
Ideas for an Honest Voting Technology

 Besides paper votes and hanging chads the United States in its vast number of voting districts in different states has had some inconsistencies in getting honest vote tallies that leave out issues of ambiguity concerning the veracity of the vote. What can be done to realistically restore the vote to reliability.

In the modern era some sort of electronic and analogue vote technology probably will continue to be used. To assure that each voter is the true legally registered voter a face i.d. that can be electronically verified with a voter endorsement would need to go ahead. Once Real ID is everywhere in the 50 states automatic registration of voters of age to vote should go ahead so a voter can vote without any other registration required.

When going in to vote the ID would be inserted in a machine that would issue a voters number that would go print on the eballot. The voter would get a receipt with his or her voter number on it to keep and check out on the internet at a web site listing every voter number that cast a vote. 

It would be hard to cast a fake vote, or to throw out a vote, misunderstand a vote or for any voter not to be able to vote..

Republicans should have to worry about fake votes and Democrats shouldn't have trouble getting registered voters  to to make it to vote.

Banned from Quora- another Democrat centered web site

"Quora Moderation banned you from Quora.

Quora Moderation banned you from Quora for this reason:

Your account has been banned because it has been linked to multiple violations of Quora's policies and guidelines. To learn more about our policies and guidelines, please visit: https://help.quora.com/hc/en/sections/360000092866"

I was banned from another site- Helium.com (that no longer exists) during the Obama administration though I was peer-rated in the top 5% of writers there. This ban is a kind of deja vous.

When I was banned from Quora recently I was allowed to appeal the decision, so I did and wrote... 

 "I am rather unhappy about being banned from Quora since I wrote nothing besides reasonable questions and answers. it seems like every time I begin earning money at one of these Boston-based internet sites I get banned. At the least stopping the partners program would have sufficed for you to keep the money. Since I wrote quite a few quality articles I wonder if they will be deleted or if Quora will continue to use them and exploit me as a writer to profit from the very quality answers. 

 Quora and other Boston-based leftist websites should not spring bans on writers like traps. It would be very simple to have some sort of an accurate scale that shows progress toward being banned in order to allow a writer to know how close he is and to copy his posts before he has no access to them."

I discovered that Quora actually is based in Mountain View California

Noah (Quora)

Mar 23, 2021, 11:29 AM PDT

Hi Gary,

Thank you for writing regarding the ban on your account.

Quora believes that all members of the community should make an effort to contribute helpful content to the community and, ultimately, make the site a better resource for all.

The following are some of the reasons for which we will ban an account:

- They vandalize content on the site that is editable by everyone, including questions (https://www.quora.com/What-is-Quoras-policy-on-vandalizing-questions) and answer summaries.
- They engage in one or more actions that violate the Be Nice, Be Respectful policy (https://www.quora.com/What-are-Quoras-two-key-policy-principles). These actions may relate to questions, answers, or comments.
- They post a significant number of questions (https://www.quora.com/What-kind-of-questions-on-Quora-arent-OK-What-is-Quoras-policy-on-question-deletion), answers (https://www.quora.com/Why-are-answers-and-reviews-on-Quora-collapsed), and/or comments that aren't helpful.
- They repeatedly violate Quora policies (https://www.quora.com/What-are-major-policies-and-guidelines-on-Quora) and/or do not change their behavior after receiving a content warning.
- The account is linked to suspicious and/or malicious activity.

After reviewing your activity on Quora, we can confirm that your account was banned due to being linked to suspicious and/or malicious activity​.

Unfortunately, the ban on your account will not be overturned. This decision is final, and you will no longer be able to use Quora.

If there is anything else we can help you with, please let us know.


User Support

my reply...

Garrison Clifford Gibson

8:55 AM (3 minutes ago)
to Quora
Suspicious and malicious activity is quite a load of insulting, defamatory schlop. I will leave off with that. You should examine your own hateful and very biased toward the Democrat party activity before throwing stones at others doing their very best, abd contributing their best material.

You did not answer my question about the very good articles I have posted the past several months; do you plan to exploit those for continuing profit and confiscate my earnings from the partner program too?

It would be helpful to have specific instances of what you regard as policy violations with specific material as soon as they occur so one may learn what it is that Quora hates and wants to repress. It would also be helpful to have a measure of how close to being banned one is before one is actually banned for it strikes out of the blue like a hateful bolt of lightening striking dead the account that a writer has worked so diligently on for several months.

Could Bruce Jenner have won the 1980 Olympic decathlon as a trans-woman?

 Mississippi making it illegal for trans-women to compete in female sports events raises an interesting questions about the sportingness of trans-woman taking over female sports. Is there a substantial degradation of physical abilities in cutting down from male to female as in the case of the 1976 Olympic decathlon winner for men Bruce Jenner.

If Bruce Jenner had surgically and chemically transformed himself to a neo-female just after the 1976 Olympics  he have won the 1980 Olympic decathlon as a woman competing in female events?


