
G.R. (General Theory of Relativity) and Simpler Examples of Space-time

Albert Einstein's theory of General Relativity is a little bit complex for most of us. There are famously sixteen equations that can be interpreted in a variety of ways in modern cosmological models, and us non-mathematicians want to learn the basics of space curvature and time dilation that happens in relation to mass.
The more mass is present the more space is curved. The sun has a lot of mass and much space curvature. Gravity is regarded in the paradigm as curving space, while all mass attracts other mass as if it had only a positive charge attracted to positive, and that mass curves space in proportion to its amount of mass.
I was reading a book called 'Faster Than Light' about the variable speed of light theory, and the author mentioned that Einstein's special theory of relativity was made with the paradigm that space is empty and did not account for the effect of curved space upon light or mass travelling through it. He needed to improve the theory and make it a General Theory of Relativity that would in one fell swoop surpass Newton's theory of gravitation.
I found a nice little book named 'One to Nine' published in 2007-2008 by Andrew Hodeges that covers a lot of ground about each number and some of its deeper, even philosophical significance. So one reaches the number four and finds a mathematical phrase that provides a really simply idea for understanding basic parameters of G.R.
A three-dimensional space-imagine a Cartesian coordinate x,y grid with another line penetrating through it like an arrow to make three dimensions (the flat grid like a computer screen is two dimensions) can be used to draw a sphere upon. With another dimensions of time allowing the sphere to expand or contract one has the number four that is usefully presented in the expression  T2  -  x2  - y2  -z2.
Wikipedia has an useful article on Algebra. Describing many dimensions mathematically is something that is apparently a project with a major investment of time, yet of course math is purely abstract at heart. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algebra
I was wondering about some of the discussion on the topic of time in the context of the special theory, yet maybe one must use the general theory to describe the relationship of time to experience subjectively.
There are innumerable illustrative examples of the special theory, yet it is G.R. with the contraction of time with speed letting one travelling near the speed of light experience time passing much slower than for those stationary on a planet (its really impossible though because as mass approaches relativistic speed it increases its relative mass infinitely and that requires an infinite amount of energy to accelerate it closer to light speed.
With the cosmic microwave background radiation and measurement of personal time from qualitative analysis of the elapse of time since the 300,000 years from Time = 0 in the history of the Universe when light first escaped from a super-hot plasma cloud in theory) anyone in the Universe should be able to tell what their time is objectively in the history of this Universe even with relativity.
It is amazing that mass itself and ties into space somehow 'curving' it perhaps by association with particular small dimensions in it, yet space is increasing in size outside concentrations of mass as if the dimensions of space were expanding along a time dimensions and unaffected by gravity enough to localize at any given clump of mass through space curvature.
Space is observed to be nearly 'flat' by astrophysicists I believe, and the intense curvature of space around mass especially about neutron stars and black holes is an anomalous or minority phenomenon in the context of space. It is a little challenging to think of dimensions expanding without mass, as if they should have any size or substance to increase. It is almost easier to imagine all of mass contracting in the Universe and space remaining the same size, yet of course that probably isn't so.
Hodges does provide Minkowsky's equation for the separation of two events in time (0,0,0,0) and (t,x,y,z). he is using complex numbers in the example (the book is easy to read for non-mathematicians and self-explanatory). An easy version Hodges provides where the speed of light is represented by 'c' and the value is one is:is c2t2  -  x2  - y2  -z2...
That makes everything clear.


Normal Trade Relations Needed With Moscow?

China was given permanent normal trade relationship status by the Congress in the year 2000. In 2001 people in Beijing cheered at news of the attacks by Al Qa'eda on Washington D.C. Russia alternatively worked to defend against the Moslem terror agenda. Russia has been denied permanent normal trade relationship status by the Congress since the end of the cold war as if its leadership was more conservative than that of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party that rules over the modest business liberalization in that nation. That paradox seems consistent with the faulty reasoning of Congress on economic matters since the end of the Tip O'Neil era.
The president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has written an article in support of granting PNTR status for Russia. That nation already pays for 11 billion dollars of U.S. exports and services annually (well, in 2011 at least), and the prospects for more business could increase substantially if a normal trade relationship status is effected.

Hope for the Lost

If in life one lives in opposition to the teachings of a church, the transition to death is unlikely to improve one's relationship to that organization. The catholic basic training webpage below provides some idea about problems of homosexuality.

