
Democrat Presidential Candidates are a Sorry Lot

Democrats traditionally increase debt. The exception was the 1999–2000 version of Bill Clinton who balanced the budget when the Republican Congress had him by the b__ls because of the Lewinsky lying crisis. They insisted on cutting government spending and he signed off on it.
President Obama created greater public debt than any other president, yet reduced the rate of increase of public debt his final three years. President Trump had solid debt increase his first two years and reduced the rate of increase his third year staying true to the modern form.
I did omit W from above- he did seem to accept public debt increase too well.
Democrat Presidential candidates are fairly uncreative, dull and the product of socialist pyramid approval structures. race, gender and perversion are more important issues for Democrats than substantial ideas about reform. They are generally happy with the economic system in its largest parameters and, except for AOC who would like to change it substantially (though not enough or correctly) adding 11 trillion dollars of public debt, the Democrat candidates are somewhat deaf to the idea of balancing the budget without increasing it too with vastly more taxes. Democrat leaders want to enrich themselves.
Few really creative and intelligent people enter politics to reach a high level these days-especially in the Democrat Party. There are so many reasons why they don’t.
One is that the Democrat Party isn’t one of ideas. They have a different idea of freedom than most Republicans perhaps. Democrats distrust strait white men and U.S. history because the history of the nation being one led mostly by strait white men. The Democrat assumption is that the whole constitutional paradigm and foundation of the nation by white men was bad because non-white men and women were not enfranchised. They fail to realize that white men revolted against white men over issues of freedom and rights with race having nothing to do with it generally.
To simply elect people that aren’t white, straight and male without good ideas won’t get good political work done for all citizens if the non-straight, white males are elected. Good ideas are totally separable from race, gender and perversion. Americans need to be more educated to expect good ideas for reform and actually encounter them through the media; lots of good ideas. people should want to elect the best ideas instead of the best skin color or gender.
Balancing the federal budget, reforming government, reducing public debt, restoring ecospheric health, stopping illegal immigration, creating a more egalitarian distribution of wealth without crass redistributionism, keeping Americans out of the dangerous scuppers and whirlpools endemic to dire poverty, building a moon base, safeguarding national defense and helping neighboring nations out of poverty with hope for all- these are ideas with possible content that work yet are not recognized by the race-card playing Democrat party.

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