
President Obama's Race Legacy

President Obama's two terms seemed to stimulate black urban riots as a means to advance black political causes. It is challenging to justify claims that he did much for blacks besides creating a sense of entitlement to king tribal leadership.

While people have made Rosa Parks Memorial jokes about the tragic Las Vegas police video release of a black woman pushing an old white man to his death from a bus, it does give people reason to wonder what sort of changes the Democrat Party had in expropriating or redistributing retirement benefits such as Medicare from the elderly to the everyone, perhaps letting the elderly keep their diluted benefits for a while. I would guess the end game idea is to stress the social safety net to breaking and cancellation. The 1% might like that.

Democrats have problems with the 2020 election in finding qualified people with experience meaningful to the job. That's why former V.P. and Senator Joe Biden is leading; even Democrats don't want to play Russian roulette again with the well being of the nation.

A President of the United States need not be a senior government worker or bureaucrat as President Trump showed in being elected. Yet if a politicians has been in the Senate a dozen years or so he or she had to have learned something on the job about how and what a President should know. The Democrats have a slew of candidates that don't have experience in military affairs, business economics, environmental economic or International Relations. Neither should a candidate be a close relative of a prior President since a Republic or even a Democracy isn't sort of imperial.

President Obama was pretty under-qualified to be President. A very lackluster term or two in the Illinois legislature and less than a full term as a U.S. Senator. He was just fast-tracked by the Harvard people as a front yard black politicians who would do their bidding.

I doubt that a single Democrat in the Senate would have led a tax cuts for the ultra-rich fight the way President Obama did. Harvard might have liked it but the people were largely screwed. When the stock market crash of 1929-30 hit the nation the next President (F.D.R.) fixed the problem and eventually raised taxes on the rich to 90%. Keeping the tax rate high worked for the better part of half a century.

Under-qualified candidates can start wars that get millions of people killed or injured as did President Obama. President Trump has yet to start such a war, or series of wars. Instead he has focused on business when not distracted by interminable Democrat-led investigations on a hypothetical connection between himself and the Russian government. Another under-qualified Democrat in the White House could let another series of second and third world wars start and supply weapons and training for them. Sure the global warming issue is meaningful, yet panic about that make it a good political issue and is one of the few legitimate items on an agenda any mention.

Democrats need to be a little more traditional (actually a lot). They should talk about reducing public debt, securing national borders, keeping full employment while transitioning business to ecospherically synergistic and sustainable methods. They should respect families and individual rights and return marriage toward a heterosexual establishment and create a separate and new [package for homosexuals. Democrats should respect the sensibilities of others and not inevitably work to force their corrupt will upon other citizens.

The Solar Trouble With Iran

Iran has a couple of serious issues that make it a problem for free nations. I have a list somewhere of free nations lacking facial recognition systems. One may be the city-state of San Francisco that recently banned such from private use or maybe government too. It's a good place to hide out it you are an international fugitive although you might need to be homosexual.

Iran is a great location for solar power collection and UV rays for skin cancer fashions. Iran should be an Asian leader in solar power installations and electric car production. Missiles aren’t a good investment. Iranian leaders should be thinking carbon-free transportation infrastructure now.

Unfortunately it also has Muslim religion. Let me explain about Muslim religion for you godless atheists out there.

Muslim is a dumbed down amalgam of Judaeo-Christianity with the sole requirement of loyalty  to the intifadah leader,politically speaking . It has a unified mosque-state theocratic form of government that makes jihad on everyone else twice a year during Ramadan and Yom Kippur.

Muslim countries have no homosexuals. That is a good side of the political-faith in All Law. The bad side is that Muslim is a heresy that gets no followers saved; they believe in a godless hedonist secularist after-life with 99 virgins for carnal happiness and no problems of original sin following. Muhammad's strong points were not in theology.

So getting Iran to quit hating Israel and get rid of nuclear bombs and missiles to become a good western nation of computer code writers and financial related services people will be difficult. Contemporary western theories requires that all heretic, terrorist nations like Iran convert to godless homosexual corporate states that love The View and pork barrel spending.

Maybe Democrats have a plan to send Presidential candidate Pete Buttijudge to make some kind of peace accord with Iran negotiating homosexual conditions satisfying to Democrats.

In case of war along the Iran-Irac border it is certain that the U.S. military will utilize kinder, compassionate tactics that forego building bridges with opfor bodies.

