
surpassing the same genes' duplication
that reduce the creative being
of the gated community
Players age before our eyes
acting in buildings of seasons
constructions extending temporal infinity far enough
that it ends within finite walls
structured and decorated; mosaics
of evictions and death
set outside like muddy boots drying
Senseless global warming
depleting political sensibility
faithless temples of political cults
rolling back democracy
order D-9 caterpillars to fly
shadows of silent profit theorems
deisel empowered deleation of forests
push species over the edge
until nothing is left
of the book of life.
of taxes and debts unpaid-these things
reach deep into troubled pockets
emptying competing concerns
like spare planets for existential doubts
onto the tarmac aft jet exhaust
letting network tides arise
Wrecked waves of darkening skies, future frosts
disappear into abysal silent heat
compactors of chemical balance
microwave ashing of excrement
with crumpled leaves of brownian motion
complicating spiders searching
for energy unto the end
Automatic actions trifle hecklers half cocked
squirrels put away last nuts
as evil puts down lost political souls
reducing the uncertainty of tomorrow
clearing fields for fuhrer time
now and then in history's recurrent rhyme
Democracy too, died in the buzzing wind
high velocity through power lines
humming songs of wild notes
deep and pure geometries forever trimmed
increase lifelessness emerging to halt
Artificial lights aglow
orange night halos advertising cities
cold in the proprietary distance
post cards for alien wonder
like a metaphor actualized
perfected museums cloned of myriad windows
seem like Hollywood echos
of hetero dialectical recombinations
surpassing the same genes' duplication
that reduce the creative being
of the gated community
Players age before our eyes
acting in buildings of seasons
constructions extending temporal infinity far enough
that it ends within finite walls
structured and decorated; mosaics
of evictions and death
set outside like muddy boots drying
Senseless global warming
depleting political sensibility
faithless temples of political cults
rolling back democracy
order D-9 caterpillars to fly
shadows of silent profit theorems
deisel empowered deleation of forests
push species over the edge
until nothing is left
of the book of life.
Moslem Terrorists Kill >70 in Mogadishu
The terrorist group Al Shabab has claimed credit for setting a blast that killed more than 70 people in Somalia.
Reading the book 'Inside Hamas' published in 2007 some of the operative nature of the political fundamentalism of the mufsidoon becomes evident. I recommend the book for reading for those wishing to learn the history of the Palestinian terror organization.
There are more than ten Palestinian organization that deny the right of Isreal to exist and wish to reclaim the entire area of former British Palestine for the Muslim world. Al Qa'eda too dabbled in terroristy operations in Israel via Palestine.
While the Sunni may regard the Shia as heretic blasphemers for their cult-like reverence of the hidden twelth Imam, the Shia of Iran and the Syrian Government have provided weapons and cash to Hamas and other Palestinian organization apparently. Smuggling routes in the first decade of the thrid millenium from Lebanon via boatings and Egypt via tunnels helped bring anti-tank weapons, anti-aircraft rockets, explosives, grenades, automatic weapons, pistols and other items to the Gaza and West Bank of the Jordan settlemtns.
Financing of the Palestinian entity arises from the entire Arab world that has many believers in an expansion of Islam to conquer the entire world. Though an obsolete point of view historically it still motivates the ignorant to first seek to drive Israel from the Middle East in order to bring the entire region into the Umma or dar all Islam and present a unified Moslem base for launching a crusade of invasion and conquest of Europe. Blasting Mogadishu is a simple way to express the jihadist opposition to all things that might be construed as useful targets.
'Inside Hammas' noted that weapons smuggling from Somalia to Palestinian let the value of an AK-47 purchased in Mogadishu rised from $200 to $2000 dollars upon arrival in the Gaza. The trans-national nature of fundamental Moslem terrorism in nthe region is a function of poverty, political displacement and the empowerment of weapons and explosives as well as a simultaneous ad hoc political movement based upon the quran.
The destabilizing changes of Middle Eastern governemnts is unlikely to soon settle down and transition into a more ecospherically beneficial human synergy politically. It is possible that the larger political chunk unit approach to goal objectives seeking support from meta-political financiers and weapons suppliers will continue awhile-especially if wealth is concentrated too much in that area.
