
What About Global Economic Depression

People are fairly resilient, creative and energetic, mobile and restive unwilling too long remain depressed. Trade war with China isn’t too likely to cause deep depression so much as the twin towers of irrational exuberance and flimsy investment and terrorism that interrupts physical resource flow to factories and production.
Exhaustion of resources and other physical impacts to the social and political economy that force slumps are more damaging than administrative blockages. Yet I am not an economist. and might be wrong.

Why Spanish Speaking Countries in America Had Less Negro Segregation

A general rather than concise answer; Spain had royalty of course for whom almost everyone is a subject and a de facto slave, or nearly so. In the Americas Spanish countries tried making slaves of aboriginals yet they didn’t make good slaves, so fundamentally they killed them off as best they could. That was more like attempted genocide rather than segregation.
Sixteen million aboriginals died off, the majority in Spanish speaking countries. Argentina was notably the most efficient at killing off the aboriginal population. Spanish speaking countries had Spaniards and Indians, mixes of those, yet fewer negro slaves to segregate after freedom.
French speaking countries had lots of negro slaves. In Haiti after the slave revolt when most of the white slave owners fled or were killed the black population wrote to those that fled saying they were forgiven and to return. When those former slavers returned they were slaughtered, thus there was no problem with segregation. Spanish colonies were about last to abolish slavery though.

The Catholic influence on moderating slavery in Spanish speaking countries was real. Apparently the Spanish Florida set up escaped slaves from British colonies as free men. In 1583 Pope Paul III condemned slavery. 



What if Germany as Land Had Never Existed

That is an interesting question to consider. Naming and Necessity. A landmass known as Germany could have been located somewhere-when else. An alternative interpretation is that apparently 50 million years ago the land that is Germany mostly didn’t exist and was still under water. One might think the Rhine Rift would tear Germany apart in a few million years, yet maybe not.

The Alpine ocean expanded for a while and the Alps were pushing up and arcing Northward. The lowlands north of the Alps surprisingly existed for a very long time. There are a couple of time lapse theoretical reconstructions of the tectonics of the Earth including Europe interesting to watch.



China is Not Filthy and Disgusting

Many don’t regard China as filthy and disgusting. It has had imperial rule then communism for its entire history so private interests and properties have never had much security. Hence filth and disgust with filth while the privileged exist amidst lotus bosoms while original sin pervades uncorrected without a basic preponderance of salvation.

China has fine calligraphy, mountains eroded by rains and good kung fu. They have learned to prepare rice in 1000 ways. Junk boats with exquisite soft lighting. Not bad.

Clever Chinese Plans May be Afoot to Inflict Pain on Trump Supporters

 Democrats could be colluding with China to inflict pain on Trump voters.  Probably they aren't yet it might be worth having Special Investigator Mueller open a new branch to look into the matter. The way to inflict maximum pain would be for the CHicom leadership to buy Facebook ads supporting Hillary Clinton in 2020- not embargoing fortune cookie or Kung Fu movies as some would think.

Alternatively they might buy advertising columns featuring the wisdom of Hillary Clinton and she could post a few paragraphs each day in the New York Times, Washington Post and have a 10 minute daily show on CNN.

The Chicoms could award Rep. Maxine Waters an honorary PhD from the top University in China and invite her to make a speech.

When Ronald Reagan Presented the CMH to Sgt Roy Benavidez

The late Roy Benavidez was an inspirational guy. I met him at his El Campo garage where I left my car for a month while I traveled north. I found this video of the ceremony where Pres. Reagan presented the medal followed by a speech from Roy Benavidez.

The Far Left is Against Russia for Being Too White and Straight

 The far left apparently hates Russia for being too white and straight. Those that prefer peaceful and profitable coexistence with Russia within a free enterprise paradigm are an intolerable element to Marxist-Leninists and the homo marriage crowd seeking queer CEO domination of  Wall Street. Fundamentally history need be ignored where Catherine the Great defeated the Ottoman Empire taking the Crimea in 1783 with Russia regarding it as an integral part of that nation since- even during the Soviet era.

It is easier for the Wall Street-Homo axis of evil to just find any kind of ploy to support their desire to glom of as much of Russia as they can- and resumption  of nuclear cold war be damned. Democrats apparently believe it is better to be dead than straight.


The Ottoman Empire had been attacking Europe as a Muslim vanguard reaching Vienna in 1683.


Russia facing Mongol and Muslim armies on its frontiers reasonably took the Crimea. Russia was attacked by many enemies including Europe, yet Napoleon did not reach Moscow until 1812.

