
Yeti Footprints May Be All Proof Demos Need of Trump-Russian Collusion

Some people don’t believe N.A.S.A. landed astronauts on the moon. Neither do people believe that President Trump is guilty of collusion with Russia. With the recently failed Mueller Report people unemployed and available for retasking to new investigatory work, Democrats can set them to confirming the proposition that no one landed on the moon isn’t false, that President Kennedy faked the Apollo program and that President Nixon was making a call to a 900 number when he was pretending to be talking to Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the moon (they played a studio-produced tape recording)
It is easy to show that President Trump really did collude with Russia to overthrow capitalism and may have done so all of the way back to the Brezhniev/Podgorny era. Hollow rockets at Cape Canaveral lifted off with the help of hidden tiny aircraft inside before disintegrating high above out of sight of observers; that fact was well known to insiders aboard blacks ships (formerly known as U.F.O.s).
The Indian Army at high altitude sped up renewed interest in proving that President Trump colluded with Russian President Vladimir Putin to win the 2016 election. An ancient Nazi eugenics program to make Yetis larger, more formidable foes of France (formerly they were pygmies) may have been exploited by Vladimir Putin to exfiltrate safe control instructions to President Trump).
Plainly the Yeti footprints show that a back-trail message network between Trump and Putin that was untraceable by conventional electronic surveillance technology was in operation recently. One may infer from that with post hoc ergo propter hoc* reverse spin two critical elements important to the Democratic inquiry regarding the President's K.G.B. connections. One is that the Yeti network proves collusion and two; the Universe is accelerating faster than was previously known and therefore the collusion is far worse than previously confirmed.*
Evidentiary photo of Vladimir Putin on way to Yeti pigeon drop
Former Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton could possibly have connections that can prove the collusion even more; when channeling Eleanor Roosevelt she could ask for images from Indira Ghandi of the high-altitude Yeti pigeon drops.
*technical jargon meaning before or after this because, or due to that
*scientific paradigmata meaning quantum super-position of proof confirming Trump-guilt is placed on event horizon of recently photographed black hole
One must stay with the facts, even when most people don’t.


What Infrastructure Would Elon Musk Rebuild With $2 Trillion?

What could Elon Musk do with two trillion dollars if he was tasked with rebuilding or innovating replacement American infrastructure? Congressional leaders have agreed with President Trump to spend two trillion dollars on infrastructure, yet public debt is already $22 trillion. Adding more debt won't help the nation. Neither would adding infrastructure paradigms that were new a century ago.


Are government politicians smart enough to get more bang for two trillion bucks? Could some of Beto O'Rourke's or AOC's green ideas fit in? A better approach might be for the government to solicit ideas on the best uses for two trillion, before deciding to throw out the pork.


Venezuelan Uprising Shows Civilians Have Tough Job Without Merc Support

Venezuela's uprising against the Maduro regime shows the difficulty a popular civilian movement has in revolting against military protected unpopular elitist rule. When Boris Yeltsin got rid of the unpopular Supreme Soviet he had solid military support. Without at least shoulder-fired rockets to destroy urban armor putting down civilians, civilians have little chance of successfully revolting against a tyrannical government.

One wonders why the Trump administration is recalcitrant on providing arms able to get the attention of the Maduro military, such as rockets. Those items are very easy to use. Civilians can work them for-themselves.


Nominal Comparison of Carlsen's and Kasparov's Career Vectors

I.M.O.world chess champion Magnus Carlsen seems like the next generation Kasparov. Fischer might have had more intellectual capability than either. If Carlsen and Kasparov’s life situations were exchanged (Carlsen growing up in the Soviet chess school) the results would be about the same regarding ratings with Kasparov going for 2900.

Caesar vs Napoleon at Chess- The Winner Is?

On raw ability without training in chess, Caesar had better potential to win at chess than Napoleon. Caesar was a brilliant military engineer and strategist; possibly the best in the history of war. A sharp engineer might calculate chess board combinations better than a non-commissioned artillery officer . If one was drafting talent to play in the pro chess league Caesar would be selected in the first round while Napoleon would be lucky to be signed as a free agent.
Napoleon avoided facing the Russian General Suvorov- a wise choice for he would have lost in conflict, and made an expedition to Egypt instead. Caesar probably would have discovered a way to trap Suvorov instead of avoiding him until General Suvorov became hors de combat due to old age, as did Napoleon.


NRA Needs Sigourney Weaver to Be Its Leader

The NRA Needs to be pro-active and hire a female president able to bring women into the gun club. Sigourney Weaver was an early role model for the modern woman tough-as-nails kick-butt individual. In The Alien she was the sole survivor with common sense.

While some guy like Bruce Willis could take the duties seriously with the gravitas the job deserves, President Trump is in a panic that Democrats are trying to destroy the American right to own guns so females and homosexuals may dominate them within a socialist new world order. Maybe only a woman with good kung fu can right the capsized NRA ship’s course.


