
Why is Ireland a Problem for Brexit?

Settling the Irish troubles must have been tougher than getting an Irish trade policy that works for Brexit to satisfy the EU and England. Consider a Venn Diagram approach to trans-border trade. England, Ireland and the EU are the three circles, one adds what trade items each desires to their respective circle then determine where they overlap.

Yes there could be some challenges for those challenged with free trade to agree on what items and policy can be added to each circle, yet it shouldn't be that tough.

There are other approaches to filtering and polarizing trade diagrams. It would be helpful if Europeans didn't look daft-for-others and unable to find rational and mutually satisfactory solutions to one fairly simple issue. No wonder global warming remedies don't work well. Maybe President Trump should be asked to appoint a special Brexit envoy to resolve the issue as an arbitrator.


It Makes Perfect Sense That Jesus Could Pay for the Sin of Mankind

The Lord Jesus Christ is God. He is the only way for any of mankind to make it to heaven. All human beings fall short of the perfection required to enter an eternal relationship with God, whom is perfect.

It is as if a trillion dollar fine was required of each human to be free from sin and released from hell. For after one dies heaven and hell are the two possibilities for everyone. Those with faith in Jesus Christ and belief that he is God will be saved by the atoning sacrifice of the Lord.

It is as Jesus Christ had infinite wealth and could pay the trillion dollar fine that each human owes, for those that ask Him to.

It is easy to understand why Jesus Christ is able to pay for the sin debt of all of those that ask; Jesus Christ is God- one of the Trinity (God has a three-part nature). Since no human can do anything himself to pay the sin debt owed to God, in the perfect goodness of God the divine plan for all mankind allows for a sacrifice paid by the only one that could met the sin debt- God himself in the form of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The sacrifice of the Lord was the sacrifice of God himself. Jesus Christ was able to pay the debt of humanity, and was willing to do so for those that have faith in Him and His ability to do so. Infinite moral perfection, goodness and all of the attributes of God when sacrificed, compiled infinite wealth- perfection, to meet the condition required for mankind to exist in eternal relationship with God. Through the shed blood of the Lord; the perfect blessing, humanity that are saved are able to have a relationship with God through the Lord.

One might regard human existence as a kind of imperfect, broken form that is unfit for eternal existence. Yet whatever is required of God for mankind to exist eternally is provided by the Lord God himself.

Blitz 3M-Modern Defense with 1e4

                                                                                              I played black in this game.

California; The Train to Nowhere and Supremists

There was a question about why the President doesn't offend white 'cists and President Trump's respect for other ethnic traditions.  There were good answers demonstrating his support for Jewish social structures. I should mention though, that the word supremacist seems a little offensive to me.
I seem to recall that in the 1970s the word didn’t exist. The word supremist (or something similar) was used without the cist suffix. I believe it may be some kind of Orwellian spell-checker collusion that enters the word for all those without a sense that it is wrong.
Another word that is out there yet is not too used publically, for it has a double-edged sword aspect of political incorrectness about it, is ‘tard. An abbreviation of retard, tard might well be used politically to describe those so concerned about business that they ignore the decaying ecosphere as an externality to profit.
President Trump may be offensive to left-wing supremacists whom are natural tards for-themselves working degradation of opposition to imperialism of one form or another. Of course, he may not be offensive enough, although why be offensive and use hate speech such as the President frequently gets from the media in form if not in vulgarity?
When the pneumonic and bubonic plagues of the 12th through 14th century killed off 2/3rds of the population of Europe, and in the 16th centuries communicable diseases wiped out an equivalent amount of Americans (about 16 million), the world was in a roiling turmoil of risk and exploration. In my opinion many of the present attitudes arose in that era. I also believe a lot of people have maladroit political-historical thought that inertially continues, deleteriously.
President Trump probably can use whatever votes he can get to accomplish his political agenda. When Democrats (besides FDR and HS Truman) are in the White House, all of the corruption in the harbor rises. When will California repay the billions and billions of dollars it got for the train-to-nowhere? Offending people of any race that are citizens, on the basis of racism would be a good way to lose votes. He is against crime though. If individuals of any race commit crimes he is likely to be against that; regardless of the skin color.

American Technology Gap in 1492

Americans were about 7000 years behind Eurasia technologically in 1492. Eurasian technology rather than simply European technology had been shared culturally since perhaps 40,000 b.c. Americans were isolated from the main human currents of technological development though they had tenuous relations with Eurasia that actually never stopped arriving. The Ulu (skinning knife) used in Alaska probably got its name from the Mongol word Ulu meaning rule of law. The Dorsett Eskimo sled arrival from Siberia conquered the North American Arctic littoral in just 200 years arriving at far eastern Canada. For the region it was like an F-22.

It was never possible for America to remain culturally isolated from Eurasia, as Eurasians populated it in the first place in migrations across Berengia to Alaska and by boat. Technology and people would have continued to make their way to the Americas and the mainstream of world technology development would have reached the Americas over time. Maybe the Chinese would have ‘discovered’ the western hemisphere if Europeans were more introverted and hydrophobic. The first Emperor of America might have been of the Song Dynasty.