It is a tragedy when the unsaved are given incorrect moral instruction and are lost for eternity. It would be unthinkably wrong for the Church to provide false signs that seem to approve sin and condemned behavior to the living. Some of the living may still have a chance for salvation and eternal life with God after recognizing their sinful nature and changing that with faith in Jesus Christ for their atonement.



V.P. Joe Biden Attacks Mitt Romney for B. Obama

Vice President Joe (Bite Me) Biden has attacked Mitt Romney for Bain capital's closure of an American state of the art steel mill made in 1888 after Mitt Romney left the firm. What isn't said about former Gov. Romney is that his fighting skill at economic trimming the fat and winning for shareholders is not such a bad thing if he is on your team. Team U.S.A. could use a fat-trimming conditioning coach to tighten up American production, bureaucratic bloating and improve conditioning in order that Americans can better compete against the Chinese Communist economic directive intelligentsia to whom so many American job have been lost while the U.S. national debt has been deepening.

F-22 Crashes Mystery Revs Up Investigations

Why do F-22 pilots lose consciousness and let their planes crash and burn? The air superiority fighters are designed to survive opposition force aircraft attacks and surface to air missiles yet they cannot overcome themselves. This is a problem the Yoda of the Air Force should be investigating.
image credit U.S. Air Force
The present cost of the Lockheed-Martin F-22 is more than 400 million dollars per aircraft. The Air Force has committed to buy about 183 of the swift, stealthy birds at more than 7 billion bucks. One hopes the pilots can get enough oxygen to stay alive at that price, perhaps with an open window?
Lockheed-martin should throw in some sort of fail-safe auto pilot detection system for unconscious pilots that would put the plane on auto pilot, eject the pilot from the aircraft safely to parachute to the ground or provide an electric jolt of awakening. If the very expensive yet neat F-22 is to have much use before retiring to the aircraft museums with the Space shuttle the mysterious cost-overruns and loss of life associated with the aircraft ought to be flanked a little with pilot safety monitors even while more exotic causes for the crashes like the one in the Alaska range last summer that got a search going to find the lost (and dead) pilot are investigated.
Maybe U.F.O.s are zapping the planes to demonstrate air superiority, hidden microwave directed particle beams are trashing pilot intelligence or the pilots are texting and lose track of where the ground is. The Osprey team designers could be free to help out solving the mystery.


Democrat Party Opportunity for Relevance is Swiftly Fading Away

President Obama led the Democrat Party in December 2010 to approve an extension of the Bush II era tax cuts. the President was the Republican's meaningful stooge and overcame the strong resistance of Congressman Sanders.
The Democrat Party turned toward la la land and the gay agenda for the balance of the term accomplishing nothing.  Senator Feinstein would like the nation to pay for shelters for abused homosexuals  as if regular general populace shelters aren't good enough for gay men. When gay men use up their time at the shelters they can just enlist in the military I guess since the President has provided for that.
The Democrat Party may be effectively dead or moribund without any concept of tax increases on the rich and middle class as necessity rather than luxury, and neither do they have a clue that they need to actually cut federal spending 20% as well. Additionally they should increase the effectiveness of remaining federal spending by 20% through reform, means tests and so forth.
The President is once again leading the Democrats through a meaningless maze of tax and spending obfuscatory talking and failing to build support for letting the Obama-Bush tax cuts expire as he should. From a position of strength the Democrats can negotiate small tax cuts with Republicans to lever in federal  spending reform legislation as well as regulating Wall Street financial promiscuity.
Yet the President seems content to transform the nation into the greatest debtor nation in then world and give up an Afghanistan to the roulette wheel of Taliban terrorist bombing ahead with some 20,000 remaining troops for the next administration to consider defense postures with. The President evidently has no idea about how to create stable, permanent confederate states in Afghanistan that would secure political boundaries for the members of the former Northern Alliance and Shiite minorities.
The President's final opportunity to reform U.S. economy even a little is swiftly fading away as his policy of just adding a few more trillion here and there over the remainder of his administration if re-elected emerges for the failing silliness that it seems. The President should rightly fire Tim Geitner and get some real economic reformers in office while becoming a cheerleader for tax increase change-that was good enough for President Clinton when the nation had a balanced budget in the year 2000 for once.


Face Libre: More Lines of Computer Code

This is a note about a new format for search engine front pages, and perhaps for a new social media page appearance-a Face Libre’ perhaps.