Ideally Milla Jovovich would be the President of the N.R.A., or even the captain of the space ship Raza in Dark Matter. She is a tough one with all sorts of good moves.

V.A. Dentists May Have Zero Production Incentive

Veterans Administration dentists apparently have no incentive to be productive and treat a lot of veterans. V.A. dentists are paid an annual salary of nearly a quarter of a million dollars with benefits and retirement and  vacation time as well. Where a dentist in private practice might treat a dozen patients a day, V.A. dentists may treat few or none. That leaves veterans with a lot of bad teeth.

Probably the Trump administration should create some kind of productivity incentive, because a certain percentage of V.A. dentists need motivation to be more productive. Some V.A. dentists are quite productive, yet the motivation is personal for there is no requirement for it.

SD Synagogue Shooter May Have Been Godless Atheist

The 19-year-old San Diego synagogue shooter was the son of a high school science teacher. Because an arsonist hit a mosque near the synagogue a month ago it is reasonable to speculate that the shooter may have been the arsonist too. His particular hate motivation to attack Abrahamic religious centers may have been godless atheist hate driven by evolutionists that hate Christians, Muslims and Jews. Jews are the softest targets of the three because they are fewer in numbers.

Democrats and California colleges are a cluster of godless atheists that regard Abrahamic faiths as puerile. Democrats and other godless atheists seek to defile and degrade those of faith with purging and death in order to leave themselves as worldly examples of kosher dirty swine.



What About a Space Elevator from the Moon to Stationary Space Platform

While N.A.S.A. is calling for more plans for a lunar lander-launcher, shouldn't it ask for plans for a lunar space elevator as well?

Assembling space elevator modules on Earth that could be set to work on the moon seems reasonably cost effective. The cable would be far cheaper than an earth to space elevator.


Easier to put together with lower gravity and nearly no atmosphere- along with superconducting possibilities and easy solar energy capture, a space elevator would allow unlimited orbital access to the lunar surface and back without the non-sustainable rocket fuel requisite since the lunar space elevator would be electrical. It might be possible to construct a space elevator cable constructing system module on the lunar surface. Aluminum as I understand it, natural welds in microgravity; maybe some powder excreted from loaded modules could build upward from the moon toward space 11.5 kilometers.

Super-conducting storage loops in low temperature super-conductor and solar panels or a nuclear generator should keep the elevator power supply fully charged all the time. Maybe there should be two elevators; one for cargo and the other personnel. If the space elevator cable was charged and super-conducting it could let passenger and cargo modules crawl up and down the line.

Developing thin or no-atmosphere space elevators as easy to install as placing an anchor from a boat to the seafloor might be useful on a variety of solar system moons and planetary missions.

Travel on the lunar surface should be expedited with solar energy charged low temperature superconducting power lines to recharge electric vehicles.

N.A.S.A. image of an old-style Earth to Space Elevator

President Trump Was Invited to Host the 2016 World Chess Championship

On the topic of making the World Chess Championship more interesting there is some left over old business that seems somewhat germane. ABC has published an article about the invitation of then-FIDE Chess President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov to Donald Trump to host the 2016 World Chess Championship at Trump Tower in New York. Instead, the event was held in a converted fish processing factory. President Trump apparently wasn't aware of the effort to involve him in the World Chess Championship.



https://www.ft.com/content/f4d0dfea-559d-11e9-91f9-b6515a54c5b1 Financial Times article on Russian-FIDE Presidential collusion

Elite chess has had an appearance of being a mildly swingy tool of political machination the past 30 years. The Mueller Investigation found the appearance of dirt, or mud, that seemed to adhere to the former FIDE President with his alleged Kremlin ties.

An article offers evidence that Bernie Sanders can play chess, as well as Donald Trump. https://en.chessbase.com/post/hillary-clinton-looking-for-irina-krush

At age 22, Trump took chess so seriously he threatened suit for someone who found flaws in his solution to a chess problem presented in an article in Chess Life (Feb. 1968).
                                                          Donald Trump, Chess Life 1968
image and chess sequence from Chess Base April 4, 2016 article
"White to play and mate in four moves
The solution given by Trump is: 1.Qxd7 h5 2.c8=N+! Ka6 3. b4 h4 4.Qc6#. "

President Ilyumzhinov visited several corrupt leaders just before a war started; Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, Bashir Assad. The concept is that he was some sort of unofficial representative of the Kremlin. He may have provided secret chess intelligence, such as how to assure a drawn game, or novelties in the Roy Lopez, I would guess.

Hillary Clinton might not play chess. The sole link I could find to the topic was her try at identifying U.S. Chess champion Irina Crush.


Imperfect Character is Universal

The question of why anything exists rather than nothing was a question that Plotinus considered in The Enneads. Why would The One order anyt...