Blitz 3M-Sicilian Defense-Marshall Counterattack

Everyone is making a lot of blunders these days. Here my opponent went for the simplest trick. I played white in this game.

End of World in 2030? The Panic Hypothesis

The panic hypothesis that the world will end in 2030 advanced by Rep. AOC is a bad interpretation or translation of a recent U.N. report that global warming greenhouse gassing issues will increase substantially between 2030 and 2050. Some people took Alexandria Octavio Cortez' dire prediction to e something like the Mayan Calendar predictions and thought about buying space on the Space X Mars trip sometime in the future.

https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2019/01/22/ocasio-cortez-climate-change-alarm/2642481002/ The Panic Hypothesis


Actually the most solid end of the Earth's civilized life on it predictive scenario was that advanced by the author and scientist James Lovelock. He wrote in his book The Vanishing face of Gaia- A Final Warning, that the world's civilizations will mostly collapse in about 200 years. Jacque Cousteau had about the same time estimate. He understood the way people are and live in regard to the ecosphere.


Quite a bit more that restraining some greenhouse gas emissions would need to be done if the world is to have a modicum of ecologically sustainable economics for a population as great as it is today. Nothing like that is in the works politically of course.


https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/ecological-economics-principles-and-applications_herman-e-daly_joshua-farley/300499/?mkwid=s0GErMpGO%7cdc&pcrid=70112878392&pkw=&pmt=&plc=&pgrid=21323665512&ptaid=pla-292616666626&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIt4P7gpfS4AIVbCCtBh0flQSbEAQYBSABEgKN3_D_BwE#isbn=1559633123&idiq=3818488  First edition 

A reform of capitalism and free enterprise as well as democracy such that wealth is not concentrated as much as to create a political structure where the most rich and their media actually determine political direction would be the better way to exploit human inventiveness and adapt to the environmental challenges most choose to ignore. Other approaches such as socialism, fascism and so forth are not good alternatives for the majority of the people of the world.

All that is needed are good lines of legislation code building a systematic program. Rube Goldberg grandiose schemes waste time and money while presenting a large opportunity cost. Land use, zoning for lots regarding shape, rules set that free enterprise need to follow to build a sustainable ecosystem. It doesn't take genius. large government spending programs cannot substitute for free enterprise directed to go about things the right way rather than the wrong way through legislative neglect.

Fundamentally their are three basic forms of government; imperialism, democracy and chaos. Today real democracy seems radical to the rich who prefer a corporatist form of imperialism. socialism and communism are hybrids of authoritarianism with some elements of democracy, and they repress individual inventiveness and the social capacity for radical improvement.


Corrupting Medicare for Universal Coverage isn't a Good Idea

Socialism is an off the shelf, easy to think about political philosophy for those unable to create anything new philosophically speaking. It is a tired old way to overcome concentrated wealth that hasn’t worked very well, except in a few northern countries with a degree of natural isolation and cold weather. Socialized medicine or insurance would bog the field down as it does individual enterprise in several fields, Socialized actions crush individual initiative. If power generation were socialized the light bulb might yet not exist.

Reforming capitalism and democracy such that it works better in the 21st century would be useful yet few comprehend what is required for that, such as a substantial degree of ecological economic criteria. To deliver quality medical necessities for those that cannot afford it does not require corrupting medicare that was designed for the old, rather, a unification of the Veterans hospital system with walk-in community poor and homeless clinics coupled with fast national tube transport would allow free walk-in service for veterans and those citizens proven to be to poor to pay. 

Even in the old west country doctors and neighbors did their best to provide free service for people that needed it. Charity is not the same as megalomaniac universal medicare for all including those that don’t need it because they are filthy rich.

Veterans with several years service should be permitted to use the V.A. Hospital system even if they earn more than $40,000 annually. The system should be solid enough that all veterans could use it as well as poor Americans and those demonstrably ineligible for insurance.


Little More Than a Month Until NFL Draft

So who will the Denver Broncos pick? An edge, a corner back, Bennie Snell Jr and an interior offensive lineman are interests as well as the acquisition of Antonio Brown; those are possibilities, yet if a QB like Kyle Murray is available the Broncos should snag one and give him a year as back up (or maybe two) to learn the game.

I suppose people wonder who Tampa will draft to enhance their already good prospects for the year. A more useful question is will the Buccaneers play an exhibition game in Havana?

Catholicism and the Contemporary Imperial Drift

When the church reformer Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to the door of a Cathedral in Wittenberg Germany in 1517 he got the ball rolling on reforming the Catholic Church so far as to evolve a splinter movement between the reformed protesters and the imperial papal line that entertained select doctrinal inaccuracies and errors including the concept of papal infallibility. Today the problem of an imperial papal approach to Christianity persists though in a dampened down criterion.

