
On World Leadership

What is global leadership? Because of European history at waging war upon itself it has eschewed further military adventures generally. The United States, Russia and China were more or less on the same anti-fascist side during W.W. II and each has carved out a sphere of influence or formed trans-national alliances and ad hoc networks. Each has used military power abroad on a few occasions. Europe has provided some military forces to joint American or U.N. ventures yet not made the sort of commitment to defending freedom militarily that the United States has.
Global leadership may be defined in several ways; technology, military, human rights, environmental restoration to health, space exploration, standard of living for ordinary people and so forth. In my opinion world leadership is a kind of mixed bag. It might even be possible to recognize African Christian increase as a form of world leadership.
It is possible that the world leadership appellation is vain. Those that make the world a better place for ordinary people are from virtually every nation. Those that keep it free and those that would oppress individuals for elitist governments also are found across the globe. Plainly not enough is being done by any government leadership to say that anyone is leading effectively in a good direction such that people would overwhelmingly want to follow.

Huawei and the Trade War

Ren Zhengfei worked for the P.L.A. as a research technologist for about 20 years and then founded Huawei. India regards Huawei as a security risk and the United States generally does as well. Huawei technology is considered a trojan horse to help provide intelligence gathering for elements of the communist party.
It is difficult to say it that is anything to be concerned about, and if so, how much? Providing an authoritarian government the opportunity to develop a communications infrastructure globally that can monitor the mass communication of free nations seems like it might not be wise.
China has other trade issues besides that of providing their own, proprietary espionage infrastructure for the west to use, as if they are complete idiots. It is a separable issue.
What if some guy worked for the N.S.A. for 20 years then founded a communications corporation, built it up and sought to expand into China to provide that nations phone and internet service? Would the Communist leadership be happy with that?


Incredible That Idiots Wanted to Fly the Homo Flag at U.S. Embassies

It is incredible that idiots wanted to fly the homo flag at U.S. embassies. Maybe they got requests to fly abortion flags too. Possibly Mickey Mouse wants to run his flag up U.S. embassy flagpoles as well to make a really good impression on foreigners.


Apparently the Obama administration had allowed U.S. embassies to fly politically charged, partisan flags at U.S. embassies if they wanted to making the United States seems like a clown car for weird political vehicles. Who knew?

The Obama administration appointed a lot of Harvard connected female judges to the Supreme Court too happy to butch up the U.S.A. With luck some of the Harvard homosexual agenda will be reversed in years ahead by more conservative appointments. Maybe opposite gender judges shouldn't be allowed to force select sex law decisions on opposite genders.

Flying any sort of sex behavior flag at U.S. embassies is just weird. Do they have Sodom and Gomorrah flags to run up with the Jolly Roger too?

What About Local Solar Rooftop Co-op Grids?

With large power companies on one side and individual home owners with rooftop and wall solar power systems the tension has been between the rates of sales of private solar powered electricity to the grid vs the harm that does to corporate utility profit from losing monopolization of sales. Yet the dynamic pattern of electrical flow could change; their could be neighborhood solar power grids where the homes with solar connect and share to other homes in the local grid.


Local co-op grids could pay for their wiring up in several ways and continue to receive auxiliary power from large power corporations. There should be numerous ways of letting individual Americans supply their own electricity and even from it from it wiring the directions and ownership flows of electrical power along with the wiring schemes for the flow and velocity of money.

Hybrid Electronic and Paper Voting Machines Work

It should be rather easy to make an electronic voting machine that marks a roll of voting paper on a roll (like thicker toilet paper) when the electronic votes are cast. In addition to electronic tallies instantly counted the voting paper would have holes punched in the right places as a voter makes his or her or its electronic marks.

The electronic voting paper could be fed into a voting paper reading machine to count the votes too, although at a less than electronic pace. No hanging chads, nothing besides Hollerith holes. 

The circuits from the voting pad to the electronic and voting paper could be different and not connected in order to put a firewall in so people in Moscow and Mexico City can't spoof the voting paper or the electronic counters either.

Maybe the machines already exist.

Joe Biden is an Empirical Threat to the United States

Democrat Presidential candidate Joe Biden is an empirical threat to the United States in that he is typically weak on border security consistent with pervasive Democrat Party weakness. Democrats are down with giving away national opportunity and infrastructure to anyone willing to arrive here illegally.

Former V.P Biden is also a phenomenal threat in that the Democrat Party phenomenon of superficial live-for-the-day and damn the consequences philosophy is problematic. Without question he is an ecological economic threat for failing to comprehend what ecological economics as an academic discipline is. It is more than what is is's.


Joseph Biden is a moral relativist threat. He is also a utilitarian threat as he conforms his political ideology to what is of most utility for him in getting votes to become elected again.

Senator Biden is a vast left-wing cloud of threats to philosophical pragmatism; philosophical terms such as existential should be left to existentialism and proper use of the idea with Sartre's reference works even though Sartre preferred not to use the term himself for-himself.

While empiricism and A.J. Ayer were one of the stronger threads of philosophical thought for a time, the linguistic philosophy and philosophy of logic also developed along an alternative line in part, and that led not only to W.V.O. Quine’s The Two Dogmas of Empiricism, it led to many fine works such as Elements of Logic, Word and Object, Individuals and Ontological Relativity that surpassed the subject-object paradigm so far as one might in the phenomenon of being with the reef of solipsism and problems of uncertainty.

Joseph Biden is a kind of linguistic uncertainty; a neo-populist dualism of being and nothingness in phenemenality as a cloud of unknowing wherein just the most superficial ideas are thrown up regurgitated like upwelling currents of a roiling storm cloud.

