
Jerry Brown Could Have Prevented the Mendicino Fire

When I traveled through the Lake Mendicino region infrequently since 1977. I wrote a poem on one of the side roads off Hwy 101 and noticed the dry, piled up leaf cover on the ground. It was in most years tinder dry and readily combustible. The forest ground cover was so thick that any reasonable individual knew it was a catastrophe waiting to happen. The state is supposed to anticipate easily foreseeable things like that and use prophylaxis against fire. Madrone and Eucalyptus leaves burn.

Blaming global warming is easy. Being more proximal regarding causality though, it was the state's lack of fire prevention that let the fire rage. There are so many human sources of forest fires these days that nature can't be allowed to just take its course any way and active fire prevention is required. Alternatively one could just let nature burn things out and then not replant such areas with more human housing that burn.

The state should employ vast left-wings herds of goats to eat ground cover where it need by reduced. Intense forest management; ecosphere management, needs to be routine rather than rare.


Canadians May Expect Saudi Arabia to Accept Homo Marriage

Saudi Arabia has been offended recently by Canadian interference in their internal affairs. Canadians were leaders in legalizing dope and homosexual marriage and hate Saudi Arabia's policies toward women and failure to have homo marriages. Saudi leadership has said it will stop giving medical treatment to Canadians.

I was accosted on-line recently by a Canadian who took offense to so many things American it would take too long to recount.  So I understand the Saudi problem a little. The Canadian let me know that on the 73rd anniversary of the atomic bombing of two Japanese cities Americans should be thought of as villains. It would have required 150,000 U.S. casualties to take Japan without the bombs, and I guess Harry Truman made the political choice not to end the imperial Japanese military power that way. Canadians were leaders in legalizing dope and homosexual marriage and hate Saudi Arabia's policies toward women and failure to have homo marriages. Saudi leadership has said it will stop giving medical treatment to Canadians. The Canadians are rarely subject to American criticism since they tend to be ignored as extremist flakes with weird accents and Clive Barker novel immigrants from Transvania.

Saudi Arabia has its own course of social evolution that may be different than that of Canada. Canadians and other leftist nations under the sway of Britain tend to consider all those that don't want to go the homosexual dopey path as haters and bigots. They tend to throw all their agenda in to one package that they expect to force upon the world. Canada has good aircraft to medivac its sick ones back home from Saudi.

The oil producing rival nations can agree to hate one another a little. War won't happen though I believe Saudi might win if they did conflict in the desert. They have AWACS jets and the Canadians might not and those are useful in air defense.

Social evolution does have a kind of natural history forward, and many aspects of society tend to remain in balance. A surfeit of material wealth becomes diffuse as do social morals- sometimes to the point of break down. Wrong practices in business and even morality continue because of concentrated special interests pursuing their narrow self interests. Outsiders tend to desire to force change and that creates conflict, since it is interference, and also requires economic management from outside synched with the new moral or business model inside. That aggravates people.

Saudi Arabians may not have a great desire to emulate Canadian society. Consider some of the changes required for Saudi Arabia to have homo bars like The Pulse, and to have women semi-nude in the sunshine getting skin cancer. Though Canadians might like that as well as to be able to drink single malt scotch from a paper cup bought at a push cart along with a roast pig sandwich before they go to watch a porn movie for lunch at Godless, Atheist Cinema-that sort of thing takes time even with Canadian encouragement. The Canadian Government may want Saudis to become insipid urbanites working for minimum wage at Kentucky Fried Chicken hit on by homos.



Alpha Zero's Chances Against 100 Top Chess Players at One Move a Day

Gary Kasparov in 1996 playing the top 100 players one move per day. The collective playing an individual. I can’t say that Kasparov would lose. Collective mind isn’t necessarily better than the individual. Voting on the best move involves the opinion of a lot of non-Super GMs. One should throw out the opinion of 80 of the top 100 players since their ratings would be well below the most elite. Today anyone with a rating lower than 2750 shouldn’t get a vote. Presently there are just 17 players eligible to vote in that criterion.
The most brilliant chess games by champions were exceptional because they weren’t usual or anticipated. I think that knocks out about all of the 17 from getting to vote, so Kasparov would win by default because none would meet the standard to play. Probably Alpha Zero rates the same sort of consideration.
Magnus Carlsen deserves honorable mention too although well informed analysts (I am not in that group) say that others are imitating Carlsen’s endgame now and that he is losing his edge as he ages. Would he defeat Alpha Zero with the help of 100 consultants to choose one move a day? Maybe Alpha Zero with that kind of time to think for himself would develop some sort of computer chess neurosis and become lost in infinite loops of self-criticism or involved in images of bare transistors hanging like fruit, and forefeit, being unable to continue after the 50th day when its cpu and gpu fry.

