Space membranes may have irregular shapes that when intersecting provide irregular rates of apparent time passage. They may alternatively have regular shapes that when intersecting or passing through other membranes provide an apparent smooth rate of expansion of space-time resembling that of dark energy. Dark energy is regarded preponderantly as responsible for the increasing rate of expansion of the space of the observable Universe. Cosmologists think the rate of expansion of space and time will continue until a big rip occurs when the Universe is 64 billion years old whereat it will cease to exist, failing to draw social security benefits itself from an economics expanded with federal reserve zero interest loans.
Membranes capable of being an entire Universe when intersecting at various angles or portions contacting must be of very large size one might think. Size is relative though, in a completely empty void a one inch membrane might as well be a mile. Only in relation to other membranes or things could comparative quantification occur.
If a membrane is not of zero dimensions simultaneously existing yet not existing-logically somewhat absurd except perhaps for quanta in some form of super-position even with a timeless, eternal form, then it must be made of something. In a field particles arise of various sizes as energy wave packets. A membrane though is regarded as some kind of fundamental entity without parts. Irreducible membranes of one dimension even seem less probable than super-positioned zero-dimensional membranes that take one dimensions with interference, observation and waveform collapse or simply the word of God.
A membrane of n-dimensions may be a quantified field in the mind of God initially structured in a spiritual sense that with interference and intersections collapses from the superpositions of the mind of God into one-dimensional and concatenated dimensional forms. Recombinant dimensional membranes perhaps with an unknown forms of charge-perhaps multi-tensor charges could build up super-dimensions with greater magnitudes than other membranes.
The shape of the Universe spatially speaking was and probably is of interest to cosmologists. It could have been toroidal, spherical etc. Perhaps there is no clearly definable shape for a Universe at the leading, expanding edges whereat it fades off into a nothingness emptier than nothing itself. It may simply be an apparent Universe with apparent yet not real space that is instead a concatenated and apparent effect for observers from one-dimensional membranes moving through one another. When one membrane passes along the axis of another it may appear as an acceleration of spatial expansion to local observers.
Any sort of turn or deflection for a membrane's shape would require some irregularity of force acting at that place. The presence or absence of planar deformation, or of spherical deformation if a singularity, indicates the presence of a heterodox field or membrane element. Maybe some theorists regard individuated endowments of force as fundamental brains with the optimal shape for a brane corresponding to the configuration of dimensions in which it coheres. Dimensional brains thus appear to be theoretically embedded within a Chinese puzzle box of additional dimensional branes.
In evolutionary biology there is an argument that mutation is the primary agent for change rather than natural selection. Mutation though is a way of saying change of an individual from an existing pattern. The capacity for mutability is an implicit aspect of being. God may be changeless and eternal, yet space-time beings change perpetually. Mutation however is regarded as occurring to living beings rather than to inanimate molecular forms. Complexity in biological forms allows for a suggestion of mutation from an existing pattern whereas for geological formations talus slopes for example are said to evolve under the influence of the second law of thermodynamics and entropy with the increase of disorder. Can dimensional membranes be thought of as mutable or are they just too simple even to be considered to evolve?
Relationships of membranes that change in a field of all possible membranes existing might be regarded as evolving. Evolution occurs in the space-time changes for observers living in a nexus of interacting membranes. For God hosting the membrane field, nothing changes in a sense. The membrane's position and motion follow His will. Intellect of observers changes too, yet as in a level 4 Multiverse intellect is an apparent phenomena embedded in the interacting membrane fields. It is pre-determined though able apparently to modify energy-matter forms in a small way within a space-time manifold. God configured the complete field from eternity with space-time membranes comprising contingent ontology-for-others.
Membranes capable of being an entire Universe when intersecting at various angles or portions contacting must be of very large size one might think. Size is relative though, in a completely empty void a one inch membrane might as well be a mile. Only in relation to other membranes or things could comparative quantification occur.
If a membrane is not of zero dimensions simultaneously existing yet not existing-logically somewhat absurd except perhaps for quanta in some form of super-position even with a timeless, eternal form, then it must be made of something. In a field particles arise of various sizes as energy wave packets. A membrane though is regarded as some kind of fundamental entity without parts. Irreducible membranes of one dimension even seem less probable than super-positioned zero-dimensional membranes that take one dimensions with interference, observation and waveform collapse or simply the word of God.
A membrane of n-dimensions may be a quantified field in the mind of God initially structured in a spiritual sense that with interference and intersections collapses from the superpositions of the mind of God into one-dimensional and concatenated dimensional forms. Recombinant dimensional membranes perhaps with an unknown forms of charge-perhaps multi-tensor charges could build up super-dimensions with greater magnitudes than other membranes.
The shape of the Universe spatially speaking was and probably is of interest to cosmologists. It could have been toroidal, spherical etc. Perhaps there is no clearly definable shape for a Universe at the leading, expanding edges whereat it fades off into a nothingness emptier than nothing itself. It may simply be an apparent Universe with apparent yet not real space that is instead a concatenated and apparent effect for observers from one-dimensional membranes moving through one another. When one membrane passes along the axis of another it may appear as an acceleration of spatial expansion to local observers.
Any sort of turn or deflection for a membrane's shape would require some irregularity of force acting at that place. The presence or absence of planar deformation, or of spherical deformation if a singularity, indicates the presence of a heterodox field or membrane element. Maybe some theorists regard individuated endowments of force as fundamental brains with the optimal shape for a brane corresponding to the configuration of dimensions in which it coheres. Dimensional brains thus appear to be theoretically embedded within a Chinese puzzle box of additional dimensional branes.
In evolutionary biology there is an argument that mutation is the primary agent for change rather than natural selection. Mutation though is a way of saying change of an individual from an existing pattern. The capacity for mutability is an implicit aspect of being. God may be changeless and eternal, yet space-time beings change perpetually. Mutation however is regarded as occurring to living beings rather than to inanimate molecular forms. Complexity in biological forms allows for a suggestion of mutation from an existing pattern whereas for geological formations talus slopes for example are said to evolve under the influence of the second law of thermodynamics and entropy with the increase of disorder. Can dimensional membranes be thought of as mutable or are they just too simple even to be considered to evolve?
Relationships of membranes that change in a field of all possible membranes existing might be regarded as evolving. Evolution occurs in the space-time changes for observers living in a nexus of interacting membranes. For God hosting the membrane field, nothing changes in a sense. The membrane's position and motion follow His will. Intellect of observers changes too, yet as in a level 4 Multiverse intellect is an apparent phenomena embedded in the interacting membrane fields. It is pre-determined though able apparently to modify energy-matter forms in a small way within a space-time manifold. God configured the complete field from eternity with space-time membranes comprising contingent ontology-for-others.