
Nike Won’t Stand for the National Anthem

That’s something of a joke people say when returning new shoes to sporting goods stores. Politics entering into television entertainment isn’t such a good thing, yet it isn’t new.
Tennis umpires may boycott Serena William’s matches in fear she might go off on them. Serena’s rival who bested her for the U.S. Open title got a vast contract with Adidas. Amusing stuff.



Did Woodward Endanger National Security?

 Did Washington Post Reporter Bob Woodward endanger national security with his new book's leaked information and statements about unpublished tweets concerning North Korea? President Trump is making more progress with North Korea than any President has before. The Clinton's just gave the North Koreans a lot of food and cash in exchange for pretending they weren't building nuclear weapons (they did). If Mr. Woodward's book has effected the careful interaction between Kim Un and President Trump and the North Koreans fail to continue rapprochement with South Korea and the U.S.A. while getting rid of nukes, that may leader to a future nuclear exchange and that could be said to endanger national security.

The title of the new Woodward book is 'Fear'. Fear is a popular theme with young Democrat supporters and politics and. In Oregon last year Sen. Ron Wyden told the young people of Lane Community College not to fear (the Trump election). Apparently youth are fearful and worry about impingement on homosexuality, drugs and blue hair. Bob Woodward tapped into one of the Democrat party's underlying themes about Republicans. Apparently their is a myth that Republicans will put youth out on the street where they will be victimized by the Klan who is lurking with motorcycles, whips and chains nearby.

Yet Democrats don't have a real platform to change anything. Their polices work for the concentration of wealth; it what Mr. Obama who made Bush II tax cuts permanent without a single vote of dissent from Democrats except for Bernie Sanders who was an independent.

I recall that during the Reagan administration writers including myself used to advocate national self-determination and democracy as opposed to the forced subjugation to communist authoritarianism. I could no longer write that way about the United States or the west if there was some sort of international situation. I still oppose communist authoritarianism, yet the United States is no longer for national self-determination so much as it is for globalism. It is also a real politic advocate for corporatism and globalism instead of national democracy tat requires secure borders.

Democrats are leading youth to increased national debt in partnership with Republicans. Democrats just go about globalism differently and apportion government spending priorities to their constituency instead of the military industrial complex. Even so, the primary benefit for Democrat voters is moral corruption and licentiousness (Ken Starr writes in his new book that Hillary Clinton said she could not remember or didn't recollect an event more than 300 times while being interviewed and he felt like charging her with perjury). That will lead to the destruction of citizen interests and strength politically in prep for a lot of people globally being phased out. Homosexuality is just a birth control and population reduction tool. Democrat Party leadership just works to make a future Earth a better place for the 1%.

President Trump's government environmental policies aren't good. The only real way to fix the ecosphere is to have a strong national identity and self determination with Democracy taxing the rich enough to pay for secure borders and ecospheric rehabilitation. That can be done with either party. Presently neither party even recognizes what ecospheric economics are, nor have a clue about reforming capitalism. Democrats are trained to hate Christian, develop a Sodom and Gomorrah ethos and prep the world for the rich to inherit.


Chinese State Terrorism Attacks Christians

Chinese Communist Party terrorism against Christians is proceeding with a new front to purge people of faith. The Communist Party might have been inspired  by Queerocratic leaders of America that are anti-Trump working anti-Trump intifada, feeling an attack on Christians in China was fair dinkum retaliation in a trade war.


China is very pushy these days trying to establish artificial islands and missile bases in the sea of China, intimidate Taiwan, expand in Africa and bully and terrorize Christians etc. American corporations that have invested to extreme lengths such as Apple in Chinese production and opposed national security and built up China repeat errors the Roman Empire developed long ago for neglecting their own national well being in pursuit of foreign profits.

Not even Elton John offering to suck Chinese leaders as an envoy from Obama would restore  strong national security for the United States that suffers from the Queerocratic lemonization of traditional pragmatic politics of enlightened national self-interest.



Blitz (3m) Vienna Game vs Falkbeer

                                                         I played white and got lucky; it happens in blitz.

Affirmative Action Police Shooting Kills Accountant in His Apartment

Headlines describe another white police officer killing of a black man. This time in Dallas. That's one way to view the matter.


I have encountered a few small police officers that had bulked up fairly well as bodybuilders. Texas has more than a few Mexican-American officers that realize some aspects of their job require WWE skills- especially when handling felons on illegal drugs. Smaller women have a hard time with things like that.

So a female police officer in Dallas shot an accountant in his own apartment when she walked into his apartment thinking it was hers. A male officer might not have been so threatened that he immediately draws his gun and shoots the fellow.

There was little chance that the account, who was black, acted in the least threatening way. He had a very good social reputation. The black Dallas police chief who is also a rather slight female, might have wanted the female that shot the non-perp accountant to be the affirmative action female on the ten-member elite, otherwise all male dangerous perp squad.

Politicization of the sad affair is about a white officer killing another black man. It is a white versus black issue generally, and Kolin Kapernick's people would look at it that way.