Reading the book 'Inside Hamas' published in 2007 some of the operative nature of the political fundamentalism of the mufsidoon becomes evident. I recommend the book for reading for those wishing to learn the history of the Palestinian terror organization.
There are more than ten Palestinian organization that deny the right of Isreal to exist and wish to reclaim the entire area of former British Palestine for the Muslim world. Al Qa'eda too dabbled in terroristy operations in Israel via Palestine.
While the Sunni may regard the Shia as heretic blasphemers for their cult-like reverence of the hidden twelth Imam, the Shia of Iran and the Syrian Government have provided weapons and cash to Hamas and other Palestinian organization apparently. Smuggling routes in the first decade of the thrid millenium from Lebanon via boatings and Egypt via tunnels helped bring anti-tank weapons, anti-aircraft rockets, explosives, grenades, automatic weapons, pistols and other items to the Gaza and West Bank of the Jordan settlemtns.
Financing of the Palestinian entity arises from the entire Arab world that has many believers in an expansion of Islam to conquer the entire world. Though an obsolete point of view historically it still motivates the ignorant to first seek to drive Israel from the Middle East in order to bring the entire region into the Umma or dar all Islam and present a unified Moslem base for launching a crusade of invasion and conquest of Europe. Blasting Mogadishu is a simple way to express the jihadist opposition to all things that might be construed as useful targets.
'Inside Hammas' noted that weapons smuggling from Somalia to Palestinian let the value of an AK-47 purchased in Mogadishu rised from $200 to $2000 dollars upon arrival in the Gaza. The trans-national nature of fundamental Moslem terrorism in nthe region is a function of poverty, political displacement and the empowerment of weapons and explosives as well as a simultaneous ad hoc political movement based upon the quran.
The destabilizing changes of Middle Eastern governemnts is unlikely to soon settle down and transition into a more ecospherically beneficial human synergy politically. It is possible that the larger political chunk unit approach to goal objectives seeking support from meta-political financiers and weapons suppliers will continue awhile-especially if wealth is concentrated too much in that area.
German Chancellor Questions Jewsish Settlements in Jerusalem
German Chancelor Angela Merkell has made an opposite opinion on Israel's continuing establishment of settlements in East Jerusalem in with timing something like a Luftwaffe air assault coordinated with Mahmoud Abbas' effort at the U.N. to advance the Palestinian war upon the Jewish state through other means-a request that the U.N. draw the lines for a Palestinian State itself without Israeli consent.
Chancellor Merkel believes Israel may not be serious about the 'two-state solution'. That phrase does have a certain advertising zing to it as a kind of antacid pep-yet it isn't a real world guarantee of anything that would bring security to Israel at all as the Chancellor is probably aware.
Evidently the Chancellor of Germany, with a little insensitivity since Adolph Hitler once spoke from the same political post, believes that Israel isn't sincerely interested in a peaceful resolution of the state of conflict that has continued in various forms since 1948 when the modern state of Israel was created. Certainly surviving Nazis of that day would have supported a position the Mufti of Jerusalem would have liked too.
Germany is a fine state and good, intelligent people except when it comes to the Jews. That slippery slope seems to be attracted Chancellor Merkel into making dumb analytical comments as well-and there just ins't any bloody reason for her to speak out at all.
I have been reading a nice little book 'Inside Hamas' recently with interesting expositions of the history of that organization starting Intifadahs and so forth. Chancellor Merkel should have a clue that Hamas has not supported the existence of Israel and is simply asking the U.N. to accomplish additional recovery of territory for them that they cannot gain through war. The best policy for peace in the middle east so far as Israel goes is simply for Germany to offer unilateral support for Israel's effort to make reasonably secure permanent border positions in its homeland since the age of the Jebusites.
The Jewish state needs to have its boundaries securewd withyout the fundamental help of the Palestinians that have resolutely opposed the existence of Israel from the beginning. Germany should not offer more 'final solutions' politically in upgraded versions to the friction between Abraham's two sons. Chancellor Merkel shouold drop her political posturing and step back from the of Abbass' perfidy that would just poisition the next generation of _Palestinian terrorists version 3.1 take over the war from advanced borders.
