
Ultra-Rich Have a Quarter of National Income- Another Kennedy-McCain Legacy

Income inequality is an increasing problem in the U.S.A., or it should be a concern for voters that are realistic and not apathetic. One percent of the populace has the tools of capital for development and innovation, while so many Americans are head nodding followers without anything they would want capital for to invest in evidently. So they aren't concerned about income inequality. Senator John McCain and Ted Kennedy created a number of issues that distracted Americans, divided Americans and brought opportunity costs with bad politics that let the most rich concentrate wealth farther. Each sought to expand the size of a favorite government sector spending; defense, health care and civil service

Senators with bad politic theory chase after homosexual marriage, foreign wars and sundry inefficient health care measures that fail to address the real economic core structures that should be reformed.

The French economist who wrote Capital in the 21st Century, Thomas Piketty, said that Donald Trump was elected in response to voter dissatisfaction with decades on rising income inequality. That is a message the Democrat Party haven't learned. Voters don't want to just have an increase in government redistribution of taxes from the rich to increase there standard of living, they want actual earning increases and opportunities for an increase in personal capital through government action and legislation to put the market on a more equitable foundation.

While the Democrat Party and President Bush were gathered together to celebrate the life of the late Senator John McCain, who had brain cancer like his friend Sen. Ted Kennedy, at the Senator's funeral, and while Bishops were groping stars at Aretha Franklin's funeral and Democrats were dissing President Trump at John McCain's, who wasn't invited to the funeral by John McCain, the rich were getting richer and Democrats were still clueless about it having no plans at all about reforming capitalism in the U.S.A.

The United States has the same level of income inequality as Mexico. In America though the race issue is used to attack the President and divide the voters so they have no ideas about reforming economic policies. It would be too easy to coordinate income equalization with ecological economic reform. Income brackets aren't racial, they are objective and financial. The majority of the poorest 20% of Americans in the U.S.A. are white. Attacking the income of white people when that group includes the 1% is bound to incite conflict that allows more concentration of wealth with the distraction.

  If the nation had a fair and rational working economic policy inclusive of ecospheric sustainability and objectively fair for anyone regardless of race then race would not be an issue. Race as an issue for economics arises just when rational economic objectivity and structure isn't a primary concern.  As Forest Gump said; 'Stupid is as stupid does'.

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A Reply to "Why are White People Good at Everything"

Structures that were started by a particular race and culture should have at least a few individuals that excel in a given structure. Other ...