
Would Demos Really Vote for a Candidate Descended From Slave Plantation Owners?

When Kamala Harris said she was descended from prominent Jamaican slave owners that presented a conundrum for the party faithless; wouldn't they seem like step-n-fetch-its if they chose a leader descended from slave owners?

Democrats are such a racist party without good ideas that skin coloration alone is a qualifier for the top job. Female and homo are additional points for the party of perversion.

I cannot imagine voting for anyone descended from slave owners intentionally. The United States is about democracy and resistance to slavery- maybe Democrats can nominate people descended from Klan leaders as well and, of course, Robert E. Lee.

With hundreds of millions of native-born Americans it should be possible for the Democrat Party to find candidates that have a lineage of freedom rather than the slave-owning side to put up for their top jobs.



Competent people in a nation give wide birth to select historical currents, persons, symbols and directions in order to avoid conflicts of interest. There is no need to cut the corners as if there were few potential candidates with middle of the road qualifications free of conflict of interest.

An example would be German electors that run a candidate with ancestors that were high in the Nazi Party or cousins of Adolph Hitler; there must be a few competent Germans without that heritage to run for the top job. If China ever became a free market social democracy should it run heirs of Chairman Mao for the Presidency? What about Benedict Arnold- surely he must have some fully qualified descendants that could run for the White House?

The Democrat Party could at least look to the United States instead of Jamaica for a candidate with ancestors that were proud and prominent owners of slaves. Since Democrats want to make slaves of Americans socially to the very rich through real politik, it behooves them to find candidates with ancestors experienced owning slaves in the United States.

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