The concept may have been already used-I haven’t taken a programming class in decades so this is jut an outline for an idea rather than lines of code. I was reading in a book called ‘Semiotics & The Philosophy of Language’ recently, and the idea of words as simply signs given meaning circumstantially made me think of code for a new web page appearance.

One expects new wage page improvements routinely, and I have seen the standard format with plain hypertext link and print-even with pictures moving in, for some years. With signs or symbols simply as numbers shaped around entry like doors it might be possible to design a near 3-d like expanding entry port with visual content surrounded with alternate pathways or different content. Logging on to that search engine would create more experience of a visual nature (or audio too if one desired) in addition to text.

The idea of recursion is simple enough to program with the appearance of depth perspective thrown in, yet all around the hallway of portions of views-made with signs that are abbreviated content appearances yielding to branching and recovery signed structures, would be that imagery of live alternative courses to take-not a game but an intentional way of perusing through the subjects of a very complex Library.

If it would not be the Library of Babel exactly-with far more abridgments of content, it would a logical structure simple to navigate. Maybe one could ask the program for directions to content areas if lost. The difference is that one would search for oneself and browse too by subject matter instead of asking Google or Lycos to retrieve data addresses.

President Obama; Homosexual Community Organizer Leading the New Dialectical Evolution in Politics

President Obama came out recently in support of homosexual ‘marriage’ bringing some to wonder if a homosexualized America is at the core of his economic policy. The President's community organizer job role training appears to be most concentrated upon transitioning the United States into a butch dominion of pervasive homosexual tendencies.

One might guess that if men were to move into more female roles in the workplace with a softer, effeminate, busy work lifestyle it might be better for dominitrixes in management. It might be possible to derationalze the national and social economic boundaries enough to make the new normal a perverse sadistic-masochistic domination of the economy by concentrated wealth with the electorate unconcerned about public debt, personal economic security and practical loss of the freedom to make opposing political expression.
 Since the Clinton administration made fellatio (derived from the word fellaton not inflaton) the new normal for democratic leaders, the evolution of dialectic to replace the lost Marxist dialectic has drifted to settle upon the narrow shoulders of the Democratic Party in a gay alliance evolving toward national homocracy. President Obama received a blobel prize even before executing his first hundred terrorists with Predator drone shots so the weight of the fellaton has decended upon his shoulders such that he finally came out not satisfied with ending don't ask, don't tell.
 Like the historical Marxist dialectical battle with capitalism, the homoerotic dialectic wages pragmatic war upon the boundaries of non-coopted antipathetic personal civil liberties and concatenated rational expressions of non-conformist weltanshauung in the public spaces. In an era where work and self-directed private enterprise are in decline in light of networking and collectivism, transcendence of traditional economic logic with homocractic bureau-corporatic transition funded with debt and exploitation of distal production sources is logical.

In Sodom and Gomorrah of yore-the United Kingdom of its day, the populace was out after dark partying and sexing impudent enough to accost angels visiting their city-principalities. Fully employed workers with good work ethics do not stay out all night perpetrating orgies in the public square sleeping in late the next day and stumbling through the afternoon with a hangover.
Like the vanished cities of Sodom and Gomorrah a homoerotic evolution toward a future U.S.A. of non-productive financial sector and bureaucratic core of perverts running on borrowed time appears to be the course of the new Marxist dialectic.
Americans had no interest in violating the civil liberties of homosexuals to create contracts binding themselves financially to one another even if in standardized form, yet the compulsory public education indoctrination in homocracy that has edged its way into public schools though federal pansification policy and charges of bullying of dissidents (e.g. Christians) concurrently with logically unsupported proliferation of the atheist doctrine that has simultaneously expropriated science and made it a tool for the religion of atheism makes the government a fundamental agent for the depravity of the social environment of the United States.
The official federal decadence of the Obama administration is not without economic consequences. Its destruction of family values with the obfuscation effects of homosexual marriages will eliminate the family over time from existence and leave a B.F. Skinnerian organic mass electorate in which philosophical thought is non-valued. Philosophical thought is the heart of human existence as more than an organic being equivalent to the amoeba and eukaryotic organisms of no significance.
Human thought is of value. Philosophical thought phenomenally transcends the mere organic phenomenalism that nihilistic atheists and Dakinsians determine the transmission and propagation of D.N.A. to be the only meaning. Semiotics-signs and the philosophy of language enabling expression of advanced concepts also lend support to advancing though structural concepts about God and His relationship to the data of beings He creates for whatever reason. Such philosophical though would never occur to atheists.
One wonders if the three generations of quarks comprising the color force binding nuclei together are a reflection of the three persons of God or comparable to the monads of Leibniz philosophically? One wonders how a nihilistic homocratic core of educators has taken over American schools to promote public perversion and mandatory dialectic confrontation with heterosexual normal marriage and free enterprise liberties?


