
Chinese State Terrorism Attacks Christians

Chinese Communist Party terrorism against Christians is proceeding with a new front to purge people of faith. The Communist Party might have been inspired  by Queerocratic leaders of America that are anti-Trump working anti-Trump intifada, feeling an attack on Christians in China was fair dinkum retaliation in a trade war.


China is very pushy these days trying to establish artificial islands and missile bases in the sea of China, intimidate Taiwan, expand in Africa and bully and terrorize Christians etc. American corporations that have invested to extreme lengths such as Apple in Chinese production and opposed national security and built up China repeat errors the Roman Empire developed long ago for neglecting their own national well being in pursuit of foreign profits.

Not even Elton John offering to suck Chinese leaders as an envoy from Obama would restore  strong national security for the United States that suffers from the Queerocratic lemonization of traditional pragmatic politics of enlightened national self-interest.


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