
Interpreting the Administration's Purge of Moral Values

Purging traditional moral values seem to be at the top of the administration's legacy to the nation when one hypothesizes that we have seen the elephant, or rather the donkey of administration policy already. There is a minimum seven salient points of policy comprising Obama moral value purging of pre-existing forms.

 1) Scrap traditional marriage and make gender irrelevant
 2) Have the Fed issue hundreds of billions or trillions of zero interest loans to the rich
 3) Create a vast corporatist-public health care national infrastructure trickling wealth upward and invading public privacy
 4) Raise the U.S. public debt to more than 20 trillion dollars
 5) Promote war in the Middle East without deployment of U.S. military forces. (To help France recover Syrian influence?)
6) Promote evolution theory and degrade belief in God
7) Degrade the homeland economic and ecological security value of U.S. citizenship, especially for the poor.

Interpreting the rationale for the administration's purge of traditional values isn't simple. Cynics might suggest the President simply seeks to lever votes for staying in power. Yet we believe there are deeper causes for the scrapping of moral values that reside in the Democrat Party antinomy to sin and preference for evolution theory in post-modern political thought.

The Internal Revenue Service was discovered to have harassed administration political opposition non-profit organizations during the 2012 election. The administration has rifled media files for 'leaks'. Big government may prefer big business and fail to understand free enterprise theory for individuals yet renormalizes post-modern kinder, gentler Stalinist evolution.

Evolution theory is non-judgmental in the social realm. The rise of moral relativism developed concurrent with evolution theory ingression in public education in the U.S.A. The residual product was the deconstruction of objective moral ideas in favor of the idea that no objective moral values are valid. That is a convenient truth for insider corruption, abandonment of moral values willy-nilly and decline of civil rights as objective and self-evident truths in support of democracy.

The administration has been a driving force for corrupting the meaning of marriage and abandonment of objective properties of civil rights. In the abandonment of objective values leading political elites have made class an organic phenomena. Behavior and political correctness identify friends and foes. Foes are marginalized and free speech finessed into extinction in the transformation to a non-democratic state.

So the Obama administration assault on traditional moral values has 'evolved'. Evolution meaning that no objective moral values or self-evident truths can be held to exist provides immoral justification for the administration's selective law enforcement and right not to defend law it finds objective rather than subjectively useful for its constituency.
The concept of monetarism has evolved too. Issuing zero-interest e-dollars from the Federal Reserve to large banks as loans implicitly disadvantages poor and middle-class entrepreneurs. All of that currency will exist in the world and become circulated internationally rendering the U.S. economy more vulnerable to foreign purchase and political power. Already nearly 25% of rental properties in the U.S.A. are owned by foreign concerns. The failure of moral economic values is an avalanche building up for the future. Many will be homeless.

Evolution in All Political Directions

Evolution in all directions is the trendy political fact. To evolve means political correctness points are generated regardless of it's meaning. Each minute facet of existence can evolve, and that must be good. Diamonds may not change too fast in their internal structure yet that is regarded as bad by a liberal media seeking perennial demographic increase. Change and evolution are synonyms today.

Change may be found in the book of Genesis with a stirring of the void. We may wonder if that was a gravitino in a Higgs field coalesced from a cloud of unknowing. For Christians the belief that the works of God are good is a given. For the rest of society the paradigm for evolution requires complete ambivalence in regard to good or evil; the construction of good as a consequence of change cannot be taken for granted. In fact the value judgments of good or bad have no meaning to evolution. That is a paradox for political partisans who necessarily seek after the good of their own special interests.

Society and civilization evolving to nowhere in particular within a political evolutionary criteria would be a slippery pig for politicians to promote. Evolution instead has a politically correct definition, if partisans were willing to define evolution, meaning to move toward definite political goals. Representing a higher state of evolution as a veritable Marxist-Hegelian evolution up the ladder of higher and better species growth, partisans are New Agers and political foes Neaderthalic humanities Luddites.

Evolution as a specialized philosophy of science is interesting and a valuable way to approach integrated material systems analysis. As a political term evolution may have Kantian antinomies supporting opposite political viewpoints equally well, simultaneously. Evolution toward Tea Party goals may be as valid as the evolution toward 18 trillion dollars of public debt supported by the Democratic left. Evolution as a political concept is infinite and unbound at all times. It is a pointillist presentation of infinite meanings and values in fractalized Universal political pictures. Like U.S. national political leadership political evolution is fundamentally meaningless, meaning all things to all people yet nothing at all.