Russia demographically looks like an easy chump ripe for takeover to the left and Wall Street queer leadership because of its low population within a sustainable ecosphere paradigm. The left hates sustainable population levels and wants rapid immigration for vast left-wing demographic hostile takeover from within. https://www.polygraph.info/a/russia-labor-force-smaller-retirement/29390762.html

World War 3 Was the Cold War (Vietnam, Afghanistan, Korea, Central America, Africa etc)

People sometimes write about the prospects for World War Three happening (ie https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/994542/world-war-3-iran-military-chief-trump-terrorism-world-war-3 ). It seems to me though that the Cold War really was World War 3 considering how many lives were lost and the global expanse. Those proxy wars between communism and democracy were the third world war and the aftermath still has consequences.

The number of weapons dumped into Africa helped supply the present terrorist and lunatic militia campaigns, If another global war occurs it reasonably ought to be named World War Four.


Demos WIll Oppose Kavanaugh to Protect Homosexual Agenda

The homosexual agenda, so far as it concerns politics, are the actions that affect laws in civil society and free expression on the Internet. In the U.S.A. homosexual marriage was forced by the high court on the majority, and la In the U.S.A. homosexual marriage was forced by the high court on the majority, and laws were passed that forced people to provide support for homosexual marriage or go out of business. There was a famous cases involving bakers that would not produce homo wedding cakes, and were closed down by various states. The U.S. Supreme Court recently overturned one of those cases in Oregon.

Several large corporations in the Internet have homosexual friendly policies- and even CEOs wee fired if they didn’t support homo marriage or spoke out against it, in the time leading up to the Robert’s Court decision to force it upon the nation. Homo marriage wasn’t necessary, accurate or reasonable and corrupts the rights of traditional marriages and genetic lines. That is historically, actual hetero marriages were a defense for women and small families. Corporate would love to extinguish that security in its will to control everything. Homosexuals were dupes for agitating the way they did, acting in effect like Hitler’s S.A. shock troops to put the Nazis in power.

Homosexuals should have been brave enough to have created their own establishment and not expropriated marriage. Understanding of others is important if one wants to avoid conflicts. Corporatism was invented by Mussolini, applied by Hitler and emulated by the 1% today. It doesn’t work out well for ordinary people eventually. Laws were passed that forced people to provide support for homosexual marriage or go out of business. There were two famous cases involving bakers that would not produce homo wedding cakes, and were closed down by various states. The U.S. Supreme Court recently overturned one of those cases in Oregon.

Several large corporations in the Internet have homosexual friendly policies- and even CEOs were fired if they didn’t support homo marriage or spoke out against it, in the time leading up to the Robert’s Court decision to force it upon the nation. Web sites can be buried in search engine listings or banned to prevent readers unofficially by an Internet that has a homo establishment. A few uses of politically incorrect language got a web site of mine that was producing cash every month taken down by a Boston on-line publisher that since has largely disappeared.

Homo marriage wasn’t necessary, accurate or reasonable and corrupts the rights of traditional marriages and genetic lines. That is historically, actual hetero marriages were a defense for women and small families. Corporate would love to extinguish that security in its will to control everything. Homosexuals were dupes for agitating the way they did, acting in effect like Hitler’s S.A. shock troops to put the Nazis in power.

In the U.S.A. homosexual marriage was forced by the high court on the majority, and laws were passed that forced people to provide support for homosexual marriage or go out of business. There was a famous cases involving bakers that would not produce homo wedding cakes, and were closed down by various states. The U.S. Supreme Court recently overturned one of those cases in Oregon.
Several large corporations in the Internet have homosexual friendly policies- and even CEOs wee fired if they didn’t support homo marriage or spoke out against it, in the time leading up to the Robert’s Court decision to force it upon the nation. Homo marriage wasn’t necessary, accurate or reasonable and corrupts the rights of traditional marriages and genetic lines. That is historically, actual hetero marriages were a defense for women and small families. Corporate would love to extinguish that security in its will to control everything. Homosexuals were dupes for agitating the way they did, acting in effect like Hitler’s S.A. shock troops to put the Nazis in power.

Homosexuals should have been brave enough to have created their own establishment and not expropriated marriage. Understanding of others is important if one wants to avoid conflicts. Corporatism was invented by Mussolini, applied by Hitler and emulated by the 1% today. It doesn’t work out well for ordinary people eventually.

Trump Trade War Isn't to Smoke Out Chinese Economy

China has the most coal fired power plants in the world and can best produce any smoke screening for-themselves. President Trump’s effort to take away California’s state right to ban polluting emissions and create anti-smog laws is probably not intended to send a smoke screen to China with increased pollution since any California smog increase first would need to travel around the world in the prevailing westerlies and would largely disperse before screening China.
Europe imposed its tariffs on the United States about cars, and vice versa, not as a Trump administration plan to smoke out China’s economic situation except as it comprises imbalanced trade if that is the case, yet not with smoke, as it is written, with water , sobriety and good sense.

Can a 'True Author' Have Fewer than 10 Million Words in Print?

 I don't use AI to write fiction. I tried editing with it and that didn't work. It would cut out 2/3's of whatever I let it work...