
The Special Council Commission, Alex Jones and the State of Democracy

The Special Council was supposed to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election. It wasn’t specifically about President Trump. While looking into possible Russian interference Paul Manafort and others, some linked to the President, were charged on unrelated crimes. The crimes hadn’t anything to do with Russians, and were discovered in passing. Because the Special Council has appeared to be going after the President as much as any Russians that may have been involved, the investigation seems partisan and biased.


For an investigation to avoid being a witch hunt purposed to overturn the election results its commission should have been much larger; as when L.B.J. commissioned people to investigate the causes of the 1967–68 riots resulting in the famous 1968 Riot report, or the 9–11 commission and findings. Any foreign interference, from any nation should have been investigated including the media.

It would also be useful to investigate the effect that a biased news media has on U.S. elections. Just 15 billionaires and six corporations own 90% of the media; the media in some respects is a plutocratic agency and part of the insider-globalist, corporatism that conjoins Harvard, corporate politically correct speech for internet censorship and so forth. The corporate world is itself multinational. Russia is probably one of the least influential factors on U.S. elections and is a convenient scapegoat and diversionary object providing a premise for harassing the President and ransacking his lawyers and business associates or employees. Espionage arises from innumerable sources, and has since before James Bond was even a thought in Ian Fleming’s brain.

Alex Jones and his Prison Planet and Infowars were deleted from social media faster than a pigeon can poop on a statue. If Jones wasn’t such a strong advocate for the President and spokesman against the deep state he would still be around. Just compare Jones’ internet content to regular broadcast media or Youtube videos hosted; there is actual violence by the billions and trillions of tons, foul language and anything they could try to blame Jones with a trillion times over. Jones fundamentally was political and presented viewpoints that just don’t exist elsewhere. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Democracy and political liberty may be so degraded in the U.S.A. from a number of vectors that Americans may be regarded by the media as mushrooms kept in the dark and fed a lot of manure.

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