The Universal Widget (science fiction)

The idea of a Universal widget-a fomentor of forms- is an idea I have found intriguing recently, so I have used in in a new science fiction story. At the foundation of mass an energy is form and shape. A widget is a form and shape connector itself-as are quantum particle-wave-strings and everything else. Widgets upon widgets...


Here is a quote from my first draft of The Universal Widget...

The library search engine distilled an historical scenario of the source of the Universal widget for us with a 90% probability of accuracy. Along with the remarkable images the hypertext was spoken,
In the last era before global ecosphere collapse the lost world Usgov tried to implement a planetary rationing of mass available for each citizen-subject to own. One ton for personal articles and two tons for a dwelling was the standard per capital limit. Efficiency reducing weight. Producing articles under the weight limit drove technological invention forward, yet the available resources were few and the plan unsuccessful at prevening ecosphere collapse though the method has been used subsequently on other planets with success. The key was to limit energy use and reward its renewable efficiency as well as materials. When the process is started too far in the cycle of ecosphere decline from demographic pressure it cannot save the lost. Standard mass and energy per citizen limit formula have been developed and used broadly across the galaxy to help keep thousands of ecospheres viable.
In the final era of Usgov a brilliant inventor named Terah Telamon, stimulated by the mass vs. utility ratio and implicit weight limits invented the Universal widget before the final collapse and reduction of citizenry to bovine status digesting the only common nutrient- grass. The Universal widget embodies connections and forms of all mass energy. All possible actualized forms from the quantum realm to the steady-state Universe are widgets-in-themselves. The Universe itself may be a form of widget.
In the final era of Usgov exospheric standard viability the development of equal economic opportunity for all citizens to increase energy efficiency and reduce mass consumption marriage was banned.
Marriage originally was developed to protect childbearing age women from exploitation. That was necessary when economic inequality and low values of individual civil rights protections left many vulnerable to extreme privations and victimization. By the final era on Usgov though, a perfected welfare state and reformed capitalism provided for the medical, food, housing and transport needs of everyone adequately while providing public capital to all inventors and developers that could increase performance to mass ratios and energy production to entropy increase ratio. There were far fewer inventors and producers making claims on public capital in that criterion, and their demands were easily and urgently met.
Men and women in the final era as free, secure citizens ordinarily went naked when together in private, as did homosexuals.  Sex was not coerced or terribly significant as few women opted for childbearing. Those that did were not forbidden. Marriage was no longer an economic necessity with normal reproductive prophylaxis and social economic security. Single citizens were the standard and to comply with Christian criteria many couples choose to live lives sexually limited to one another. With strong individual rights there was simply no pressure about sexual relations. Terah Telamon was thus single without a known permanent informal coupling partner. He had ample free time to develop the first Universal widget that was to change the fate of Universe 1.
"Patrick, the people of late era Usgov weren't so unlike us socially. We fit together somewhat like those singles. Yet I wonder about the Universal widget."
The search engine resumed speaking on the Universal widget...
Tephra Telamon in some way created a focal point for actualizing quantum uncertainty from the non-solid state Universe 1. Any possible combinatory structure in quantum mechanical configuration actualized briefly in the universal widget as a particular form. With its quantum computing data bank it realized every known existing invention and synthesized every possible recombination of those inventions in hyper-synthesis. All possible worldlines of super-positioned quantum particles flowed through the Universal widget nexus simultaneously as it phenomenalized extemporally outside the confining limits of the Higgs field.
What happened to the Universal widget our library search engine friend? 


Russian Truckers Motor Across Arctic Icepack to Canada

Driving a pair of trucks over the Arctic ice-pack over 70 days, a few Russians proved the obvious; the world is getting smaller all the time. Leaving Severnaya Zemlya-a large island north of Siberia, the can-do Russians reached Canada's Resolute Bay and plan to drive to the left coast and return via the Bering Strait to Russia.

If electro-magnetic mass-drivers were made to launch pre-fabbed space modules several times a month to orbit-perhaps with small rocket boosters Mars might eventually become another, modern can-do practicality.


Writing, Videos etc.

