
Joe Biden is an Empirical Threat to the United States

Democrat Presidential candidate Joe Biden is an empirical threat to the United States in that he is typically weak on border security consistent with pervasive Democrat Party weakness. Democrats are down with giving away national opportunity and infrastructure to anyone willing to arrive here illegally.

Former V.P Biden is also a phenomenal threat in that the Democrat Party phenomenon of superficial live-for-the-day and damn the consequences philosophy is problematic. Without question he is an ecological economic threat for failing to comprehend what ecological economics as an academic discipline is. It is more than what is is's.


Joseph Biden is a moral relativist threat. He is also a utilitarian threat as he conforms his political ideology to what is of most utility for him in getting votes to become elected again.

Senator Biden is a vast left-wing cloud of threats to philosophical pragmatism; philosophical terms such as existential should be left to existentialism and proper use of the idea with Sartre's reference works even though Sartre preferred not to use the term himself for-himself.

While empiricism and A.J. Ayer were one of the stronger threads of philosophical thought for a time, the linguistic philosophy and philosophy of logic also developed along an alternative line in part, and that led not only to W.V.O. Quine’s The Two Dogmas of Empiricism, it led to many fine works such as Elements of Logic, Word and Object, Individuals and Ontological Relativity that surpassed the subject-object paradigm so far as one might in the phenomenon of being with the reef of solipsism and problems of uncertainty.

Joseph Biden is a kind of linguistic uncertainty; a neo-populist dualism of being and nothingness in phenemenality as a cloud of unknowing wherein just the most superficial ideas are thrown up regurgitated like upwelling currents of a roiling storm cloud.

Logical positivism was a stage on the way of understanding the relationship of human being in-the-verse to what can be said about it. Lexical ontologies were understood and the realism-nominalism issue clarified by Kripke and Quine. I think it all worked out. Epistemological analysis was accelerated with linguistic philosophy. It was possible to consider intentional and extentional expressions comparable to the phenomenal, a priori and noumenal. One could sort out phrases that were subjective yet made about the ‘external’ world, and those that were more purely objective though conditional, before Joe Biden took hold of existentialism as a pejorative term.

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