
Canadians May Expect Saudi Arabia to Accept Homo Marriage

Saudi Arabia has been offended recently by Canadian interference in their internal affairs. Canadians were leaders in legalizing dope and homosexual marriage and hate Saudi Arabia's policies toward women and failure to have homo marriages. Saudi leadership has said it will stop giving medical treatment to Canadians.

I was accosted on-line recently by a Canadian who took offense to so many things American it would take too long to recount.  So I understand the Saudi problem a little. The Canadian let me know that on the 73rd anniversary of the atomic bombing of two Japanese cities Americans should be thought of as villains. It would have required 150,000 U.S. casualties to take Japan without the bombs, and I guess Harry Truman made the political choice not to end the imperial Japanese military power that way. Canadians were leaders in legalizing dope and homosexual marriage and hate Saudi Arabia's policies toward women and failure to have homo marriages. Saudi leadership has said it will stop giving medical treatment to Canadians. The Canadians are rarely subject to American criticism since they tend to be ignored as extremist flakes with weird accents and Clive Barker novel immigrants from Transvania.

Saudi Arabia has its own course of social evolution that may be different than that of Canada. Canadians and other leftist nations under the sway of Britain tend to consider all those that don't want to go the homosexual dopey path as haters and bigots. They tend to throw all their agenda in to one package that they expect to force upon the world. Canada has good aircraft to medivac its sick ones back home from Saudi.

The oil producing rival nations can agree to hate one another a little. War won't happen though I believe Saudi might win if they did conflict in the desert. They have AWACS jets and the Canadians might not and those are useful in air defense.

Social evolution does have a kind of natural history forward, and many aspects of society tend to remain in balance. A surfeit of material wealth becomes diffuse as do social morals- sometimes to the point of break down. Wrong practices in business and even morality continue because of concentrated special interests pursuing their narrow self interests. Outsiders tend to desire to force change and that creates conflict, since it is interference, and also requires economic management from outside synched with the new moral or business model inside. That aggravates people.

Saudi Arabians may not have a great desire to emulate Canadian society. Consider some of the changes required for Saudi Arabia to have homo bars like The Pulse, and to have women semi-nude in the sunshine getting skin cancer. Though Canadians might like that as well as to be able to drink single malt scotch from a paper cup bought at a push cart along with a roast pig sandwich before they go to watch a porn movie for lunch at Godless, Atheist Cinema-that sort of thing takes time even with Canadian encouragement. The Canadian Government may want Saudis to become insipid urbanites working for minimum wage at Kentucky Fried Chicken hit on by homos.


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