
Simplified Intellectual Properties International Court for China Trade War?

Wouldn’t a simplified intellectual properties adjudication process in an international court make it easier to defend against and find compensation for theft of intellectual properties? China with its communist background has a different attitude toward ownership of intellectual properties. 

Intellectual and technical transfer from the west with its intellectual properties rights have built China up substantially in the intellectual vacuum created by pervasive government repression of individual intellectual and spiritual freedom.

Communism represses individual creativity. It strips individual creators of the fruit of their labor (no reference to Elton John at all). Communism kills motivation for invention, and with liberalization Chinese inventiveness increases, yet the dark specter of communist authoritarianism remains to guide the invisible hand of Adam Smith's invisible half-brother; Shady Smith; Pickpocket Extraordinaire.

The trade war should be resolved reasonably soon in order to facilitate orderly business processes that should be guided to an ecologically sustainable direction. China with its history of over-population has required severe birth control measures for national viability. Communism may be the best form of government for state repression of population growth beyond the Nazi concentration-liquidation camp methodology.

In my opinion humanity is best at expansion and least competent at social design. Governments are good at repression but virtually incapable of intelligent ecologically sustainable design. The U.S. Democrat Party is a good present example of that; it seeks to flood the United States with illegal aliens by the tens of millions to swell the domestic population closer toward the 400 million level that radically over-stresses the national ecosphere. In some way intellectual creativity need accompany ecological and demographic sustainability or the usual human social structure of expansion in unplanned sprawl followed by mass war casualties to destroy the structure when it becomes untenable recurs.

Some kind of international court and process for compensating victims of intellectual properties theft need be made between China and the world. fair hearings and just compensation for victims along with protection against frivolous lawsuits need be made. China and other governments should pay into the fund from business profits. Hearing officers would decide the legitimacy of claims and scheduled, standardized payments that are structurally scheduled would be made. National governments basing the convicted perpetrators would be free to seek pay-back from their perps.

In addition to the Intellectual Properties Court it would be useful to reform the patent process globally and reduce the exclusivity period to three years in order to accelerate human technological development. After three years anyone could produce the patented item legally if they pay 10% royalty to the patent holder.

Technology transfer in some ways is a separable items. The phenomenon is a result of weak national governance and policy. It is a result of capitalists seeking after cheap foreign labor and foreign markets. Nations including the U.S.A. could require foreign companies to transfer technology too in order to do business in their country. Trade agreements and equalize and yet so may national policy.

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