
Hillary Regards Millions of Americans as Trailer Trash

Hillary Clinton apparently shares her husband Bill's elitist contempt for millions of Americans as 'trailer trash'. She named half of Donald Trump's supporters 'deplorables'. Hillary Clinton is the Democrat Party face of the one-party global imperial-oligarch-corporatist system. The Bushes, Ryans, Romneys and McCains being the other side.

It is not a coincidence that billionaire Mark Cuban has made such hateful remarks about Donald trump as a supporter of Hillary. The billionaires know who butters their Wall Street bread, and it isn't billionaire Donald Trump.

Trump is the American placeholder trying to keep the people from reduction to a status as politically impotent bugs scurrying about under the rock of globalism. Clinton calls Trumps supporters racists, homophobes and sexists yet she is the candidate that relies on just those points for her own support. The Clinton Democrat party deregulated Wall Street enabling the concentration of wealth and 2008 financial collapse. The Democrat Party and her corporatist internet supporters repress or censor free speech indirectly taking down websites where dissent to the creeping tide of corporatism might be effectively opposed. The Democrat party today is a tool for promotion of globalism and eventually, oligarchy.



Hillary Clinton does not want to talk about economic classes in the U.S.A. and ways to directly benefit the poor and middle class. Instead she relies on diving economic classes into racial groups, sexes and perversion preferences in order to polarize and neutralize internal support for nationalism and positive economics.

Hillary Clinton does not understand the Trump's primary support is from people seeking economic progress for all Americans rather than globalists and oligarchs. It is her constituency treated as dumb jackasses fed a diet of polemical manure that she has the most contempt for, treating them as intellectually brain dead.

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