
Though the World Has Wickedness it Isn't Destined for a Prophetic Apocalypse

God didn't spare Sodom or Gomorrah just because Lot lived there. Yet people have been trained to ignore what Jesus said about the apocalyptic events happening within the generation that was living when he was too. They ignore the rather obvious fact that the end time he spoke of occurred in the first century a.d. culminating in the destruction of Jerusalem with a half million dead. 

After Pentecost the era of the building kingdom of God began, and when the age of the gentiles is full, and a majority of the living are Christians, the Lord will return in his third coming (he appeared to the disciples and many others after resurrection and that was the second coming). There isn't another Biblical apocalypse  in prophecy, although mankind itself may build one. The Beast of the Revelation incidentally, was Nero. The final day and resurrection unto life or judgment of the dead is a the end of the age.


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