
Deep-State Leaky Border Insecurity Deal

The deep state has put up a silly, inadequate border security deal with just 1.2 billion dollars for a border barrier. The Congress also wants to cap the number of illegal aliens that can be held in arrest. Supposedly it is for just 42,000 beds. Since I slept so many years on the ground myself while looking for a job riding a bike around the southwest, or camping in Alaska, I wonder why illegal aliens require beds and can't sleep on the ground?

At least Senator Cruz of Texas has his boots on the ground of common sense; a rare characteristic these days.


The spoilt congress should provide six billion dollars for  a security barrier and the government should shut down until they do.



Democrat Intransigence of Border Defense is Deeper Split

The United States was lucky enough to have founders that were very like-minded and able to form a nation. It hasn't always been that way. The most evident difference of opinions and political splits was that leading to the civil war. It is likely that the present Democrat posture of our way or no way on anything they want is the surface of a growing deeper political split in the nation.

The wall is just a 5.6 billion dollar issue in a three trillion dollar budget. Even so the Democrats will see the government close again before they would sign off on a national security bill tens of millions of Americans want.

The nation may naturally drift apart and eventually break up allowing Democrats to take the public debt with them to California. They could call themselves the United State of California with Boston being their primary partner.

Adding an Obamacare Question to Form 1040 is BS

Complicating the IRS tax form 1040 with a question about medical coverage is plainly bull. What should be a simple, straightforward process of filling out a tax form is made needlessly complicated with irrelevant questions about medical care. The individuals that decided to do that should be keelhauled for an hour or three. What a bunch of unpatriotic louts would complicate what should be a simple form without extra schedules. Probably the same people that would cut beds for illegals breaking into the U.S.A. and trying to make the defense of the southern border lack any sort of realistic barrier in addition to all of the baloney frills that work only until the electricity fails and that also require agents to go to every electronic blip sighting to have a chance to arrest a theoretical terrorist.

Tax payments are supposed to be about income- not about health questions. It seems prima facie in violation of the constitution at minimum and treasonous more likely. It is a sort of Soviet ingression into plain earnings and tax on earnings, and that tax was only added by Lincoln to finance the civil war, that today should be used to combat individuals and cliques adding bs to form 1040.

There are poor people that only work part of the year, and in different states besides, that cannot easily get medical care much less fill out bs questions that become more convoluted than the usual horse ship about earnings and tax or other income such as five dollars in book royalties or an Alaska Permanent fund check that is not actually a Wall Street dividend.

I guess they want to marginalize the poor so far as to drive them out of filling out a 1040 entirely. Way to go Democrats, you filthy aloof bureaucratic goons!


Ecotopia and City-Planet Planning

We have made a study of ancient Earth and the history of its population dispersion that brought humans from the old world; the eastern hemisphere, to the new world; the Western hemisphere. We found that though the Westerners were fully modern humans biologically, that because of their separate development remote from the parent population of the East, they lost the multicultural tool and technological development of the East that synergistically cross-fertilized other eastern civilizations in a reinforcing process that accelerated technological tool invention and the dispersion of knowledge.

Initially humans migrated west as early as 30,000 B.C. yet most came much later beginning about 15,000 B.C. That was before the invention of human metallurgy in the east, yet just, and so the migrants went west without knowledge of metal making and they entirely lacked a cultural situation that would soon produce metals. Pre-Columbian Americans never developed metal-smelting technology. They were thus limited to stone building without the elaborate carved columns such as decorated Corinthian columns with crenelated flutings.

Because building great stone cities required a critical mass of population for workers, construction of the great pre-Columbian American cities of the Aztec, Inca, Maya and so forth occurred much later than the rise of civilizations in the Eastern hemisphere. Even so, with the metal technology of the East, wood-working and the appearance of Christianity, most of Europe never experienced the construction of great stone cities, and those that did such as Athens, Etruria, Rome, Knossos and so forth were of a phase that was passed and not duplicated in the wooden cites to the north.

The Westerners were biologically modern humans and their intelligence continued to evolve, or rather their brains had, at the same pace as their peers in the East, yet they did so without the inheritance of Eastern culture and developed stonework without metal tools, they developed sandals without a swoosh. That skill continued right until the arrival of Columbus. Technologically the Americans were more than 7000 years behind in technological development.

It is easy to extrapolate from the maximum pre-Columbian population of about 20 million Americans that it is likely that less than a half million Easterners ever made the far journey west over the 30,000 years before Columbus. If they had, their population should have been quite a bit larger by at least an order of magnitude. The law of accumulation works in demographics and economic growth. We have learned from that on Calvin Luther-Caesar.
This planet has every environment we know that can sustain the growth of biological life except for extremals. That is in a temperature range between 100 degrees below zero Fahrenheit and 200 degrees above zero F. These habitats support the full range of plant and animal life that can develop, although not in every possible permutation. Our neighboring planets have tried to support their own portion of the rainbow of ecospheres in their own selected wavelengths of the spectrum.