What President Trump Could Do to Obstruct Justice

If President Trump were to stand atop a black SUV parked at the Special Investigator Mueller headquarters and flail his arms about all akimbo imitating Bernie Sanders that would help.

President Trump could order tire locking devices be placed on cars driven by Democrats on the Supreme Court.

Additionally he could order the Post Office to open all mail going to the Mueller H.Q. and complete copy everything to a hidden unsecured email server linked to Siberian interests working for special Beijing parties.
Image credit; White House staff

Obstructing justice would plainly occur if President Trump ordered a black helicopter extraction and exfiltration of former aide to The Donald Paul Manafort from his present dungeon.

President Trump could issue an executive order to modernize the calendar retro and pro-actively and reset the year to the year counting from when Donald Trump was born. Then he could say it is not possible that he did anything to obstruct justice in 2016 since that year won’t exist for something less than 2000 years.

If President Trump knew a priori that there were Russians in Washington D.C. and did not tell the Washington Post he would be over-the-line on obstruction of Justice. At least the public has confidence that Special Investigator Mueller will sort it all out.

Canada Isn't Really Mild, Weak and Reliant on U.S. Defense

Canada has developed a reputation as something of a counter-culture nation. It of course was too long under the sway of British masters. Canadians were tough, no question about that. So when the British wanted to throw them into W.W.II they died by the thousands. When Canad followed the Brits into homosexual marriage that didn’t help their reputation. Neither did legalizing dope or sometimes seemingly yippie leftists.

Does the U.S.A. defend Canada? No, not really. Saudi Arabia is kicking Canada around this week a little. They know Americans and Canadians are having a spat and the U.S.A. won’t go out of its way to defend Canada right now. Saudi on the other hand could perhaps defeat Canada in war if there was war and of course there won’t be since Canada isn’t yet Muslim enough to be receptive to Saudi leadership-though they do sympathize with most leftist things that support Muslims immigration to Canada I believe.

Canada does have a lot of insipid people in some of the urban areas obviously. The U.S.A. has none of those. Americans practice mixed martial arts and chew tobacco in most urban areas while clad in the best Italian suits (no humor is allowed here-sorry).

Usually Canadians say they are Canadians instead of Americans to avoid being harassed abroad. I know though that the method does not always work even if used by Americans such as James Comey former F.B.I. Director who said, I believe, that when he was entering Ireland recently he considered saying he was Canadian instead of American because he was ashamed of the U.S.A. and perhaps also because he thought that foreigners regard Canadians these days (not in the past) as flaky leftist with homosexual marriage.

I actually read a Canadian history book long ago, and that is very rare for an American. Most Americans couldn’t tell you who Wilfred Laurier was, or what the Privy Council was. I know where Frobisher Bay is and of the exploits of Sir Francis Drake’s 2nd on a mission or two. Even so, it is possible that Canadianism will not endure too much longer than the United States, even with Britain to help defend it.

A Summary of Christian History and Future

Christianity has had at least three end-times interpretations from the Bible over its history (hermeneutics). The popular evangelical interpretation has been popular in the U.S.A. since the mid 19th century. It's easy to teach and a powerful tool for conversion and control during difficult times. It is wrong though.


Old Testament prophecy led up to Jesus who fulfilled scripture. He was also the most accurate prophet in addition to being the Messiah or Maudi. Unfortunately most Christians in some way misunderstand the prophecies of the Lord and misunderstand John's book of Revelation too. 

Jesus lived and was crucified to reconcile humanity unto God through remission of sins for those that have faith in the Lord's atoning gift. After the crucifixion Jesus returned from the dead appearing to his disciples before returning unto the Father.  At Pentecost the Holy Spirit appeared to guide the saved while the kingdom of God was increasing.

The Biblical apocalypse occurred in the first century a.d. just as Jesus said.

