
Issues With Alaska Governor Walker's Gas Pipeline Plan

I wasn't going to write on Governor Walker's plan to build a gas pipeline at at all believing that Alaska's followers of oil and gas simply aren't going to change until a desert reaches from the Cascades to Chicago and north to Alberta. I too feel the governor is wrong with the pipeline error-and I too have written in the past for a state gas pipeline.


One exception though. China is the world's biggest CO2 polluter manufacturing products for export. It burns a huge amount of coal that might be replaced with Alaskan natural gas. I haven’t relocated the article-it was surprising to me.

I read an article somewhere recently about Exxon and/or BP stating they were don't want to develop North Slope gas because it would make a substantive increase in the world's greenhouse gassing footprint. If a pipeline were profitable at any rate they would probably build one except for the methane by-product.

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