
Telephone Invention Ended America as a Nation of Immigrants

Modern technology such as the telephone and internet ended the era of Americas as a nation of immigrants with larger immigrant numbers arriving. When the first paleo-Siberian arrivals made it across the Bering Sea land bridge they decimated several large mammals on their way to found civilizations in Meso-America.  Few stayed in the colder north of the United States and Canada- maybe 4-6 million altogether.

Many Democrats parrot the maxim that 'America is a nation of immigrants' to support loose border control and immigration policy. It is as if they have their heads buried deep in the sand like ostriches. History changes the present state of any society. What was good policy for one era is inevitably good policy for another. That would require thinking and historical analysis to realize. Democrats disdain that in preference for dope and whatever. Unless they continue as self-destructive idiots, the era of mass immigration need necessarily halt.

The first thing post-Columbian Americans of the United States did was to revolt against foreign control. Revolt against foreign nations with large populations that would control the United States. Today Mexico and China are nations effectively working through legal and illegal immigrants to annex the United States, or in effect to colonize it. China has a very large and restive population.

China is especially dangerous. That nation has a billion three-hundred million citizens. With the Chinese economy having long-range growth prospects until they have their first costly war (in yuan), there ability to send even a small fraction of their people to the United States maintaining constant, permanent speed of light contact with their parent country could create a de facto colony of the U.S.A. in a couple of generations.

The original immigrants to America in the post-Columbian era had no instant communication to the old world. Today immigrants do. They also can keep their foreign values and language if they prefer. That is why America as a nation of large numbers of legal immigrants should be over for good. The environment is over-taxed anyway. It's all for the good.

China is the worst possible nation to colonize new planets too. The Chinese will have the most difficult time revolting against their controlling government. In 5000 years of Chinese history the mainland has no history of freedom. Though the races off-world will change and human form will morph quite a lot perhaps, the history of Chinese authoritarianism is a repressive and onerous political fact that would make life in free space challenging.

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