Pope Francis of Argentina inherited the Argentine social environment of General Galtieri and the neo-Fascist expansionism of the junta that disappeared so many civilians. His approach was to demure during the neo-fasist era of the junta, yet the hard social-political environment was formative and may influence his idea of sending Latinos illegal across U.S. borders as being a good thing, at least for the imperial goals such as exist, of the Catholic Church leadership.

Protestants do not agree in a special role or divine mission for the pope. All Christians are equally without merit intrinsically and are saved only through the grace of God and the salvific intercession of the Lord Jesus Christ. Protestant Christian s have a more personal, direct approach to the Lord for-themselves without the intermediation of clerics within hierarchical structures. Martin Luther wrote that all Christians are priests. Modern reform minded protestants support the continuing de-imperialization of the clergy such that a priesthood of believers in a more egalitarian, less hierarchical ecclesiastic form is a desirable direction to evolve. A Christian church composed of priests would provide a great evangelical boost. Christian should not be pew-sitting subjects of an imperial proxy leader.

As the imperial goals of the Catholic Church tend to move in an opposite direction that personal, individual democracy and relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, one finds odd circumstances such as that of the Pope at the U.S.-Mexican border arguing for support for illegal alien entry into the United States. Imperials tend toward trampling on the rights of ordinary people; in that case the lawful citizens of the United States, in furtherance of imperial goals such as an Argentine-directed invasion of the United States in order to politically transform the United States into a Catholic despotism under the sway of the Pope. One cannot have democratic, deterministic environmental reform politics within capitalism very while while fighting a two-front or ten-front battle against loose imperial external forces trampling on national political self-determination.

Imagine that Catholic leadership was competent and even smart about the political structures and workings of all of the world's nations, and more, that they agreed and supported the national politics and mechanics of every nation (the church politics in such a case would have implicit contradictions). If the imperial papal policies tried to manipulate the politics of a nation externally and internally it would tend to be an unknown force interfering with the mechanisms and effectiveness of operations of the body politic of that nation. It would be like an external source of waves directed toward a distant calm body with waves sent from the body's political center to coordinate politics nationally. The external waves would interfere with the national waves and create chaos and discord.

At a certain point in history societies may benefit from an extra, neutral institutional structure to support the education and organization of illiterate, poor masses; especially if the government is repressive. Yet as history evolves to a higher level of cultural progress the extra-imperial structure may retard progress. It should adapt.

Martin Luther's movement of reform was an historical adaptation as European society advanced even unto the printing press. Consider top-down programming and its implicit limits. It may be adapted and upgraded. Turned on it's side top-down programming reads from left to right. It may grow more vertical shafts and roots like a cedar tree knocked on its side by high wind. New vertical and horizontal programmatic logic nodes may network to communicate and democratize; times change and imperial structures may implicitly corrupt in new environments.

Consider the theological absurdity of God limiting his direct interactions through one human who would then apply God's will through his human filter deforming the instructions. God can relate directly to anyone and may in fact pre-destined the entire course of human events. There are many theological absurdities one might wish to investigate in the designation of one human as the primary agent of God on Earth. It seems unwise to do so.

Wisdom may be found within expert knowledge applied interdisciplinarily such that one may know or have a good idea what a good course of events or action is to take after recognizing what the situation is. Some have wisdom about investing on Wall Street, some have wisdom about the world ecosystem, and some have wisdom about the Bible; how few though have political wisdom.

The Catholic leader may view the world through imperial lenses; rose colored glass tinted toward the blood of the lamb, yet mistake the imperial goals as a kind of kingdom of God annexation tool. It is reasonable for the imperial paradigm to add a few communist party appointed bishops in China here and a few million illegal alien Catholics to a protestant country there to increase the realm of the kingdom of God under the Pope. The problem of course is that the world’s politics are secular and the imperial papacy becomes political and secular itself adapting its position too often to worldly trends instead of looking toward divine theological concerns. The same Pope who supported illegal immigration also refused to take a position against homosexuality “who am I to judge” at a critical time in the political currents for an apparently political reason of not taking a Biblical stand in an enfiladed political position. The imperial interests of Catholic leadership may take entirely political forms; the Hapsburg Empire wasn’t an ecclesiastical organization.

Martin Luther’s protestant movement stimulated political revolt from the Hapsburg Catholic empire as well. Unfortunately bureaucracies promote people quite often that rise to their level of incompetence. Experts at theology may be criminally incompetent at understanding world politics, national politics and the sort of balances that are socially and politically require to get an environmental movement going that works well with reformed capitalism, free enterprise and democracy. Not only might the Pope be incompetent, most protestants involved in U.S. politics may be equally incompetent at non-theological matters and some theological matters too including eschatology. Sadly, that is the way of the world.

Imperfect Character is Universal

The question of why anything exists rather than nothing was a question that Plotinus considered in The Enneads. Why would The One order anyt...