Last Friday I completed a 32-day trip rowing an inflatable boat from Wrangell to Juneau. Well, I got past Taku Harbor about to Circle Point and then got a ride in a sailboat. I was glad to get to town, yet the rural areas of S.E. are quite worth spending much time in.

An eight foot inflatable boat may be one of the slowest vessels for rowing one might choose. I got lots of photos and made a couple of videos.



It was also possible to get some work done on a science fiction book. I believe I'll read a little as an excerpt for a video I may post in a day or two. The book hasn't a firm title presently and will need much editing and so forth.

http://www.gather.com/garycgibson is a place where I will post some photos when that web page is functioning again. I have no idea what happened, gather.com seems to have some substantial ongoing programming issues.


What Was Tamberlane Tsarnaev's Motivation?

I haven't read about the motive of the late Tamberlane Tsarnaev. I would guess that after going to the trouble to become an American and win the Massachusetts state Golden Gloves championship in his weight class that he was dismayed by that state's movement to homosexual marriage. Thus he choose to make the sole dissent he could think of that would be effective.

It's tragic that the lie of homosexual marriage is driving another wedge in to the electorate. Two different substances joined to make a new substance different from either of the initial substances is a marriage. Joining together two piles of the same stuff does no more than make twice the mass of the same stuff. 

It's true that Muslims rightly disapprove of homosexual marriage, yet Tsarnaev became a Muslim after Massachusetts became more politically untruthful on the issue. His Muslimization was a reaction rather than a cause apparently. At least that's how it seems.

Did you know that Christopher Marlowe wrote a play named 'Tamberlane the Great' about 1605?


The Evolution of Immorality With Same-Sex Marriage and High Unemployment Rate

The development of corrupting same-sex marriage unions in the United States may be a function of the necessary corrupt conditions for the rise of the anti-Christ in a corrupt nation. Who can say what a decadent nation as powerful as the United States is might transform itself in to? Something like 30% of the workforce is in financial related services. When the federal reserve prints new money at an 89 billion per month rate at zero interest to give to banks so Wall Street can have record profits much of that money circulates through the financial related services people one might guess, and more might be invested abroad wherever prospects for profit look best, and the globalized U.S. business situation continues to be a bucket full of holes that leaks all over the world making it very difficult to reach one or two percent unemployment with good paying, ecologically rational jobs.

Evolution as a political and media predicate for opinion messages and synonym for change is one of the most over-used and wrongly contexted concepts today. Evolution does not imply good. Evil evolves too. National destruction can evolve. Evolution used to mean change means that anything that changes has evolved. The implications of that conceptually are remarkable and rather silly.

As a scientific theory evolution is o.k. As a political and media codeword it is blatant idiocy. Nuclear war evolves too as does biological war and nihilism. In fact the entire Universe is believed to be evolving toward an apocalypse or a cold death, big rip or whatever doom the clever prefer.

Heisenberg's uncertainty principal applied to the problem of measuring quantum particles and speeds instead of the particle-waves themselves. The steady-state Universe may be a decoherence of quantum super-positioning entangling particles in extra dimensions or not, yet the steady-state Universe is pre-determined and without chance. It develops logically toward its destiny replete with fundamentally forces of nature. The uncertainty is more in the lack of omniscience human beings have, and that God has plenty of rather than in the Universe for-itself, or in and infinite number of Universes if such exists.

Chance doesn't exist in nature. Chance is a human idea instead of something existing in nature. That point of view is somewhat empiricist, yet that is the nature of language and incompleteness of human understanding of all of the physics of the cosmos. Evolution as a political excuse or motive for enacting corrupt policies is a transparent and wrong belief. The Nazi's might have exploited evolution as leading to a superior race if they had the need to be politically correct. One of the fundamental paradoxes about the wrong application of evolution is that it tends to regard human intellect as meaningless. Irrational political though negating reason leads to the development of corruption and decay. Decay has evolved before, somewhat cyclically in civilizations.

Many Americans get paid for producing nothing material at all, yet it is material goods that people fundamentally require for life as well as material facts of living well. Not only is the national infrastructure in decay America's political decay is evident as well. Political leadership does require wisdom enough of economic and social reality to actively intervene in national economic affairs when necessary for the well being of the nation.

Though the corporate world and corrupt elites inclusive, evidently of the Harvard/government insider clique seem to support same-sex marriage, that irrational concept is something of a diversionary political project for undermining the remnant of traditional U.S. social structure. Marriage means to join two different substances together to create a new substance. Same sexes obviously cannot marry, yet the delusional fiction of a corrupt political and economic milieu supposes that anything is possible and nothing meaningful.