The eleven cities of Calvin Luther-Caesar occupy just eleven of the sixty four circles of potential habitation or wilding amidst the large interstitial wild spaces between the circles.
The human habitation circles each represent healthy positions on a global chessboard of sixty-four non-Euclidean squares (we have circled the squares rather than vice versa so forgive us for that if you will). Each city is built with an adapted architectural design style based on an ancient Earth civilization. These cities have broad avenues for wildlife to journey safely amidst the cities that for humans begin effectively on layer two. It is on layer one however, amidst the wildlife of Calvin Luther-Caesar, that the battle is being fought.”
If I may ask Solomon, where did the paradigm of the chessboard come from, as it applies to topology?”

Carla the original topology of the chessboard arose from ancient Afghan warlords battle planning. I had an innovation of my own they brought me to suggest it to the CLC priesthood of believers.”

And what was that Solomon?” Carla asked.

Each square of a chessboard make be likened unto the surface membrane of a holographic Universe with four space-time directions. Below each square is another complete chessboard with individual Universes of their own with infinite recursion. That is a model of a Multiverse, and the relationship of positions of pieces and pawns on each chessboard and its squares over time determines the configuration of the gravitational field of each Universe and the composite and specific mass and energy endowment of each Universe as expressed by its total gravity. The Multiverse itself and all of its chessboard hang in nothingness in a way that expresses the sum of the gravitational configurations of all of the chessboards of the Multiverse as they express their power through extra-dimensional, extra-chessboard super-positioning of gravitational fields.”

I said; “Yes Solomon, I can see how that would be an inspiration for adapting city planning ideas for a planet surface. It also suggests to me primitive circular irrigation patterns as viewed from above.”

Polar Bears Forage for Food at Novaya Zemlya Dump

Migrating polar bear are invading a far northern Russian town probably as they leave the seasonal ice to get to more spring-like locales. There is good video on the bear migration. Some day maybe all large mammals will have tracking chips for their own protection.


Instead of killing the bear they should be trapped and relocated to other regions of the arctic that are deficient in polar bear. There is no good sense in corrupting the gene pool of polar bears through the forced inbreeding of culls.


Alaska, Siberia and the Canadian high Arctic are good place to relocate challenged polar bear. The military could make some sort of bear life flights after they are trapped to deliver them to safe places for bear.


Overpopulation, Growth Rate etc

Every generation that has a 1% annual rate of economic or population growth at the end of 30 years has about a 33% per generation increase. The law of accumulation is ignored by the ignorant. Over a century the increase is thousands, and that law of accumulation applies to demographics as well. Thousands of times of increase on Earth-like planets without a capacity to provide even a fraction of the natural resources. When we will build a new world of Earth size some day we may begin with a construction population of 10 billion yet soon thereafter reduce population for the new planet through measured one birth per family for a few generations to the normal carrying capacity for an Earth world of two billion. Some of the extra population may relocate to construct another world. It is normal that each new world has an optimal ratio of humans per surface area for production and a healthy ecosphere simultaneously.

Populations cannot achieve zero population growth static stability then experience a flood of immigrants to replace them without causing more damage to social infrastructure and the ecosphere. With a calm draw-down of population growth while technology and education of the masses increases, world ecospheres could be directed to recover and new opportunities for building off-world ecospheres explored. It is important to begin building terrarium ecospheres with as much wildlife from Earth-like worlds as possible to improve the art. Innovative ideas for moons and planets can bring new ways of letting life flourish including new human populations intelligently designed to be in appropriate numbers for the new ecospheres.

Adroit political management rather than coercion need be the political method for stabilizing human populations as it bides its time before increasing again in new ecospheric regions it learns to build. Those ecospheres should be as robust and teeming with life as that God gave unto mankind rather than depleted of it. There is a time to grow a population and a time to hold fast or even decrease. Sometimes, fortunately rarely for politicians, conservative, sober rectitude is requisite for species survival.

Global Warming and Speaker Pelosi Are Not "Existential Threats"

Existentialism may be reduced to the philosophy of the late Jean Paul Sartre. It does not mean empiricism or existialism. Existentialism is a personal point of view of experience. That is why the philosopher wrote a sequel to Being and Nothingness named The Critique of Dialectical Reason. That book describes what society or 'others' seem to the observer to be doing within one's existentialist epistemology.

Being and Nothingness is an epistemological work in my opinion, though it usually is regarded as ontology. At any rate, global warming isn't ontology. One cannot even infer deontological duties from the atmosphere regardless of its temperatures. Being and Nothingness is not a political book or political or even scientific philosophy. Politicians and people in government like to use the term 'existential threat' because they have never read Being and Nothingness and have no idea what non-sense they are putting out.