Logical positivism was a stage on the way of understanding the relationship of human being in-the-verse to what can be said about it. Lexical ontologies were understood and the realism-nominalism issue clarified by Kripke and Quine. I think it all worked out. Epistemological analysis was accelerated with linguistic philosophy. It was possible to consider intentional and extentional expressions comparable to the phenomenal, a priori and noumenal. One could sort out phrases that were subjective yet made about the ‘external’ world, and those that were more purely objective though conditional, before Joe Biden took hold of existentialism as a pejorative term.

The Papal Error in Rewriting the Lord's Prayer

The pope is right about some things and wrong about others. The pope approved a rewrite of the Lord's prayer changing 'lead us not into temptation' to 'do not let us fall into temptation'. His idea was to disambiguate a possible connotation that Jesus might lead people into temptation himself. I think it should be left as it was because of possible further, sequential changes that could occur. It is not really possible to make language so exact for meaning that collateral connotations won't exist. It is better to keep the word as close to the original as possible in order not to let the meaning be vulnerable to intentional conformity to the world.

It is a matter of understanding English and how it is used. One can draw inferences from language, find connotations that differ from era to era. The pope is an ESL guy- that may have something to do with his choice. Calvin's ideas about determinism would have the elect saved anyway. That is not on the point of rewriting the Bible to conform to one's own ideas about language-meanings. Asking God not to lead into temptation is simply a request to not encounter temptation on the road God leads upon. I suppose one could compare it to asking a guide on a Mt. Everest climb not to lead us too near the edge on the way to the summit, even though, it may be necessary on the way up.

When God had the angels guide Lot and family from Sodom, what if they had to pass through a notorious red light district to exit the city? Would that have been a temptation Lot hoped to avoid? Would Lot have been wrong in asking God not to lead them to or through temptation hoping in some way to take a scenic route with just desert plants instead of many depraved souls? Ought God have rewritten reality and created a special passage tunnel with the temptations screened out for Lot and family? In other words; 'Do not lead us to or through Las Vegas, CNN or H.B.O.'

After the fall, mankind is already in temptation as something of a natural condition.  One does not need to 'fall' again into temptation. When one is born again- spiritually regenerated and brought out of the realm of the spiritually dead by the Lord. One is saved and the salvation is pre-determined by the promise of God. Some day when many people live in space and micro-gravity someone may want to eliminate the unfamiliar 'fall' as a pejorative reference to gravitational fields associated with planets. They may want to replace 'fall' with 'float'. 'Do not let us float into temptation'. Then someone living on a new water world will find that offensive and change it to 'Do not let us drift into temptation'. Another living in low gravity may rewrite 'Do not let us bounce into temptation' etc.

The Green New Deal IMO

AOC’s Green New Deal that she said would cost 11 trillion dollars, is a kind of sophomoric try- a well intentioned one, at reforming the economy to address global warming. I write science fiction occasionally and have been aware of the problems that humanity brings to the ecosphere with its mal-adaptive economic relationship to the environment a few decades. It forms the minor themes in a couple of novels; where human beings face the challenge of finding new planets and other places to live after they destroy their own original planet’s ecosphere. 


It is possible to design an economy suitable for the present demographics and condition of the ecosphere yet it is very unlikely that human beings in the U.S. Congress could or would do so. The politicians are very superficial in comprehension of ecological economics as an academic discipline.  One might expect chimpanzees to do equally as well. The politicians do not comprehend political philosophy or the value in reforming democracy and reforming capitalism together instead of migrating to socialism. Neither have the politicians the political capacity to coordinate public support for complete economic reformation compatible with sustaining the world ecosphere, life on earth, spiritual and political liberty. A disciplined, creative ecological economic reform with strong civil rights for individuals are nearly incompatible without very intelligent democratic leadership, and the Democrat party is mostly dead and chasing after every traditional economic goal, power and depraved sexual vector.

Capitalism moves towards monopoly, the concentration of wealth and power. Von Mises understood that. Reform of capitalism to keep it more egalitarian is needed-always, or 1% of 1% become de facto imperials

Democrat Pride Drives Manufacture of Impeachworthy Content

After losses in the 2016 election and the Mueller Investigation House Democrats are struggling to construct impeachable content for President Trump in order to remove him from office. Speaker Pelosi has already said she hopes to imprison the President after he leaves office (if she is still around), or hopes he goes to prison in some way. The Democrats are working tirelessly including bringing in John Dean from the Watergate era to testify before the Nadler committee in a kind of cargo cult approach to getting their impeachment proceedings off the ground.


It is not good that the Democrat party and media cohort crank out mostly fiction content in the effort to reverse the election. Of course they should be working good legislation instead, yet that is generally beyond their capacity anyway, yek the appearance to the electorate of a party that would manufacture fake impeachable offenses itself to control the executive branch is a symbol of the decay of democracy and intelligence in the Congress.


New Free EPUB Version of God, Cosmology and Nothingness

I published a revision of God, Cosmology and Nothingness in epub format; this version with footnotes. It is free to download. I hope to work on a substantial revision sometime. I cannot say when.


A dichotomy has arisen in the visible Christian church. Inaccurate scriptural interpretation and out-of-time ecclesiastical structure have rendered the Church unable to serve the needs of many modern individuals seeking after a closer relationship with God through worship services. In an era before Universal literacy a priestly structure was requisite for accurate transmission of the word revealed in scripture. With Universal literacy separate priesthoods became less useful and more aloof from ordinary Christian lives. Ordinary Christians should fulfill their role in a priesthood of believers’ liturgical structure rather than a separate class of priests. Theological challenges exist that need be met. How can Biblical issues of Genesis be correlated with Big Bang theory and evolution with theistic creation?

Imperfect Character is Universal

The question of why anything exists rather than nothing was a question that Plotinus considered in The Enneads. Why would The One order anyt...