 The philosophical foundation for that may be a derivative of evolution theory fused with moral relativism and post-modern neo-phenomenalism. In such a detached view nothing need be real, simply utilitarian and subjectivism is an epistemological point to the extent of solipsism.

While lies are false data, false data isn't necessarily a lie if given unto others. Lies cannot harm those that know the truth, and ignorance is the vulnerable state that gives credibility to lies. Within the post-modern Wall Street replete with dark pools of super-computer trading transactions, and with so many in financial services lies from government and media about the political state of affairs become habitual. In such an environment corruption rises to the advantage of those able to concentrate wealth to the disadvantage of the poor for whom the government will do nothing real to better their lot in life, or be of help in letting them get one to build a Tetra dome and grow a garden. The media ad government cooks the books annually on national unemployment figures not counting or reporting on those discouraged from finding a job that stop looking for a while because of the futility. The real unemployed and underemployed rate for the U.S.A. is more like 20% instead of the mythical 7.7% rate.

 Far too many Americans have low paying jobs and the expectation that citizens should pay for job training themselves at costly schools for jobs that may not exist after graduation is unreasonable. Citizens become lifetime job training students with debt, never actually finding a good job. Immanuel Kant wrote an essay on people enslaved in perennial tutelage unable to free themselves.

The homosexual war on marriage and American social structure is another element of a degraded and irrational political-economic environment n the United States. The movement for homosexual marriage is another example of the public lie preferred by American elites.

America needs a good economic leader able to comprehend and innovate ecospheric economics and ways to reform capitalism into smaller and more manageable structures rather than large corporate collective entities with no global boundaries. That would not require an anachronistic neo-isolationism politically, and that is rather impossible anyway with personal global communications ubiquitous in the developed world at least, however national political control and direction of enterprises through government incentives, guidelines and politics toward adaptation to the ecospheric facts of reality are necessary in the shot term rather than the long-term. The U.S. economy today is already somewhat dysfunctional for a variety of reasons and also displays several aspects of the Toynbean cycle of the decline of civilization that are frustrating to watch: the United State seems doomed to make the same avoidable errors that other societies have made that brought about there own downfall.

Homosexual immorality concatenated as a political movement is a corrupter of politics. So is the inability to change from an ossified economic infrastructure such as automobiles and highways. The latter system more than a century old works to national economic and ecospheric insult.

 New forms of transportation are possible and desirable yet the existing investment in actual technology precludes political and economic change to anything new. Meanwhile the ecosphere, atmosphere and ocean are in declining health for supporting human and wild forms of life.

 God is a perfect being. He is omnipotent and able to create an infinite quantity of Universes and more. Human beings are very small things not unlike animals yet able to think and reason. To praise God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is good and heard by God. It is an intelligent, cognizant emanation from any human being setting them apart from animal life. While evolution may occur, it occurs within a space-time continuum that is set within the mind-plans of God who foreknows all things temporal and surpasses those contingent, temporal things. While the world may disappear into the shadows of the future with all lives as well the spirit remains created to exist forever.

 One may praise God forever or descend into the worst slums of eternal existence without belief in God.

 Social depravity matters, as does environmental depravity. The too-big-to fail banks and Harvard government insiders may be mirthful with all-time Dow highs yet the Obama administration clock for the second term is running with many critical issues existing for the nation and environment not substantively addressed.

 Once ancient Israel had a problem with bad leadership and God corrected that. The prophet Ezekiel explained that in chapter 11. The fleshpot caldron approach of urban immoral leadership could be taken today to describe some aspects of American cultural.

Chapter 11:19 "And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them an heart of flesh."

20 "That they may walk in my statutes, and keep mine ordinances, and do them: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God."

21"But as for them whose heart walketh after the heart of their detestable things and their abominations, I will recompense their way upon their own heads, saith the Lord God."

 Americans today should despair the wicked immorality of the homosexual marriage lie foisted by elite leadership with a Bolshevik-quality minority movement in more than 18 states. The Wall Street financial perfidy and revolving door government seem to enjoy the immorality of the homosexual marriage phenomena perhaps as it might screen attention from their own distraction of America from real economic reform.