Matthew 24 verses 1 & 2 And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down."

Foretelling the apocalypse accurately, the Lord foretold what should occur after. He would leave and the Holy Spirit would appear and the kingdom of God would build to become a majority. The building up of the kingdom of God would occur until the age of the gentiles was fulfilled.

The Lord described the apocalypse content in some detail. Later in Matthew 24 he mentions the persecution of Christians, and after that, with mention of the witness to all the nations of the world, is a reference to the great commission. And this period of building up the kingdom of God continues presently, and could go on for a month or thousands of years, until the age of the Gentiles is fulfilled.

"Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."

Christian pastors are not being helpful to Christians or the nation politically in adding to the panic of a challenging social environment with wrong-headed theology about a Biblical apocalypse ahead. The world will have more conflict of course, and people may destroy much of it or even the viability of the ecosphere of the Earth however that is incidental. The kingdom of God building up in new people over history will continue into the future as God deems it useful. Then when Gentiles can go no farther the Lord will return. Attempting to precipitate a fulfillment of Gentiles probably isn't a good social engineering plan.

Scientists Warn of Hothouse Earth- Drastic Remedies and Tariffs on Cars Justified

Scientists are warning of a tipping point to hothouse Earth. Those that like air conditioning will want to heed the warning and find new ways to place tariffs on foreign automobiles and trucks to keep the killer machines on the other side of the planet. Americans can upgrade their electric car capacity and convert the nation's highways into a vast mid-center, right and left coast solar panel on which electric cover can charge in-line.

Much more should be done such as regreening vast urban areas and increasing the national albedo with solar energy reflecting materials. Whitening up artificially dark land areas to increase solar reflection back to space instead of absorbing it should create a million jobs for youth and technicians. The albedo project could be designed to increase electron energy production too.


A planet 7 to 9 degrees warmer is just too hot for a many living things including bear and Democrats.

A Brief Summary of Christian History and Future

Christianity has had at least three end-times interpretations from the Bible over its history (hermeneutics). The popular evangelical interpretation has been popular in the U.S.A. since the mid 19th century. It's easy to teach and a powerful tool for conversion and control during difficult times. It is wrong though.


Old Testament prophecy led up to Jesus who fulfilled scripture. He was also the most accurate prophet in addition to being the Messiah or Maudi. Unfortunately most Christians in some way misunderstand the prophecies of the Lord and misunderstand John's book of Revelation too. The Biblical apocalypse occurred in the first century a.d. just as Jesus said.

Matthew 24 verses 1 & 2 And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down."

Foretelling the apocalypse accurately, the Lord foretold what should occur after. He would leave and the Holy Spirit would appear and the kingdom of God would build to become a majority. The building up of the kingdom of God would occur until the age of the gentiles was fulfilled.

The Lord described the apocalypse content in some detail. Later in Matthew 24 he mentions the persecution of Christians, and after that, with mention of the witness to all the nations of the world, is a reference to the great commission. And this period of building up the kingdom of God continues presently, and could go on for a month or thousands of years, until the age of the Gentiles is fulfilled.

"Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."

Christian pastors are not being helpful to Christians or the nation politically in adding to the panic of a challenging social environment with wrong-headed theology about a Biblical apocalypse ahead. The world will have more conflict of course, and people may destroy much of it or even the viability of the ecosphere of the Earth however that is incidental. The kingdom of God building up in new people over history will continue into the future as God deems it useful. Then when Gentiles can go no farther the Lord will return. Attempting to precipitate a fulfillment of Gentiles probably isn't a good social engineering plan.

John Havlicek was the Best Celtic Player

John Havlicek was the best Celtics player. Better than Larry Bird, Bill Russell or Kevin Garnett. Best work ethic on the best teamwork team in NBA history with the Michael era Bulls being the sole close rival.


Are There Thin-Film LCD Calendars with Art Yet?

Thin film calendars with changing art (such as Picasso and Renoir) would be useful to have; especially if they automatically updated the month and highlighted the day. They should require fewer than five dollars to purchase.

A bonus would be if they had wireless too in order to run important headlines from a source of one's choice.

Veganism Experienced Inflated Food Prices Too

Apparently there are two major branches of veganism; dietary and ethical. The first is for health and the latter to stop cruelty to animals....