
Quarantine Returning Soldiers At Resort With Good Beach

Soldiers and other military personnel returning from arduous duty containing evola virus in Africa that are going to get 21 days of quarantine ought to go to some resort with a good beach-perhaps Guam and a family member too flown in to share the recovery. Its the least the nation can do.


The Gospel of John (video)

This is a good account of the Gospel of John.

Zeitgeist: Addendum-A Movie About the U.S. Financial System

An interesting movie on the American financial system and globalization named Zeitgeist: Addendum. Zeitgeist: Addendum (addition to the spirit of the times) is a good example of-vintage 2008 Democrat-leftist thought. The title is ironic for the point of view is entirely materialistic. It's now quite dated and quaint though it contains a few good ideas. They failed to note that most American criminals vote Democrat and thus eliminating the Democrat Party would have eliminated the problems crime before 2012 (except for residual 1% criminals and broadcast media);It is overtly simplistic.

The theory of a debt-driven financial and  monetary system  in this video is interesting, yet the theoretical foundation for select institutional structures such as religion are superficial as is the paradigm for cosmology. The physics of thermodynamics aren’t well understood here and are represented by an inadequate term; ‘emergent’, expressing a kind of voodoo phenomenalism and a priori joss.

One might wish that knowledge of the emergence of technology within the complete social environment inclusive of social sciences, arts, humanities and spirituality was understood by Venus project people along with how  competition has stimulated invention, science and  technology to progress without which society might still be enthralled by Pharaoh building pyramids and homosexual sycophants agitating leaders for gay marriage.

How can society evolve a cashless society without private property that wold let tech progress continue? Allocation of capital and exclusive private property are needed for keeping dairy farms free of baseball fields and computer chip manufacturer clean rooms free of drunks and dope smoking.

Capital is real physical assets. Money represents that capital abstractly. So in theory if the owner of company A wants to take some of his capital and start rocket science company B he can take some of the money of the value of company A to do that. Otherwise he would have to use the actual material of company A such as boards and horses to build his spaceship to Venus. In the simplest example. The spaceship builder will be paid with the money that thus gives him part ownership of company A. The trouble with the  Federal Reserve and banks printing up money without corresponding proportionate assets is inflation and creeping expropriation of other's physical assets by those receiving the issued non-representative money of equal or greater value than money representing actual physical assets proportionately. So what can American business do?

With loss of Steve Jobs some believe that Apple leadership  will suck. They need new products and ideas to create jobs that won't be outsourced. Apple could develop a multiple personality shoulder-sitting conscience robot ethics adviser so Wall Streeters and politicians could get both sides of opinion on important issues (i.e. 'bite it-don't bite it!)  yet probably  wouldn't sell with the jobs  touch. Manufacturing  authentic looking business-politics adviser dolls with artificial intelligence could be the next big wave. Imagine what their own foot tall Chairman Mao, Adolph Hitler, Osama Bin Laden or Marquis De Sade doll could do for NPR raving in their own language. The Zeitgeist people don't understand low-entropy economics and how or why technology arises for markets apparently.

Ecological economic principles need to  be infused into the  social structure  just  as  church reform  to  a  priesthood  of  believers should  develop to  lead  the the faithful away from mirrored secular hierarchical organizational forms toward a  practical,  participatory  egalitarianism.  Secular atheist social  revolutionaries   may  desire  a Godless utopianism yet mankind does  have a nature founded in thermodynamic  drives than rather just existential behavior. additionally  the zeitgeist folks probably haven’t done  there homework in theology.

It's possible that spirit is at the heart of matter  and energy fields sustaining quantum entanglement in the steady-state observable Universe. Leibniz thought so. One more observation-they  seemingly don’t know that the meaning of IS can  be ’Islamic  State’ yet it’s an interesting video with several useful ideas.


Spree (poem)

Bright chunks of land are excavated
with the ecosphere scooped in large poignant bucket loaders
growling more than ravens at play
while rain falls, fog and mist swirl
across a psychologically eroding world

Moving through the spinning seasons with that star
bright overhead rolling down pin-balled
as night rests beyond cold mountains
seeming to starken October colors
with its absence

Purged of natural biota carbonated fuel flows
over carpet interior yearnings of showers and power
powdered up with allergies cast-for-others sopped
scientific intelligentsia thoughtfully work Nero's homo marriage plan
of planned abortionhood of too many lemmings.

Nero and President Obama Forcibly Shared Homosexual Marriage

I have started reading Gentry's book 'The Beast of Revelation'. The difference between his covenant approach and the pre-millenialist's point of view on futurism is substantial. I am not sure how the inaugurated eschatology position of Ladd fits in exactly.If Nero was the beast of revelation and so forth, one must wonder what end times will wrap up the world. Jesus did say that his kingdom is not of this world.

The Roman Emperor Nero and President Obama had support for homosexual marriage in common amongst other management attributes of style. The historian Suetonius wrote of Nero that, “He castrated the boy Sporus and actually tried to make a woman of him, and he married him with all the usual ceremonies . . . and treated him as his wife.”...“He even devised a kind of game, in which, covered with the skin of some wild animal, he was let loose from a cage and attacked the private parts of men and women, who were bound to stakes.

President Obama of course has been the greatest homosexual community organizer in U.S. history with a compliant judiciary forcing homosexual marriages upon the states. In former times of history such as Nazi Germany homosexual disestablishment of normal social order have led to radical transition to dissolution of the state. Wealth becomes concentrated in those times.


OP/ED on Five-Dimension Universes (video)

Four spatial dimensions with another of time comprising a five dimensional Universe seems a hot topic. It can include or plausibly explain a Big bang or inflation at a point some call the beginning of time. It is at least one beginning of time at a particular space-time locale. Some consider that a four dimensional universe of experience exists as an event horizon on a five dimensional black hole created by a collapsed star of a five dimensional bulk Universe. Its a nice theory among an infinite number of potential theories to account for a given point of time.

Containing the Evola Virus-Op/Ed Video

Here is an op-ed comment on the Evola virus.


Just Say No Taxes on Internet Sales

Taxing Internet sales seems an unfair violation of free trade and commerce between the states much less the world. With the United States outsourcing production of material commodities yet having some prospects for Internet sales growth domestically and Internationally burdening the ordinary people that use the Internet for sales would unfairly punch the little guy in the mouth.

Consider for a minute the vast dark pools of high-speed global Internet trading that are done every second by Wall Street and other global high-finance companies that are entirely below the radar screen much less taxed. Those quantitative purchases and sales done in a fraction of a second ought to be taxed at F.D.R.'s 90% tax rate on the rich before any sort of Internet tax is dumped upon the individual high plains sales drifter buying special vita-oats for his horse.

Elect Congresspersons that believe in free Internet trade without vast taxation bureaucracies.



Scheduled Reduction of Publishing

The quantitative aspect of my posts at this blog will for the foreseeable future be substantially reduced. If possible I shall return to the usual schedule in a year or two.


What WIll Google Invest in Next?

One wonders what Google will invest in next? Tesla Motors seems a likely prospect with the union of electric auto technology and computer driving systems. Since Google choose not to submit to Chinese Communist censorship in order to do business in China, and China is producing electric vehicles investing in electric vehicles may be another route into China's business market. It is hard to believe that the communists would want to censor automobile programming much.

Broke Branches (poem)

  Dialectic clashing of evolutes- trees left right and center political arguments following guide paths in the dark through the snow and hil...