Time is bordered by shadows of uncertainty in all directions while life is brief and not given enough to cooperation, intelligence and the ideal of creating full-employment at a good standard of living with a recovering ecosphere that preserves and restores life. There are many ways for life to disappear today with thousand of pollutants in the ocean, fish finders, unlimited human saturation of wilderness areas crowding them out with development and of course irrational political leadership stimulating irrational responses to social power and social corruption.

 The late Boston bomber was probably a dissident of homosexual marriage in Massachusetts. Tamerlan Tsarnaev  was a naturalized citizen and Golden Gloves state boxing champion before the change to establish the lie of homosexual marriage. What political remedies did  Tsarnaev  have after investing his life in a state with a rotten morality plank he did not foresee one wonders.

 In Cambridge they decided not to allow Tsarnaev  burial-it seems only the politically correct can be buried in Boston.so the posthumously denaturalized Bostonian was buried in Virgina because Russia or Kazakhstan where from he emigrated at age 11 to become an exemplary U.S. citizen until the Boston marathon blasts cost too much.

 U.S. political leaders disinterested in developing ecospheric economics and have little understanding of it. Neither are they competent philosophers of capitalism in failing to understand its malleability of form- democracy can restructure capitalism to serve public interest. Instead the elites worship its unregulated and undirected form thereby avoiding the need for critical thought and political action to implement ecological economic policy along with a downsizing of corporation size in employee numbers putting a limit at perhaps 20,000 workers to encourage competition and new business start ups. A limit on the number of corporations any citizen may invest in at three is also a good idea. Challenging to bring into reality yet beneficial if brought into actuality. In the meanwhile corporations should be given tax credits for hiring those out of work the most time on a proportional basis in the time of the job seeker unemployment. Such a policy would get a job to those most in need of one that have had difficulty getting hired.

Government should be of minimal size capable of providing quality and necessary public service. It should continually seem to improve its performance and get jobs for the unemployed. It should hire more economic philosophers able to comprehend value theory (axiology) to research and recommend ways to improve the quality of public and individual life in the U.S.A.

 Government should direct free enterprise in capitalism toward goals that serve the interests of national democracy and ecospheric integrity while preserving and defending the rights of individuals to live without coercion. These are not too-difficult tasks. F.D.R. was able to articulate visions of reform and implement may during a time of national economic crisis. Such leadership is requisite for the emergence of a new economy in the United States again. It is rare to elect a leader able to entertain such reforming ideas and be able to implement them. F.D.R. and Ronald Reagan's policies that serve as models should be that of innovators that reacted to particular economic challenges instead of being inappropriately and untimely duplicated. It is new ideas that would reform and lead free enterprise to a restored and new vitality that creates full employment and that provide most of the benefits that government provides today. Homosexual marriage is a lie, and a crass political step in the doom direction.

That direction leads unto corrupt life, slavery of the rights of men and eternal death. Boston and Washington D.C. elites are tolerant of free speech until it effectively dissents with corrupt corporate and government goals. They have the irrationalism of godless atheism on their side. Evolution into historical political and economic national wickedness appears to be good enough for them.


Gravitational Lensing Spotted By N.A.S.A. Kepler Space Telescope

N.A.S.A.'s Kepler space telescopes recording the imaging of gravitational lensing of a white dwarf star system as reported in an article at physics.org. Gravity is quite interesting for its profound effects upon all life as well as because of its macroscopic observable field. Additionally gravitons or whatever other forces makes gravity a purely attractive power have not been discovered.
If gravitons exist they are believed to be very small-even near the Planck length. They may be tinier even than quarks or photons, travel at the speed of light and possibly faster in extra dimensions because of different distance scales, and may be the result of very, very tiny bits of radiation by quarks and other elementary particles that cumulatively add on to larger particles creating in effect a positive magnetic-like effect on mass and energy. Gravity may act as a binding force upon other mass in proportion to its total local amount and fall off in power as gravity moves away from its mass emanation source. Gravitons may be less interactive than neutrinos and hence very hard to detect. The content of this paragraph is soley conjecture and not intended to be used in prep for any kind of exam.
Gravity-bending find leads to Kepler meeting Einstein


Obama Economy Enriches Rich With Long Slow Drain of Poor

Nothing has fundamentally changed during the five years of the Obama administration to make life better for the poor. There are maybe 75 million poor Americans in a world of 7 billion souls. It is far easier for rich politicians to import legal and illegal alien workers at low wages and training costs than to invest tax dollars in creating jobs for long term unemployed or underemployed Americans. The Federal Reserve sends trillions of zero-interest dollars to rich banks to buy up distressed home mortgages; over-large homes at high prices and tricky terms lured the poor in before the trap snapped shut. The U.S. Government is an accomplice transferring wealth to the rich with outsourcing jobs still an attractive feature of Wall Street.

