
Monolithic Concrete Domes Should Replace Columbine

Columbine High School- scene of a massacre of students by a culturally dysfunctional student, probably will be torn down. Its replacement should be several concrete domes with a R-insulation rating of 100 that are also Earthquake resistant.


High schools should become less dependent on maintenance cost and heating cooling generated by fossil fuels. There should be natural Earth heating and cooling of well-insulated buildings on a college campus like setting with numerous strong concrete domes of various sizes as well as several squarish buildings for school administrators.


Greater Denver has an excellent environment for concrete Monolithic Domes, and the manufacturer headquarters is a state over in Italy Texas.


Amory Lovin's people od the Rocky Mountain Institute should be called in as design advisers to create facilities that affor practical learning for students regarding solar panels, growing plants such as bananas indoors year-around and even mariculture.


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