The Palestinian-Israeli conflict can be solved when the violence just withers away and time passes wherein the two peoples live together peacefully and profitably. It cannot be solved through Germany's wear of words upon the Jewsish state. The two-state solution is not a magic waffle of peace that with enough syrup rhetoric will become nutritionally scrumptious. The basic ingrediants of the breakfast of a new political beginning requires from-scratch ingrediants-the Palestinians must work directly with the Jews on that without suicide bombings of the kitchen etc.
Chancellor Merkel believes Israel may not be serious about the 'two-state solution'. That phrase does have a certain advertising zing to it as a kind of antacid pep-yet it isn't a real world guarantee of anything that would bring security to Israel at all as the Chancellor is probably aware.
Evidently the Chancellor of Germany, with a little insensitivity since Adolph Hitler once spoke from the same political post, believes that Israel isn't sincerely interested in a peaceful resolution of the state of conflict that has continued in various forms since 1948 when the modern state of Israel was created. Certainly surviving Nazis of that day would have supported a position the Mufti of Jerusalem would have liked too.
Germany is a fine state and good, intelligent people except when it comes to the Jews. That slippery slope seems to be attracted Chancellor Merkel into making dumb analytical comments as well-and there just ins't any bloody reason for her to speak out at all.
I have been reading a nice little book 'Inside Hamas' recently with interesting expositions of the history of that organization starting Intifadahs and so forth. Chancellor Merkel should have a clue that Hamas has not supported the existence of Israel and is simply asking the U.N. to accomplish additional recovery of territory for them that they cannot gain through war. The best policy for peace in the middle east so far as Israel goes is simply for Germany to offer unilateral support for Israel's effort to make reasonably secure permanent border positions in its homeland since the age of the Jebusites.
The Jewish state needs to have its boundaries securewd withyout the fundamental help of the Palestinians that have resolutely opposed the existence of Israel from the beginning. Germany should not offer more 'final solutions' politically in upgraded versions to the friction between Abraham's two sons. Chancellor Merkel shouold drop her political posturing and step back from the of Abbass' perfidy that would just poisition the next generation of _Palestinian terrorists version 3.1 take over the war from advanced borders.
The Palestinian-Israeli conflict can be solved when the violence just withers away and time passes wherein the two peoples live together peacefully and profitably. It cannot be solved through Germany's wear of words upon the Jewsish state. The two-state solution is not a magic waffle of peace that with enough syrup rhetoric will become nutritionally scrumptious. The basic ingrediants of the breakfast of a new political beginning requires from-scratch ingrediants-the Palestinians must work directly with the Jews on that without suicide bombings of the kitchen etc.
Mitt Romney Passes Up Stumbling Rick Perry in Presidential Race
Texas Governor Rick Perry entered the Republican presidential primary contest at the top being delivered to the summit of the polls above the other candidates who labored up the mountain trekking on emerging with the heavy load of obscurity amongst the precipices of no public support. Rick Perry was air-lifted from the Bush School for Lemon Presidents in Texas trained with special interest appeals that provided little acclamitization to the harsh weather conditions and ran downhill since in search of a warm place to regroup and recover.
Fox News has made a poll on the presidential primary race that has the energetic and intelligent former Massachusets Governor Mitt Romney surging ahead to move toward the summit passing former Bush II Lt. Governor Rick Perry on his way down. He has falleen six points behind Mitt, and Herman Cain is also closing the distance to pass Rick Perry.
Rick Perry will not be abandoned on his out of control descent of the mountain. His fellow climbers will send word to the rescuers at the base to search and rescue the unprepaired candidate and make him ready to serve in some distant yet challenging outpost in the new Republican administration in 2014 perhaps as Ambassador to Saudi Arabia.
Fox News has made a poll on the presidential primary race that has the energetic and intelligent former Massachusets Governor Mitt Romney surging ahead to move toward the summit passing former Bush II Lt. Governor Rick Perry on his way down. He has falleen six points behind Mitt, and Herman Cain is also closing the distance to pass Rick Perry.
Rick Perry will not be abandoned on his out of control descent of the mountain. His fellow climbers will send word to the rescuers at the base to search and rescue the unprepaired candidate and make him ready to serve in some distant yet challenging outpost in the new Republican administration in 2014 perhaps as Ambassador to Saudi Arabia.