Soon public education will be outsourced too with far better math, science, foreign language and foreign history teachers appearing in U.S. classrooms at low-cost o high definition big screen TV's. There is no end to outsourcing and insourcing of laborers and laser scanner do it yourself checkers to replace wise-guy grocery clerks continues. The Obama administration down-sizes human economic rights for poor citizens and it's media sycophants with comfortable full employment sinecures proselytize social moral corruption an broadcast manure about ho the economy is getting better perennially.

Certainly Wall Street is swelling as if on Sugar Mountain with a Presidential sherpa helping energize the ascent, yet the prospects for new jobs for the poor still seem to be few to none with those that might arise being the traditional burger flipping minimum wage kind of semi-skilled thing created to fog the real economic outlook of poor and working class Americans. In the 20th century the Democrat Party was not an enemy of the U.S. poor and working class, as it now seems to be.

Wrangell Alaska Assembly Approves of Bounty on Sea Otter

At a city/borough meeting in late March 2012 the Wrangell assembly voted unanimously for a resolution of support for a $100 bounty on sea otters introduced in the Alaska State legislature this year by State Senator Bert Steadman. The Alaska State Legislature recently voted unanimously to condemn the Obama administration F.D.A. approval of genetically engineered salmon made to grow twice as fast. Super-sizing clunkers grown in Panama in a tank that will be sold to American consumers could be the larval stage of a nascent industrial vector of genetically super-sizing animals people want to eat.

  Inconsistent Alaskan political opinions regarding marine ecology intervention is a consequence of scientific ignorance and greed as usual-fundamental human economic traits supported with empiricist antinomy.

Sea otters eat echinoderms that eat shellfish harvested commercially yet killing sea otters because they also eat shellfish is the homo loquax way of moderating the environment for narrow self-interest. It is an ineffective approach that sets off a cascade of ecosystem trophic alterations generally reducing the size and number of top-level predators.

The Obama administration approval of genetic engineering for fish raises the possibility of creating fast grow giant piranha for sports angling excitement, 1000 pound crabs, hybrid carnivores on land and sea sports hunting reserves, 3000 pound cattle riding computer driven platforms to feeding fields and so forth. With no boundaries on the use of bio-engineering the sky's the limit for inventions- maybe 10,000 pound catfish can swim in the south, or fast-growing giant squid 300 meters long could be ranched in deeper areas of world oceans or ten foot tall turkeys raised in the Midwest as products of mind-plan evolution changing dining habits at Thanksgiving through New Years with leftovers going on till President's Day.

 President Obama has repeatedly said that only native Americans are from here and that anyone else came from somewhere else. That implicit denial of the native home of all Americans born in the U.S.A. that didn't arrive here before St. Brendan, Columbus or Leif Erickson is a common rationale for redistributing wealth from the poor and working class to globalists and the rich. Hence those born in Chicago are not from Chicago, really, they are from Turkmenistan, Siberia, Lesotho, Britain or wherever. For President Obama racial, tribal origin is the sole criterion for nativity.

 Though no human beings evolved in the Americas and all American ancestors originated in the Eastern hemisphere within the past 30,000 years, the President's special class of citizens is a divisive political lever to support illegal immigration as normative. The Presidents exploits the term 'native' in reference to America First Peoples-not an illogical slip of tongue for the globalist first politico.

It is 'native Americans' that are being encouraged to kill otters for a $100 bounty in Alaska. Understanding the problems with genetically engineered wildlife (otherwise why not tweak all Alaska wild salmon to make them grow twice as fast and ten times as large) the political class wherever they are from (some migrate here from the Georgia State Legislature to serve in the Alaska State Legislature) provide maladroit advice with wrong marine biology knowledge to goad on crass editing of the balance of nature.

