
Is Hillary's Wonky Pride Enough to Look Down on Americans?

Hillary supporters trying to get her to the top have expressed pride in her wonkishness time and again. The President of the U.S.A. job description isn't about bean counters and subtle nuances off existing policy though. When the policy is plain rotten the Chief Executive's task is too change policy direction.

U.S. public debt is more than 19.5 trillion dollars, global CO2 is higher than 400 p.p.m., millions of jobs were outsourced to China, more than 100 million Americans are unemployed. The average wage of white American men hasn't risen in 40 years; the wages of women and minorities will stagnate when they reach that level too, before all average American wages slowly decline while the national infrastructure rots.

Wonkies are not the key to start the engines of change-nationalism is. Frankly American politicians are at least a half-century behind the curve on where they should be regarding policy. The Clintons can be blamed for that, or at least share a large part.

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