Speaker Pelosi Attended Catholic Colleges, Most Illegal Aliens are Catholic Too

One has to wonder why Speaker Pelosi has said that a border security wall is "immoral" while supporting abortion. The explanation may not only be that California grape growers such as herself often employ illegal aliens, it could be that she just supports Catholic immigration as does the pope, whom has said that walls divide and so forth. The Catholic approach to Christianity- amillenialism, gives great importance toward a papal imperial stature (under God) that Speaker Pelosi may adhere too when it is convenient.



Speaker Pelosi's religious background and affiliations may be the deeper explanation of why she seems crazy on the wall issue. The last government shutdown cost several times more than the Trump portion of a wall would, and doubling down on that may be fine with the speaker when the next government shutdown occurs.

Christian religions have several end-times theories that vary from sect to sect. Catholics are amillennialist and believe the Pope is the head of the church and God's vicar on Earth. They may believe that he is at the center of the kingdom of God and admits or excommunicates people to and from it. 


Unlike the evangelical, pre-tribulationist viewpoint that the inverted 666 means the anti-Christ (actually it was a Jewish coded name for Nero in the 1st century a.d.) and there is a coming end-times apocalypse followed by rapture and second coming of Christ (really the third counting the resurrection appearances to the disciples), Catholic amillennialism may believe the kingdom of God on Earth can increase by flooding the United States with Latin Catholic  illegally so they are against border security and the requirement that a border barrier be constructed to physically make it more difficult to enter the U.S.A. in a criminal manner.

Instead of increasing the kinggdom of God on Earth, illegal immigration by the millions builds up the kingdom of the anti-Christ as abortion, homosexuality, concentration of wealth, destruction of the health of the ecosphere and sundry other issues (i.e. illegal drugs) follow the long range Kennedy-Pelosi anti-protestant, anti-security plan. Alexandria Octavia-Cortez and her Green New Deal may be another Kennedy-esque approach to bogging the U.S.A. down in debt and avoiding regulatory approaches with no up-front public costs to reforming economic policy toward ecological economics and sustainability. She also is Catholic and interned in the late Senator Edward Kennedy's office.


Speaker Pelosi's co-collusionist in legislation, Senator Chuck Schumer, is Jewish, and may have inherited some kind of WW II attitude towards wall, although the Israeli security wall has greatly cut down on Israelis being splattered about Jerusalem by Palestinian suicide bombers.


The When of the Day of Judgment

The day of judgment follows the end of the world.
Matthew 25:31-46 That could be in a week or 17 billion years. The time of the gentiles being fulfilled from Romans 11-25:27 sometimes is thought to have referred to the destruction of Jerusalem by gentiles and Jews being scattered and led away into captivity in the 1st century a.d. tribulation. Yet it does to me seem to be an explanation for the role of gentiles (Romans) in helping Jewish salvation through the salvific intercession of the Lord. "25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:

President Trump and Dictator Un Have Peace Showdown in Hanoi

Democrat symps enjoy criticizing President Trump about his relationship with Dictator Kim Un that has changed the way the two nations regard one another. Horror novel generator Stephen King commented the President is being duped by his own arrogance into believing Dictator Un is inferior by quoting from The Art of War by Sun Tzu.


Actually Dictator King does have a militarily inferior position and his economy isn't as good as California's yet although California is edging closer to that position. Maybe if the President is successful Silicon Valley will plant chip factories there to exploit cheap labor-who can say?

In scheduling a meeting with the Dictator in Hanoi, president Trump has the opportunity to continue a dialogue with a lost soul who inherited a political wilderness and permanent state of paranoia dating back to the end of the second world war when Korea split into two cold war camps. The cold war is ending, or ended and is only mildly refreezing in spite of President Clinton and contemporary democrats maladroit political choices to abort common sense and work late stage and post-birth abortions on normalized political relations between Russia and the United States. president Trump should continue to move toward normal economic integration of Korea into the free market economy. 

The Dictator could show good faith not only through reduction of nuclear development and nuclear stores, he could grant select civil liberties to his own citizens with a Korean very of glasnost and perestroika. maybe he should consult with Vladimir Putin on how to transition toward a free enterprise system and normalized relations with the western economic powers.

Democrat and Republican leaders have demonstrated unwillingness to launch a full-out war on North Korea to end its nuclear weapons development. Since Sect of State Albright danced before Dictator Un's father (it reminded me of Salome's dance before Herod for some reason), so peace and prosperity seems the least bad alternative political course to try.

Image result for salome and herod dance
"New Testament. According to Mark 6:21–29 a daughter of Herodias danced before Herod and her mother Herodias at the occasion of his birthday, and in doing so gave her mother the opportunity to obtain the head of John the Baptist."

Unscientific Generalities on the Etiology of Religion

  I am very cool on archetypes of collective subconsciousness such as Jung developed as a theory. The concept of projections is equally dubi...