
Defenses Against 1.e-4 and the Fried Liver Attack

I am not such a great chess player myself. However I like e-4 openings so I tend to understand something about what works against people attack that way 1. e-4 openings include the Fried Liver and King’s Gambit, Evan’s Attack, Loli Attack, Italian Game etc. Basically I would say that if you learn good defenses against 1. e4 and work with them a lot you will find defenses against the Fried Liver implicitly. Don't forget to attack with black yourself.

Common defenses against 1. e-4 include the Owen’s Defense, the Kings Indian Defense and the Sicilian. The Sicilian Dragon defense resembles the K.I.D. in some respects so you can vary or conflate them sometimes with positive results. The Sicilian Sveshnikov is a good defense against the Fried Liver. You should not find that weak f-7 square too challenging to defend after a while.
The Sicilian Scheveningen is a pretty good defense against f-7 vulnerability.

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