
Dr Ford Forgot Washington Post Reporter Meeting Detail

Dr. Christine Ford in testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee today said that she could not remember if she gave written notes to a Washington Post reporter she met with. That meeting occurred just a few weeks ago; not 35 years ago. The notes were very important as they described what she told her psychiatrist about her sexual assault memory from the high school party she says Judge Kavinaugh attended. When making a decision to present her story to a Washington Post reporter the item she would have made a choice about were the notes. Before going to any important meeting where one must provide witness one usually would choose what evidence in support she would take. Since the only evidence she had were the notes of what she told a psychiatrist, it is rather unconvincing that she could not remember if she took her notes to the meeting to let the Post reporter look at them of if she just casually described the content.

Hillary Clinton  told Ken Starr that she could not recall or could not remember more than 300 times in answering various questions. Ken Starr said he felt like he should charge her with perjury yet didn't. Dissimulation is within the power and practice of Democrat Party leadership.

The relativist and associationist truth schools following John Dewey's teachings believe truth is whatever they say it is. In other words they can pass a polygraph test about anything so long as they regard everything they say as being implicitly true. Those are the Democrats today, and especially psychologists.

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