The Wasilla Alaska Moose Story
Yesterday was the first morning of seasonal frost. It was gone today, like the first snowfall on the top of the hills near Wasilla end of July that reappeared a month later. Local moose began their fall behavior in mid September. That too will disappear fading into the past soon enough, so I will write a few words on that subject today.
The tent I lived in became part of the landscape for the resident moose. They sought a refuge from the noise of the street traffic enjoying a sanctuary from distant wolves and bear as well. Woodlands within biking distance of the city still existed as refuges for a few, mostly female moose.
Wasilla was a good place to raise young moose twins. Female moose are not hunted and when no dogs or poachers are about are fairly safe. They browse on abundant grass, leaves and succulent spring and summer growth, rather territorially remaining in a given area. The young moose born in spring follow along as they gain weight before their first winter when eventually the available plants will be lower branches of deciduous trees and perhaps emergent bushes from the fall.
I believe I have read that moose have a brain about the size of a dog or cat much used for processing food in multiple stomachs. They have a certain curiosity about people and as deer are a bit too trusting, yet as short lived creatures they are somewhat naïve as well.
After a month or so of living near the center of the resident moose habitat and not presenting a threat the female moose and following young ones seemed to regard me as a curiosity. They went about their usually daily food smorgasbord keeping a respectable margin of distance.
The moose eventually seemed to enjoy grazing in the area near the tent. I got several good photos with a cell phone I will post someplace eventually. Yet then the rutting season arrived. It provided an opportunity to consider female moose behavior and that of the Bull Moose as well.
In the area of the city with settlements and homes scattered throughout the area forest, and with an abundance of roads and four wheeler ATV’s a bull moose’s rack (horns) is something of a ‘target notice’ in hunting season. There are far more female moose residing near Wasilla than male. That made me think about natural selection as well. Instead of larger, dominant Bull Moose procreating most, the moose would require smaller, stealthier, smarter Bull Moose able to hide like ninja from human hunters.
The female moose run the risk of becoming nun moose (no risk of Lesbianism) in these near city forests. Safe from hunters and natural predators they run only the risk of failure to get pregnant as Bull Moose are decimated and fail to reach the female sanctuaries near the cities. I was a little curious if any moose would make it through the gauntlet of hunters and poachers that shoot near cities with sub-sonic or muffled rifle loads near dark to have hours to process and remove the game before any potential investigation.
A smaller buck moose did eventually arrive in the forest. Its rack was not so large, and it fled at my approach. It was of course interested in the females of the forest one or two of which hung about my tent seeming to use me as a sort of de facto competition for the buck moose. Only when it overcame its fear of being near the tent where the females found their competition for the buck did the buck moose eventually score.
That was last Saturday night. Near dusk in the nearby forest the occasional groaning sounds as the buck tried to mount the almost larger female that broke off as the female ran off over the prior two or three days gave way to obvious female moose sex moaning. The sound remains me a little of a braying donkey.
The female was lucky to get any sort of buck to make it throw a wall of certain death. Even that survivor would be short-lived. Female moose may keep up the large size while the males are down-sized. Neither are moose terribly bright. The females want the large head-butting simple mindedness as an evolutionary survival characteristic for producing large, healthy offspring while today its the thoughts that count.
Yet even human beings experience similar evolutionary challenges like the moose. Female moosiness traits exist for human females too as the Robert Redford looking Shaquille O'Neal guy was regarded as a better prospect that a philosopher as small as Immanuel Kant.
In biological evolution the characteristics that produce the most offspring are reproduced. If intelligence for humans today recognizes that the human population doubling time has radically reduced between each doubling (requiring 200,000 years to reach the first billion, a hundred or so to reach the second and so on to wher we approach 8 billion) and that no population growth for the time being would be wise-than evolutionary characteristic has little chance of being reproduced. So one might dev elop a pessimistic outlook on the next doubling of human population to 16 billion people that could in as few as twenty or thrity years. Neither would these be the brightest people in the world-yet warlike, desirous of extended life spans and encouraged by politicians to increase consumption of natural resources.
So the female with two twins from the prior year having got impregnated for another year supported a downsizing of the males perhaps with the survival instinct of flight from humans. Maybe the moose are doomed with the global warming and arrival of more coyotes to Alaska, wild dogs and motorized human hunters-that’s hard to say. As the largest member of the deer species though they aren’t at all difficult to live with around humans in numbers if not too quickly added to stew meat.
