
Democrats Aren't Team U.S.A. Players

Democrats today value race over economics. John F. Kennedy said that when the economic tide comes in all of the ships in the harbor rise Democrats of the Clinton-Obama era seek just the betterment of their own party constituency if that. President Obama has sought just to enrich the most rich.

The party of Hubert Humphrey and Robert Kennedy is long dead. The Bush-Clinton-Obama line advanced Wall Street and corporate interests. For some investors if terrorism happens in a nation the significant concern is how it effects the profit and loss statement of the fortune 500.

The democrat party constituency in a way still believes in the party of Kennedy and Robert Hubert H. Humphrey when the interests of the common working class and middle class men and women together with the poor were the primary concern. The party was more realistic in those days than today where the party leadership consistently says one thing and does another. Lawyers are purveyors of words with guile rather than business men and women of action. They may say anything to get elected then simply work for the interests of globals and the most rich.

Democrat party leaders say words that bring votes and actions that concentrate wealth while stagnating wages for the middle class and poor. Good jobs are sent abroad to China and with fewer employed in the United States at any time in the past 40 years reports about the economy are shrunken such that it seems as if the economy is healthy.

American blacks are the worst off in the Bush-Clinton-Obama line of economic shrinking. Students must pay off huge college loans while career jobs are moving targets and flee abroad. The great tax cuts of Barrack Obama were acts of economic racism against black economic developments that a white male president could not have got away with, yet blacks just want more and voted for a second term for Barrack Hussein Obama.

Formerly it was the responsibility of the democratic Party to run candidates that better the situation for American workers rather than drive them out of the work force, send good jobs overseas, sustain 50 million on food stamps and entitlement programs to half of the people of the United States.

News media owned by Wall Street as well as the Soviet era Pravda like national Public Radio back up the shrinking economic picture reports readily-they are in the half of the country with good income after all and relegate the losers to the new normal they have accepted as the way things are. The way things are though is evolving away from real democracy with lesser disparity between rich and poor and toward a global plutonomy with nations fading away to business districts controlled by corporate-government elites-where real candidates and concepts for issues that might trouble the ruling class simply won't exist. Dope and large screen t.v.s and more can pacify the masses.

Or can it? If the entire world is brought to an American standard of living it would quickly consume planetary resources with the environment brought to conclusive ruin. Even if American voters are reduced to spineless followers with complaints and protests about white males such as they were in the 1950s economically in comparison to everyone else, that world will still be long expired and the wages of American blacks and white women will fall into decline to as they are controlled and set aside with development going elsewhere in the world.

It is an irony that the first black President got away with committing the most racist economic tax cut against black Americans in modern times to the society and nation. All the President needed to do was just not sign the bill into law-a single veto, and he could have negotiated for tax cuts with republicans from the bottom up starting with complete exemption for the poor. Instead the Harvard lawyer dumped everything he could to the rich and left nothing at all for democrats to negotiate with. Lost was funding for students, new alternative infrastructure development, paying off the national debt, space colonization and development of electro-magnetic accelerators in the moon and Mars, environmental recovery, free college education, increased scientific research funding and a guaranteed minimum income of one-quarter the average working wage. With a fairly progressive tax on wealth those doing business in the U.S.A. would be those willing to invest here and contribute to the U.S.A. as if it mattered. If Hillary Clinton were to be elected, the first women President may bring about a substantive decline in the average wage of white women since their modern rise though brought them to within a fraction of the average of working men.

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