 Observing the shoreline the past couple of months along Wrangell Island I saw no otters at all where in the past I saw them routinely floating on their backs munching on echinoderms or whatever. The senseless, brutal taking of sea otter life seems to support a profusion of echinoderms and the loss of kelp beds, muscles, barnacles and clams from near shore and intertidal regions. In the photos below you may see the intertidal layers where echinoderms have picked clean the rocks covered most of the time by water, as well as photos of some echinoderms stranded on rocks above the low tide line.

In a decadent era politicians may seek to bribe America First People to do their dirty work for them for the practical reason of plausible deniability for martinets. 

There is a federal exception on the fundamental ban on taking sea otters for certain North American aboriginal clans. The Alaska State law would tramp on the line of Tlingit legal self-interest and bribe Tlingit hunters to kill sea otters with a $100 dollar pay off for each otter slaughtered.

  Federal courts decided recently in favor of the right of aboriginal clans to have their own criminal law cases with non-clan members charged with rape on the reservation. That bit of legal independence granted to aboriginal tribes was counter-cyclical to the traditional bribe and corrupt tribal legal status perpetrated over centuries. One never forgets that General Sherman brought restoration of some Navajo land to a people that had been exploited by pre-civil war local politicians and even dispossessed of land.

Though Alaska First People were the last in the land area of the present United States to relinquish slavery- stopping only after the purchase of Alaska in 1867 by the Federal Government and arrival of Union Brevet Colonel Jefferson Davis to enforce military law in the new territory, corrupt politicians have never quit trying to co-opt, corrupt, dump drugs, gambling, alcohol, and even sundry evils upon aboriginal clans and moieties. At some point one hopes for moral political leadership with wisdom and justice for all including the right to life of sea otters amidst the natural realm of wild and free biological life.

 Politicians may be a sort of people that say 'kill the fish eating ducks' in the belief that reducing competition would increase commercial fish harvests. Killing sea otters they believe would increase commercial shellfish and sea urchin harvest without thought to collateral damage.

Efforts antipathetic to protecting the entire ocean and saltwater archipelago ecosystem disregard conservation of the entire complex compresence of life including sea otters. Scientifically uniformed politicians believe females and males are the same, that marriage occurs between members of the same sex, that marriage is not in reinforcement of the procreative phenomenon and that killing sea otters would increase the overall health of the marine ecosphere of S.E. Alaska. Politicians that believe a couple of men or a couple of women are the same as a man and woman forming a couple regarding procreation might believe in the tooth fairy and the endless abundance of ecospheric resource if managed by scientific illiterates.

 An abundance of sea otters might provide a food source for endangered killer whales starved from the general decline of healthy whale populations in the North Pacific. There are so few land mammals in the forests of S.E. Alaska that it is stupid to cull one so well adapted for land and sea as the sea otter. Perhaps the real reason the Wrangell assembly hopes for a bounty on sea otters is so local trappers can have more of a take since everything else including mink and sable were preponderantly trapped out long ago reduced to minimal numbers for species continuity.

Since the closure of the Alaska Pulp Corporation mill in 1994 the city-borough of Wrangell has followed a long, challenging course of economic adaptation to the new facts of life without a logging mill payroll that employed 200 people in a city with a population of just 2000. A golf course was built as well as a new small boat harbor at cemetery point. Bike trails and beautification went slowly ahead while the state government pumped in occasional cash. Even so there remained a backward looking anti-environmental sentiment without much of an economic industrial reason. Vestigial illogical, unscientific political opinion continued to molder in the populous and occasionally surface such as in the 'Kill the sea otter' resolution.

The better source of relocatable capitol for Wrangell is eco-tourism, eco-science and eco-education. Wrangell is a kind of optimal pristine environment in the remnant of true wilderness in the U.S.A. With a population of fewer than 2000 souls situated on an island near the mainland, glaciers, a mighty river flowing from the Canadian interior, several saltwater straits and innumerable islands in the most accessible region of Alaska the prospects for development of advanced regional ecospheric economic synergetic and ecospheric studies is optimal. A vacuum of leadership exists at the local, state and federal level on ecospheric economics. So though locally a return to the 19th century industrial outlook is possible, state and national prospects are not better. The late Jacque Cousteau was probably accurate when he extrapolated that the human species has fewer than 200 years to go before they bring a crashing ecosphere and human extirpation down upon themselves.

Writing and the Point of No Return

I read somewhere that one should always finish what one starts if it was worth doing to start with. Just put your head down and ride into th...