Moose serve the vital function of clearing undergrowth in suburban park lands that it’s too easy to run one’s eye on in the dark. Without large wild mammals in the forest the places seem rather empty.
The tent I lived in became part of the landscape for the resident moose. They sought a refuge from the noise of the street traffic enjoying a sanctuary from distant wolves and bear as well. Woodlands within biking distance of the city still existed as refuges for a few, mostly female moose.
Wasilla was a good place to raise young moose twins. Female moose are not hunted and when no dogs or poachers are about are fairly safe. They browse on abundant grass, leaves and succulent spring and summer growth, rather territorially remaining in a given area. The young moose born in spring follow along as they gain weight before their first winter when eventually the available plants will be lower branches of deciduous trees and perhaps emergent bushes from the fall.
I believe I have read that moose have a brain about the size of a dog or cat much used for processing food in multiple stomachs. They have a certain curiosity about people and as deer are a bit too trusting, yet as short lived creatures they are somewhat naïve as well.
After a month or so of living near the center of the resident moose habitat and not presenting a threat the female moose and following young ones seemed to regard me as a curiosity. They went about their usually daily food smorgasbord keeping a respectable margin of distance.
The moose eventually seemed to enjoy grazing in the area near the tent. I got several good photos with a cell phone I will post someplace eventually. Yet then the rutting season arrived. It provided an opportunity to consider female moose behavior and that of the Bull Moose as well.
In the area of the city with settlements and homes scattered throughout the area forest, and with an abundance of roads and four wheeler ATV’s a bull moose’s rack (horns) is something of a ‘target notice’ in hunting season. There are far more female moose residing near Wasilla than male. That made me think about natural selection as well. Instead of larger, dominant Bull Moose procreating most, the moose would require smaller, stealthier, smarter Bull Moose able to hide like ninja from human hunters.
The female moose run the risk of becoming nun moose (no risk of Lesbianism) in these near city forests. Safe from hunters and natural predators they run only the risk of failure to get pregnant as Bull Moose are decimated and fail to reach the female sanctuaries near the cities. I was a little curious if any moose would make it through the gauntlet of hunters and poachers that shoot near cities with sub-sonic or muffled rifle loads near dark to have hours to process and remove the game before any potential investigation.
A smaller buck moose did eventually arrive in the forest. Its rack was not so large, and it fled at my approach. It was of course interested in the females of the forest one or two of which hung about my tent seeming to use me as a sort of de facto competition for the buck moose. Only when it overcame its fear of being near the tent where the females found their competition for the buck did the buck moose eventually score.
That was last Saturday night. Near dusk in the nearby forest the occasional groaning sounds as the buck tried to mount the almost larger female that broke off as the female ran off over the prior two or three days gave way to obvious female moose sex moaning. The sound remains me a little of a braying donkey.
The female was lucky to get any sort of buck to make it throw a wall of certain death. Even that survivor would be short-lived. Female moose may keep up the large size while the males are down-sized. Neither are moose terribly bright. The females want the large head-butting simple mindedness as an evolutionary survival characteristic for producing large, healthy offspring while today its the thoughts that count.
Yet even human beings experience similar evolutionary challenges like the moose. Female moosiness traits exist for human females too as the Robert Redford looking Shaquille O'Neal guy was regarded as a better prospect that a philosopher as small as Immanuel Kant.
In biological evolution the characteristics that produce the most offspring are reproduced. If intelligence for humans today recognizes that the human population doubling time has radically reduced between each doubling (requiring 200,000 years to reach the first billion, a hundred or so to reach the second and so on to wher we approach 8 billion) and that no population growth for the time being would be wise-than evolutionary characteristic has little chance of being reproduced. So one might dev elop a pessimistic outlook on the next doubling of human population to 16 billion people that could in as few as twenty or thrity years. Neither would these be the brightest people in the world-yet warlike, desirous of extended life spans and encouraged by politicians to increase consumption of natural resources.
So the female with two twins from the prior year having got impregnated for another year supported a downsizing of the males perhaps with the survival instinct of flight from humans. Maybe the moose are doomed with the global warming and arrival of more coyotes to Alaska, wild dogs and motorized human hunters-that’s hard to say. As the largest member of the deer species though they aren’t at all difficult to live with around humans in numbers if not too quickly added to stew meat.
