
New Allegations Against Judge Kav Reveals DC's Sewer Side

Washington D.C. is a sewer breeding corruption in its youth going on the basis of the swingie prepper stories emerging as Brett Kavanaugh is in the stocks during confirmation proceedings. Even though the Harvard Yale axis of dope is what SCOTUS is made of, there is a difference between men and women that pundits and cognoscenti have noticed. How can the Court have fair and balanced male-female members in the future that includes non-homosexuals and leftist wackos too?


There should be a definite protocol for letting accusations pile up, as if it was a legal hunting season, that ends so the Senate Judiciary Committee may rightly consider the stuff dumped their way- and not at the last minute so the Senate seems like a bunch of jackasses manipulated by any collusionists out there.


Should juvenile records be allowed that don't involve criminal convictions? That is a tough question. Adults are supposed to be more mature and with different conduct than juveniles.

And what about college parties? Is everyone that attends one responsible for everything that goes on there-especially in DC where the last President was a confessed minor cocaine user like former Mayor Marian Berry I suppose. 

If women are going to be held accountable for immoral behavior in some way that approximates male misdeeds, what can be considered; extra-marital sex or sex outside of marriage? Should every accusation of promiscuity be allowed against a female nominee in the years ahead. Where do the queer judges fit in? Is juvenile queer activity a fair reprehensible target for accusers to make against any judge that it might possibly stick to for a while at least?

Washington D.C. and environs is an ugly city morally speaking where some of the most corrupt and treacherous people anywhere gather to pile up vast public debt and let in drug traffickers and their fruits over the border illegally to supply their hench-persons that supply Hollywood. Someone has to judge the perpetrators with accomplices and collusionists who won't build a wall to keep the illegals out of the nation. In some way those living in Washington DC should be protected from all of the evil that California has to offer. Really, there should be some sort of protocol to defend Washington D.C. insiders.

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