Good luck to all.


U.S. Gov Should Buy Soybeans

The U.S. Government should buy millions of tons of soybeans this year for food stamp recipients. A contractor could make the soy into chewable food bars and the government would buy them. They might actually work well in school lunch programs too.

There is no better all-around food than soy except maybe peanuts so while the trade war is on and China is letting its people eat degraded meat potted products instead of healthy soy the U.S. government should try doing something practical.

The Trump administration is robbing Peter to pay Paul on the 1.6 billion for the moon budget. They shouldn't take anything from Pell grants for the U.S.A. needs educated people, and far too many poor students just can't afford college without the Pell Grants.

The moon is important of course. Maybe they will need to cut a deal with Bezos or Musk and use their moon lander.  A billion on a moon research base might be a better investment.



US Investors in China Deserve a Trade War

U.S. investors in China deserve a trade war. It is a kind of reality check. They need to know they are building up the main adversary of the United States in the secular world besides the Democrat Party.

For decades American business has been offshoring production to China and neglecting the United States. Politicians have cut tax on the most rich to let the Warren Buffets and Steve Jobs have more to invest in China. The idea is that they will create some work for Americans now and then while Democrats talk about a low growth economy for environmental reason whenever the Chinese rate of economic growth is between 7 and 15% annually.

The infrastructure of the United States is old and worn down. It is not at any rate forward looking for new and better things. China in many respects is forward looking with leads in electric vehicle sales and hydrogen car infrastructure.

China has been given far to great of an advantage over the United States in business. Wall Street is all-Chinese these days leaping into business partnerships and that isn't good for the United States. Fundamentally the plan in D.C. is to have a strong military to protect Wall Street 1%er profits and properties in China. 

President Trump must find negotiating with China rather irresistible. A trade war can rectify many wrongs built by the irrational exuberance of investors in China that don't consider externalities such as pollution or national security meaningful. Neither do they regard the nation's infrastructure, public debt or average wage and standard of living as greatly of concern.

It is unfortunate that President Trump is not an ecologist of some sort for the field for creating a carbon-free transportation infrastructure is ripe for exploiting in a positive sense of development. If he were to reconstruct the nation's infrastructure with a carbon-free transportation network that might actual garner enough respect that some would take his claim to making America great again seriously.

In the meanwhile the Wall Street China crew can enjoy learning the difference between investing in America and investing in China.


A Border Control Fresh Water and Hydrogen Canal Project Would Be Useful

It might be a good idea to combine three national material goals in one system of a border control canal along the sunshiny Mexican-American desert. One might cover the canals that are filled with salt water pumped up from the Pacific Ocean to Deming New Mexico. Water would flow downhill east and west from the continental divide, with numerous locks on the way.

 The covers would be honeycombed plastic-like solar voltaics electricity producers along the length of the canal. The electricity generated would be used for electrolysis to produce hydrogen and oxygen. Some of the water would evaporate under the sloped air-tight covers and slide off as fresh water into a collection canal.

The project would obstruct illegal immigration to the U.S.A., produce hydrogen, oxygen and fresh water for farming along the canal zone. The hydrogen would be condensed and delivered by pipelines to fueling stations for hydrogen vehicles along Interstates and Texas border highways.


Rep Talib's Gaff Sounded Like She Gets Comfort from the Holocaust

Representative Talib's remark about Jews and the holocaust gives the appearance that she gets comfort from 6 million Jews being killed by Nazis in W.W. 2 death camps. It is comforting to her because the Jews took Palestine for-themselves after the Palestinians waged a war on the Jews because Palestinians were unwilling to share.

The insensitive remark could be taken in another way of course. Yet the Representative should not have made a remark that was a paradigmatic double entendre.

Sure Speaker Pelosi can defend the remark. I doubt that Senator Feinstein would. The Democrat party does have some cheesy characters.


Yes Robert E. Lee Was a Traitor, Yet Who Cares Now?

A traitor wages war directly other through or means on his own country. It is a material defect in good faith required of citizens. So Robert E. Lee was in a real sense a traitor. Yet one must ask; who cares after 154 years?

The Confederacy was a collection of supremacist rebels that wanted to force their will upon the citizens of the United States. Mr. Lee was happy enough to command the military forces that sought to divide the nation if not impose slavery upon the states.