Moose serve the vital function of clearing undergrowth in suburban park lands that it’s too easy to run one’s eye on in the dark. Without large wild mammals in the forest the places seem rather empty.
Expansion of Universe Accelleration an Illusion?
The 1998 discovery based on the rate of recession of distant quasars and/or supernova that the Universe may have begun accellerating its expansion about 5 billion years ago is generally accepted by physicists-at least until this recent theory by Christos Tsagas.
The article is quite informative. After Allan Guth developed the inflation theory of universal expansion the idea that space had not only originated in a Lamaitre like big bang but also had an expansion allowed an updated sketching in of the overall shape and rate of change of space-time.
The universe at 10 to the minus 43 second of its history was hot and dense in the theory, then at 10 to the minus 35th second it hyper-inflated faster than the speed of light. Neither light or gravity actually existed then, and so the universe expanded in a small fraction of a second to the size of a grapefruit (probably a Florida rather than a California grapefruit) and slowed to resume its normal sub-lght speed expansion for billions of years.
What was thought to drive the first inflation was a phase change to a lower more stable energy level of vacuum energy. That consolidation through off radiation and maybe space increased simultaneously. That vacuum energy is what remains in the universe today possibly as the cosmological constant or Lambda that was thought to be expanding it again towards dissipation. Now it is conjectured the apparent expansion of the universe could be just an illusion made because different regions of space may have different relative velocities or shapes in comparison to other regions of the universe.
If the cosmological constant is not real, and if the universe is not increasing its rate of expansion but is instead sort of just hanging on the critical edge between expanind and collapsing toward a big crunch, then some of these other theories about inflation may lose some coinciding support.
I am not sure that it matters too much right now expecpt perhaps to professisonal physicists since several basic ideas about space, mass and energy are also rather unknown. Most of the physical theories describing mass and energy really haven't a good definition of what space is for itself. Quantum mechanics seems to be more a description of the phenomenal appearance of the observed behavior of sub-atomic particles rather than a philosophy of what the nature of the quantum reality is in-itself.
Hopefully theorists will wrap up these interesting questions and produce solid answers before time runs out in the Universe or in the chaotic inflationary cascade of universes that may or may not have arisen from the inexplicable donation of a vacuum energy with a preferred direction.
The article is quite informative. After Allan Guth developed the inflation theory of universal expansion the idea that space had not only originated in a Lamaitre like big bang but also had an expansion allowed an updated sketching in of the overall shape and rate of change of space-time.
The universe at 10 to the minus 43 second of its history was hot and dense in the theory, then at 10 to the minus 35th second it hyper-inflated faster than the speed of light. Neither light or gravity actually existed then, and so the universe expanded in a small fraction of a second to the size of a grapefruit (probably a Florida rather than a California grapefruit) and slowed to resume its normal sub-lght speed expansion for billions of years.
What was thought to drive the first inflation was a phase change to a lower more stable energy level of vacuum energy. That consolidation through off radiation and maybe space increased simultaneously. That vacuum energy is what remains in the universe today possibly as the cosmological constant or Lambda that was thought to be expanding it again towards dissipation. Now it is conjectured the apparent expansion of the universe could be just an illusion made because different regions of space may have different relative velocities or shapes in comparison to other regions of the universe.
If the cosmological constant is not real, and if the universe is not increasing its rate of expansion but is instead sort of just hanging on the critical edge between expanind and collapsing toward a big crunch, then some of these other theories about inflation may lose some coinciding support.
I am not sure that it matters too much right now expecpt perhaps to professisonal physicists since several basic ideas about space, mass and energy are also rather unknown. Most of the physical theories describing mass and energy really haven't a good definition of what space is for itself. Quantum mechanics seems to be more a description of the phenomenal appearance of the observed behavior of sub-atomic particles rather than a philosophy of what the nature of the quantum reality is in-itself.
Hopefully theorists will wrap up these interesting questions and produce solid answers before time runs out in the Universe or in the chaotic inflationary cascade of universes that may or may not have arisen from the inexplicable donation of a vacuum energy with a preferred direction.
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