The other way to view it as an affirmative action event wherein smaller females are required to be placed on police agencies who aren't a capable of performing all aspects of the job equally well as men. That endangers male officers and civilians too on occasion.

The cost of affirmative action to black Americans was that it required white women and others to also receive affirmative action. Black mobility upward was diluted as new arriving Americans including Hispanics were also set on the fast track. A practical way to view affirmative action is downward action for white men, since they the only people excluded from it. The hating on white make police officers that has been at the front of the black political wing of the Democrat Party is just a continuing element of the affirmative action racism that has become settled policy.

NFL Tricked the Public on Anthem Politics

The NFL won't actually implement its national anthem political protest policy until next year- maybe. The public probably believed the policy change would go into effect this year. It is quite possible that partisan political protests during the national anthem will recur for another year prompting millions of viewers to lose football altogether and find something to watch that is entertaining, instead of full of partisan mooning of national sentiments. 



Digital Electric Transport Field Ideas

One ought to be able to build a new highway as simply as rolling out special new power cables across the countryside. A new container for human or cargo transport would be required though. The power supply and the container would require new engineering design.

image credit: N.A.S.A.
The electrical power lines would be digitalized and smart with opposite charge nodes offset and inserted along the line. That would enable a variety of switching control for acceleration and reversing polarity. The field between three lines arranged in a three dimensional triangle would increase the number of switching and field modes acting on a container moving through.

The container would be ultralight. It could be charged itself or the container could be made to attract or repel electrical charges in the digital electron field. Security for containers in close spacing with same charge repulsion would be an implicit emergent characteristic of the digital field (the Rogan effect).

Electric field transport lines around the lunar surface, or on any planet or moon cold enough, would allow easy in-line superconducting in-line power storage from solar voltaics and very quick trans-world transport.

It should whoosh through better than anything Nike has.

The Trump Jr., Russian Meeting, DC Post Clinton/Steele Article

It is interesting that the Washington Post- a Trump hating organ, actually found points on Russian collusion regarding Hillary Clinton...


Fox news did some analysis on the meeting of Trump Jr with a Russian lawyer. He doesn’t have a job with the administration and doesn’t need to disclose foreign contacts. Neither did he as a campaign helper solicit a foreigner for help. A lawyer pointed out that it is not illegal to go and see what someone has or wants.

Trump Jr. said that the Russian lawyer said that she had information that could“incriminate Hillary”. Trump Jr. later said that made no sense. Yet as we see in the WP article, the Steele affair might have been the object referred to. Russians knew her people were looking to Russian contacts during the campaign.

Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with Russian lawyer: What to know

quoting the WP article; “the Clinton campaign proactively sought dirt on Trump from Russian government sources. They did it through cutouts. In April 2016, Clinton campaign lawyer Marc Elias retained opposition research firm Fusion GPS to compile incriminating information on Trump. Fusion GPS in turn hired Christopher Steele, a former British MI6 operative with sources among Russian government officials. The result was the salacious dossier, whose sources included “a senior Russian Foreign Ministry figure” and “a former top level intelligence officer still active in the Kremlin.” Steele’s work was paid for by Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee. That means a paid agent of the Clinton campaign approached Russian officials for damaging material on Trump.”


So the Russian lawyer might have been trying to get the information to the Trumps that Hillary's campaign wasn't playing fair and was making contact with Russians via cutouts in their quest to get dirt on Donald Trump.


U.S. Recalls Ambassador from Panama; Should Taiwan Become U.S. State?

The Trump administration recalled ambassadors from a few countries that reject recognition of Taiwan. (El Salvador, Panama & Dominican Republic)


Maybe it's time to ask Taiwan if they would like to become a U.S. territory on the pathway to citizenship. Taiwan could hold a referendum on the issue, and the Congress provision admission.


Pluto Would Turn Down Being Named a Planet Again

I asked someone with knowledge of planetary psychology what they thought about the Pluto issue;

Image credit: NASA - J.P.L
"Scientists are again agitating to name Pluto a planet. After being kicked out of the planet league I am fairly sure that if one were to ask a spokesman for Pluto she would disavow any interest in being associated with other solar system objects given Planet status as if it were some kind of harem.

What use is it being associated with gassy giants like Neptune and Saturn if you are a solid icy orb at the edge of the Kuiper  Belt minding your own business? Scientists look with lust toward orbs they can call planets. Pluto probably would not like being thought of as an object for cold-hearted predators to land upon and use. Very likely Pluto would tell Earth scientists to keep their planet label for some sexy planet x that might be very distant yet very large and that might enjoy being pawed over for a while as some sort of novel experience.

Once cast aside as a planet, one cannot expect to just take back the spurned object as if it were waiting for the call. It is lucky that for the present, Pluto can't say a word about it."

Imperfect Character is Universal

The question of why anything exists rather than nothing was a question that Plotinus considered in The Enneads. Why would The One order anyt...