Practical Meanings of Regulation & Deregulation in Governing

The parable of the Long Island's  taxi service within a free enterprise versus socialized or corporate environment is simple and illustrative for the challenges facing the U.S. Government and way of life of the people of the United States today.

On a Long Island the is a city with millions of people with a need for taxi service. There is enough work for maybe 20,000 taxis and drivers. How does one keep individual free enterprise best supported in that environment? The answer is obviously to limit the number of taxis or drivers in the employee of any individual to a percentage of the over all number of taxis.
Regulation can mean many things; it can have several different definitions and uses. Regulations may liberate as well as repress. That is the nature of governance; any large organization with power may govern or shape the social environment in fact if not in name.
On the long Island companies A, B and C have gained an advantage and capitalized concentrating their wealth and grow to own 99% of the taxis on the street putting their rivals out of business. Their need for competitive innovation declines. Capitalism has been corrupted and free enterprise opportunities extirpated. Companies A, B and C are bought by a predatory global bank and finally the local government passes laws in support of the taxi owning bank.
With regulation designed to keep local free enterprise normalized a regulation limiting the number of taxis anyone might own in the Long Island environment at 100 might have been passed to keep at least 200 independent taxis companies in existence. The competition to get more fares might have driven the innovation of electric cars with faster recharging batteries and better route plotting navigation systems through traffic with real time-information on road traffic flow conditions. That is not some form of socialism-the state owns nothing, it simply uses regulation to keep real free enterprise alive instead of a nominal free enterprise in the corporate state kicking back to politicians.
The Corporate state is advancing through networks and globalism to reduce the prospects for dissident, competitive free enterprise. Intelligent regulations designed to stop the concentration of wealth in an extreme minority through support for free enterprise would be useful for the defense of American economic opportunity, creativity, independence and national security.

N.A.S.A. Planetary Exploration Missions Budget Needs Support

N.A.S.A.’ s planetary mission’s budget has been savagely cut and it could be restored with intelligent political funding design. N.A.S.A. should be allowed to sell advertising space on its missions to Mars. If Coke, Pepsi, Google and M.S.N. could be brought into advertising competition perhaps a manned Mission to Mars could be made sooner rather than later.
Political parties also might want to be regarded as patrons of practical extra-terrestrial progress rather than as hedonist sticks-in-the-mud, incompetent economic management flunkies running perennial deficits with vast inefficient public spending on half-baked pork barrel projects, or unpatriotic kow-towers to Chinese communist party preferences to own the U.S. political landscape through D.C.'s economically servile politicians.
image credit: N.A.S.A.
Artist's concept depicts the moment that NASA's Curiosity rover touches down onto the Martian surface
Why shouldn't a manned scientific research colony on the moon be named like Sports Stadiums after corporate or individual sponsors bidding on naming rights? The Republican Mars Frontier Research Station might be built with political action committee donations, or the Obama-Oprah team could name the Martin Luther King Mars Shuttle-Orbiter for a quarter billion-barely a fraction of the President’s campaign slush fund endowment as it is
More modest goals would have the Mars Curiosity Rovers of the future have advertising painted on them like NASCAR racers driven on an oval track. More modest goals would have the Mars Curiosity Rovers of the future have advertising painted on them like NASCAR racers driven on an oval track. N.A.S.A. could set up an oval track on Mars for rovers to race around before going off to do useful work, and they could have sponsor's colors and stickers.

It might even be possible to establish an oval track racing circuit for electric cars in the U.S.A. to rival gas guzzlers that don't work without an atmosphere to burn up. N.A.S.A. could test some of it's electric vehicles for the Mars oval track in the electric circuit track pace car laps in Texas,  Alabama and Florida.
If funding space missions to other planets manned and unmanned is too costly for the federal government to pay for they should bring advertising sponsors on board to help get the U.S.space program out of its slump. U.S. national space leadership will fade away too soon with lackadaisical political support as the nation moves into a banana republic epoch watching the rest of the world pass it buy.

AI Hasn't Self-Awareness

AI has lots of information and no awareness. It has been trained to recognize language and meaning without any knowing. For those that wonde...