End Game of Earth Economics
demographics show increase of population over time. The world has
finite surface area, ecosphere and natural resources hence economists
like Malthus and Ricardo foresaw problems. That paradigm hasn’t
gone away though the misguided space operas with faster-than-light
ships trivialize the reality of Earth. The present generation may be
said to be forging the end game of Earth.
is a tale with two primary outcomes; one is of sound and fury
signifying nothing and the other is a reasoned stabilization at a
level of maximum productive stability. Leaders of Alaska such as
Alaska Republican Senate Majority
leader Pete
Kelly rely on oil to fund
government and oppose even a 1% income tax to let the people own
government finance a little. They believe that development should
continue irresponsibly as if they were in a child’s playground of
delights with sweets of light crude oil under every wildlife refuge
for ever. There’s is a tale told by an idiot signifying dystopia,
deforestation and the death of most species of mammals on Earth.
generation that has a 1% annual rate of economic or population growth
at the end of 30 years has about a 33% per generation increase. The
law of accumulation is ignored by the ignorant. Over
a century the increase is thousands, and that law of accumulation
applies to demographics as well. Thousands of times of increase on
the Earth with a capacity to provide even a fraction of the natural
history since 1700 shows that growth eventually settles down to 1%.
nations that lag behind development want to catch up the the global
average and then they too settle down, and populations tend toward
that also. Whatever life standard is the highest normal-say the
U.S.A. is the level everyone else wants to achieve yet it is already
known that not all could live as Americans. If equalization of the
planet’s masses were at a sustainable level with a lower population
and elites not being too much better off and education was free and
fine universally then humanity might be able to exist within a
sustainable ecosphere with fewer people for quite a while within
their maximum sustainable ecospheric footprint. Otherwise the rich
can get richer and the masses ca get poorer and more populous
creating a likelihood of some future revolution to cut off the
extremely wealthy from being. Yet the world would still be already
f’d up as the unsustainable economics had consumed every resource
and eliminated the prospects for a healthy ecosphere. Probably chaos
would result in general social civil dysfunction-and unfortunately
some misguided theologians believe in Christianity and Islam that the
Revelation of John indicates a tribulation ahead for all of humanity
equivalent to the Norse Ragnarök. Actually the tribulation already
happened in the first century as Jesus said it would, and the slow
build up of the kingdom of God is the live event that will continue
until the age of the Gentiles is fulfilled.
those living inside carpeted worlds the numbers of abstract yet in
the real outdoors and empirical world the facts are hard. The
greatest mass die off of species in millions of years is underway,
Instead of keeping life on Earth alive as humans should if they
master the art, they kill it as dumb animals themselves blind to the
action. Building life on lifeless worlds may be the main reason
humanity was selected by God as a preferred species according to the
Bible. Mankind was favored yet disappointed God. The Lord intervened
to provide another chance.
the age of the gentiles is fulfilled the human race may have expanded
its construction of living ecospheres as if they were meta-terrariums
in a myriad of forms throughout the solar system’s moons and
planets wherever possible and across the 100 thousand light year in
diameter galaxy. There is no pre-tribulation eschatology that is
valid unless humans force their own disaster That could be possible
with advances in understanding of quantum mechanics and dimensions
rather than with dilithium crystals needed to keep obsessive manic
depressives somewhat calm. Senate Majority
leader Pete Kelly might even
mock such individual sufferers if not able to rely in the media to do
so, as Senator Eagleton was cast out of the 1972 Vice Presidential
campaign post. The venal political method of destructive economics is
like a precis of the national future; continuity of economic ways of
being appropriate for centuries past, because of absolute greed and a
lack of human understanding and concern for the future of Americans.
The philosophy of personal egoism drives forward proximate short term
advantage for a minority even over the existence of everyone.
people with psychiatric challenges may find no shelter from incessant
ice-cold rain and ice except the state capitol steps and porch with
nothing to look to but entasis of dark marble lofting so high while
legislators are free to receive kickbacks from global oil in Baranov
suites with starlights glimmering in Four
Seasons of dining soirées
with lobbyists, national parks and refuges will be looted and
accounts fattened for the crooked who ultimately will convert the
Federal Reserve bank to The
Federal Reserve Bank of Wall Street Permanent Fund Source
is quite possible that without a state income tax psychiatric
treatment in Alaska will be underfunded, and that individuals in
Juneau and Anchorage will be required to kow tow to a barrel of oil
and genuflect if they want a miracle of cure and then be tossed into
Cook Inlet on January first. Fairbanks is mostly too cold for that.
The glory of oil is a sheen upon political waters that remains for
ages, even on Prince William Sound, that makes the life of the most
rich and powerful stimulating.
population need be stopped from growing, with just one child per
family, until it is stable and the population can begin to decline
slowly as it has in Europe. Populations cannot achieve zpg then
experience a flood of immigrants to replace them without causing more
damage to social infrastructure and the ecosphere. With a calm
draw-down of population growth while technology and education of the
masses increases Earth’s ecosphere could be directed to recover and
new opportunities for building off-world ecospheres explored. It is
important to begin building terrarium ecospheres with as much
wildlife from Earth as possible to improve the art. Innovative ideas
for the moon and planets can bring new ways of letting life flourish
including new human populations intelligently designed to be in
appropriate numbers for the new ecospheres.
political management rather than coercion need be the political
method for stabilizing human population on Earth as it bides its time
before increasing again in new ecospheric regions it learns to build.
Those ecospheres should be as robust and teeming with life as that
God gave unto mankind rather than depleted of it. There is a time to
grow a population and a time to hold fast or even decrease. Manic
f*ing growth isn’t always the best policy for either economics or
population. Sometimes, fortunately rarely for politicians,
conservative, sober rectitude is requisite for species survival.
mankind is too be successful at expanding into the solar system it
will need to have sustainable economic polices and calculus of
demographic and economics that find sustainable solutions rather than
phenomenal, disposable answers satisfactory. Practicing rational
economics and demographics on Earth is required too.
knew a college professor that had a book titled Irrational
Man with
a tall walking figure on the cover (I also got a book from the same
professor titled The
Art of Reasoning).
Watching legislatures repeat the same mistakes forever because of
sustainable corruption or ignorance is a frustrating view of
irrational politics.