I won a game in on-line blitz chess today from a guy with a rebel flag for an icon. Then it changed to Turkish after the loss. Some people still use the symbol to throw gasoline on political fires.

Robert E. Lee’s father was a convicted land swindler. It may be that Mr. Lee had something of his father’s rakish nature about him. He seemed to pursue upward social mobility for himself at all costs, and if marrying George Washington’s adopted son’s daughter and moving into the Washington properties wasn’t enough to satisfy him, and being named to lead West Point to supervise young men with all of the pomp and formality required left him feeling somewhat impoverished in stature, the opportunity to lead a new nation like his grand-father in law George Washington must have seemed like the real thing to him at least. 

The sense of glory and destiny must have been overwhelming for Robert E. Lee. His leadership wasn’t very good. He even disobeyed his Confederate President Jeff Davis in taking his army to campaign across the Potomac expecting support from welcoming northerners that never materialized.


Facebook Should Breakup into Red and Blue Books

Facebook has gone too far in promoting unAmerican interests around the world facilitating as they have Russian advertising and invading privacy of those making Facebook their lives.


Plainly an American corporation that relies upon chat and video stuff without paying users for content should be suspect of commie pinko or extreme royal expropriative tendencies. That is why it should be broken up at least into Red Book and Blue Book with the rest being foreign Russian stuff book material.

It that doesn't work a new chpater named N.R.A. book could be formed with all kinds of cool military and hunting stuff including Tom Clancy games and righteous hunting of domestic commie subversives.

For an alternative subculture a Left-Wing Leninism page could be made for socialist utopians with unlimited access to any sort of cuddly we are lovable stuff with much hate and abuse of right wing moderate figures like Donald Trump. 

Just ideas about promoting free speech.

Credo Ecclesium; a Question of Credibility

The reformed church in removing the chaff of erroneous doctrine may have made the error of regarding its Biblical exegesis as complete or final? What if the Holy Spirit leads one to interpret Genesis as indicating an evolutionary mode implemented within the creation?  The Word may have its meaning revealed or understood when the time is correct.
Because the reformers had no concept of evolution, the interpretation along evolutionary grounds would have been improbable. For those of us that learned science at the same time as the Bible, it may be obvious.
I think the phrase of Calvin's credo in ecclesium vs credo ecclesium may be useful in understanding part of the contemporary problem of faith. People don't believe the church version of creation. It does rely on an old interpretation of scripture. Without coercion at all nor conflict of interest one may interpret Genesis within evolution parameters contingent upon the omnipotence of God for whom all things are completely malleable.

The Extra-Calvinisticum Makes Sense on Platonic Grounds

There was a difference of opinion between Lutherans and Calvinist reformers in Christology regarding The Son as the Logos, Word or Verb of God and Jesus the fully incarnate man. Kenotic theory ran of the opinion that The Son emptied himself entirely into the fleshly incarnate being of Jesus. Calvin believed there was a difference.

The difference is that The Son and Logos, Verb or Word did not entirely transfer himself into the fleshy incarnation of Jesus Christ. If he had then Jesus wouldn't have been able to experience the human experience fully as he did. The juxtaposition of nature in the eternal and heavenly with the worldly and temporal creates implicit difficulties in understanding.

With Plato's theory of forms it is easy to find a solution to the enigma. Jesus as man was like a Universal form making itself into a particular, with the difference being that the particular was the Universal in nature and being, yet limited in the capacities of the Universal as the particular. While the particular fleshy form of Jesus could live as  a man, suffer and be crucified, the fleshy form could not have the vision and perspective of the Universal form.
Jesus as the Word of God, as The Son, would keep the experience of being a man upon return to the Universal form. For Jesus though the Universal form is the being containing all possible sets or forms including Himself as a particular. Upon visiting the disciples after crucifixion and resurrection the Lord Jesus had an ambiguous form neither entirely fleshy nor entirely Universal. A mode of being neither physical and subject to the physical laws of cosmology nor in a form of heavenly non-temporal being that is a metaphysical question for humans.

The Son as the progenitor of all forms was of God, and was with God co-eternally. The Son is God yet a distinct personality-for-others. When the Son became the particular Jesus Christ the form of The Son ineluctably remained while the particular expressed its existence.

Imperfect Character is Universal

The question of why anything exists rather than nothing was a question that Plotinus considered in The Enneads. Why would The One order anyt...