the Covid crisis occasionally I had the opportunity to read toward the finish
of Piketty’s eminently practical book Capitalism
in the 21st Century that anyone with an interest in public affairs should consider
required reading. The primary formula and main lesson of the work is r > g.
It means that the average rate of return on capital is greater than the average
increase of national income. Wealth therefore tends to concentrate and the
higher one goes into income brackets the greater is the increase.
Trump’s recent work with Microsoft toward buying the decadent Chinese music
service Tic Toc is an example of
wealth concentrating very fast indeed. The very wealthy can afford to take
investment risks with a higher rate of return than those available to ordinary
have gone global. They are quite internationally diversified. They hide 10 to
30% of their wealth in offshore tax havens. The actual wealth of the rich is
reported through a glass darkly; the records are rather mystifying apparently.
Much of the world has had no estate or inheritance tax records for example, and
global accounting leaves many holes. As godless atheist media attack mystic
aspects of faith and quantum mechanics it is their incompetent political
protection of the mysticism of wealth that is the greatest mystic twit of fake
news mystdirection. Hard social reality generally concerns money. If broadcast media want to pronounce some strange, exotic foreign word like Isaias (a cognoscenti spelling of Isaiah, the Biblical prophet) given to a hurricane, they use a spanish phonetic border pidgin of eee-sai-eee-as. The Bible is strange country to NPR apparently.
have perhaps 5% of global wealth, yet it is the other 1 thousandth percent of
global citizens with just a few or a few hundred million dollars that have as
much as 50% of the wealth. Tic Toc is of more value than the income of all of
the people of South Sudan- at least a free nation so far untroubled by NPR and
other networking nefarious agents of evil conditioning masses to accept concentrating
wealth and power.
are several threats to Democracy concerning capital. Foreign entities can buy
assets in foreign nations so the people pay rents to foreign powers. Sovereign
wealth funds of China, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere could grow to dominate world
economics. Wealth could concentrate so far that 1/1000th of global
population would have 95% of the wealth of the world with legions of media sycophants
in their pockets to explain to the people why the people are lucky they are
living in the best possible world- whatever that is.
a regulating tax on capital globally redistributing revenue to the world,
perhaps on a national, demographic basis (or not), democracy will die if it
hasn’t already done so. It is possible that the United States is in a zombie
phase in regard to democracy- dead yet with a vague resemblance to the original
though living on debt and exploit of environment and enterprise elsewhere. The
learning curve for members of congress is so steep concerning real economics
the newly elected are fundamentally idiots without hope. Piketty’s book would
help them somewhat-maybe they can hire someone to read it to them.
that are clueless run the nation decade after decade and overturn the political
social economic egalitarian measures won by the soldiers of the First and
Second World Wars. They concentrate wealth and cut taxes on the rich, on
estates and income of the well-to-do. Those are recipe’s for national disaster,
and environmental politics have taken a beating too as the most rich are
unconcerned with mass extinction and seek easy, dirty profit; that is the
course indexed Wall Street mutual funds usually take.
and real, generally accessible free enterprise, require large doses of economic
egalitarianism to function. Restoring the decaying global ecosphere also
requires national and global policies wherein everyone is included and has a
stake in economic transitions to more ecospheric efficiency. People that are
starving or living death of a salesman
lifestyles find it challenging to be concerned about abstract to them
environmental issues. Ordinary people need to be shareholders in their
political economy and the rich should be close enough to the people in income
to not be detached entirely from social and ecospheric reality.
political parties of the United States don’t usually have rational goals and clear
objectives. Voters are contented with vague and ineffective platforms. Business
planning is quite a bit different as is flowcharting. For income inequity to be
transformed to a more egalitarian socially functioning model based in
ecological sustainable free enterprise real goals and structured methods need
be made by political parties.
is laughably unreasonable to expect politicians to accomplish anything beyond
enriching the richest and concentrating wealth in the absence of meaningful
party plans. If one does not even to create good effective goals finding the
means to accomplish those goals is highly improbable. Goal objectification could be done with
flowcharting so the general public could easily comprehend the gist of what is
trying to be accomplished, and of the time frame. Without that one simply
elects garbage in and garbage out in a manner of speaking.
of the greatest problems for the poor is instability. When the poor lose jobs
they can go broke and lose most or all investments and material goods. They
need to try a disadvantaged restart while trying to save in order to build a
little capital. Rent is costlier than owning property usually, and without
owning a secure place with job security the poor cannot buy durable goods.
Income stoppages that are devastating to the poor can be trivial to the rich.
The rich may be little harmed by periods of unemployment.
nation need build income security for the poor and eliminate poverty throw
guaranteed minimum income. It needs to have a walk-in free public health
service for all of the poor without paperwork except for verification of income
and citizenship status including those too poor to afford Medicare Plan B
coverage. The U.S.A. should have free public education through graduate school
for all citizens because it is to the public advantage to have people soak up
all of the learning they possibly can. When these simple structural goals are
accomplished and there are secure borders with no illegal immigration
destabilizing social structures, then the U.S.A. can export more help to
neighboring and other foreign nations (except Canada obviously) to help them
accomplish similar democratic paradigms of free enterprise and income security
from the bottom up. Rational political goals are requisite for achieving
rational and satisfying political work.
If President Trump had set construction of a border control canal that would have evaporated saltwater and collected that as condensation instead of a Wall he might have got popular support for the Mexican border canal project; people in the Southwest generally want more fresh water and it would be a politically hard thing to oppose.
Presidential challenger Biden's border security approach is to stop building a securityu wall and put high tech ankle monitors on illegal aliens that will voluntarily turn themselves report in, in exchange for a freeway to citizenship. Former V.P Biden would also end Chinese trade sanctions and replace it with a multilevel approach of kickbacks and kow-tows. Each party lacks good ideas.
Rational goals should have social synergy than benefit
society. Racism is used to divide the nation along non-economic lines, when
economic divergence is the actual core problem instead of race. The United
States doesn’t have an egalitarian distribution of wealth among white people
any more than with blacks. People including whites who are bound to chase after
wealth in networks controlled by the most rich tend to be mean and even vicious
not unlike dogs snarling over a bone with chunks of meat attached to it.
the emerging atheist Democrat society of queer and debased social values evil
and bad character without intellectual merit are good character traits. To be
treacherous, deceiving, petty and venal in a mass social environment are good
ways of interacting, while, alternatively contemplative intellectual
objectivity is inefficient at chasing after the bone of contention. In a
decaying modern society evolving into some sort of corporatist-socialist
plutocracy Machiavelli’s value that applied to the prince now apply more
broadly to the masses. Needless to say, such souls are likely to find Jesus
Christ and salvation challenging to locate sin while they have their heads so far up