
The Rich Should Be Taxed 90%

The rich should have a 90% tax rate in order to prevent them from playing with the poor. They have far too much power and influence to determine politics and even liberty to be allowed such wealth.

One doesn't need socialism to accomplish that, and the money could pay off the national debt and improve public education or simply be destroyed. The purpose is to de-mock democracy rather than to provide free chicken dinners for hundreds of millions.

Probably it will require war to get the tax rate down. A war with unforseeable context as yet a cloud at best amidst clouds. Then another Roosevelt will step forth to raise the bar on those that mock democracy in favor of plutocracy, globalism and corruption.

A disclaimer; the Democrats are even more corrupt than Republicans- one needs to look somewhere else.

An effectively aristocratic owned market limits the potential number of socially valuable creative start-ups. Individuals require enough capital to prove up worthwhile inventions. Egregious investment in dubiously necessary businesses such as fossil fuel vehicles and asphalt highways demonstrably present an opportunity cost that displaces better product simply through the weight of concentrated capital.

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