
Congress Overrides Obama Veto of Right to Sue Saudi Arabia

Should ordinary Americans have a right to sue Saudi Arabia for negligence or active support of terrorism on Americans? President Obama didn't think so and vetoed a bill sent by Congress or him to sign in to law. Congress overrode that veto and it is now law.

That raises the question about reciprocity for foreign nationals or even ordinary people anywhere to sue governments for their incompetence and corruption. Ought Syrians be free to sue President Obama or the U.S. government for supporting terrorism and/or rebellion against the Saudi government if the think they can prove they have been harmed at all by the conflict?

In former times world leaders could wage war because they had a bad hair day and it was impossible for mere subjects to sue sovereigns or even dictators ruling over them without a visit from henchmen and/or executioners. Today that burka is beginning to be lifted and people can see their way clear to holding their tyrants personally responsible for stimulating foreign wars aggressively even if indirectly.


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