What about other great athletes; could Wilt Chamberlain have played in the female N.B.A. if trans-womanized, and would he-she have been any good?



Do Republicans have a good female candidate for President in 2024?

 If the Republican party really wanted to win the next Presidential election they need to run a woman candidate. Plainly Joe Biden was elected on the skirt-tails of the female Kamala Harris. Tokenism is everything these days, so Republicans may be looking north to Lisa Murkowski to bail them out of the mess.

Serious debate about Ms. Murkowski being a malaprop or malapropos candidate- or even the French malaprop meaning 'messy' could arise. Nothing worse in America than messiness- one need have diligent scrubbers deploying Mr. Clean around the clock. Maybe there are better Republican females that would let Republican candidates ride the skirt-tails to retake the legislative branch, yet they need to get hot on finding one with a new and improved compassionate conservativism.

U.S. nationalism is the key-word to the middle and lower class Republicans concerned with jobs and morality being outsourced, chewed over and regurgitated back to them via Wal-mart and a plethora of management and CEO Values with godless Chinese communist atheism, abortion and everything besides homosexual marriage that seems to be a British import.

Americans apparently vote for skin, gender, jobs and pro or anti-perversion; a candidate that can check off three of four boxes generally should win. A Republican female concerned about morality, jobs and compassionate health care and basic income- even making environmentally positive noises- should be a shoe in to trounce old Joe in 2024.


What was Antifa and was it bad?

 Who comprises the radical organization Antifa is difficult to know; they often wore hoods to conceal their identity in some of their numerous protests. They reminded me a little of Adolph Hitler’s formerly socialist street thugs (80%) the Sturmabteilung aka S.A. who got things done politically and on the streets. Antifa seems to have some kind of orientation with the Republican elements of the Spanish civil war who opposed Franco and his fascists.


Antifa seems to attract leftists that haven’t recognition of the modern trend toward, or within corporatism- another fascist invention of the Dictator Mussolini used by Hitler to make the German economy work. Hence Antifah opposes nationalism and especially seems to hate traditional moral norms such as held by most of the American military that served in the Second World War to defeat German fascists and Japanese imperialists.

Antifa used violence to obstruct legal marches of right-leaning groups and may have organized the upgrading of black lives matter demonstrations to riots and looting- one cannot know too well. They seem to have inherited some of the S.D.S. ethos yet stop short of being Weathermen who perpetrated bombings in support of the anti-Vietnam war movement.

What is of concern about Antifa is that they were part of a virtual intifada put on by Democrats when a Republican President is in office if at all possible. Some Democrats seem unwilling to accept election results and go on about civil affairs; instead deciding not to play in the game unless they are in office- and that seems to be a move toward traditional communist one-party rule.

What is of concern about Antifa is that they were part of a virtual intifada put on by Democrats when a Republican President is in office if at all possible. Some Democrats seem unwilling to accept election results and go on about civil affairs; instead deciding not to play in the game unless they are in office- and that seems to be a move toward traditional communist one-party rule. Protracted civil disorder especially during a pandemic isn’t helpful to many economic and other social interests of ordinary people.

The freedom to write

 The freedom to write and publish is a necessary element of the genus freedom. Freedom occurs within restricted parameters that support being and continuum. If God had not set parameters for the physics of the Universe to actualize in, with fewer or more dimensions, life would not be possible as Paul Ehrenfest observed. If a nation does not have stability and continuity, research and writing may be precluded by chaos.

Obviously one could be forced to write for the communist party in order to avoid imprisonment and that writer could not be said to be free. Freedom to write that is actually free implicitly requires freedom from coercion to write what is not one’s opinion.


Why China isn't a democracy

 As I understand it, China has a one-party system and is intolerant of political pluralism and diversity of political opinions. China represses free speech, free assembly and so forth that are regarded as essential for democracy.

The Chinese communist party began as a militant, revolutionary party. Perhaps there aren’t ideal conditions for the start of democracy. The United States had a minority of philosophically minded colonists that had a financial incentive to revolt against royalty and the like that had legal class supremacy. China had a troubled start to the 20th century with revolt against royalty, civil war and a battle against Japanese invasion. The military leadership of the C.P.C. emerged victorious on the mainland and continued on to civilian leadership.

Communist theory from Marx and Lenin and on to Mao I suppose is about the dictatorship of the proletariat and one-party rule and that isn’t an ideal environment for political pluralism. The F.S.U. allowed political pluralism to develop in Russia yet it is obviously challenging for a developing political ruling class in a reforming nation to allow strong opposition parties to develop that might purge the former insiders if they were to take power. Evidently the development of Democracy in non-frontier or wilderness environments is a little more, or a lot more difficult to bring into effect.

Wealth of course does tend to trump political balances and China in letting a mixed capitalist-socialist political economy to develop may be able to disregard traditional approaches to creating or allowing one’s own political opposition or replacement class of foreign proletarian migrants that would in dynamic opposition create the tension of multi-party democracy and satisfy the masses with unsustainable, temporary prosperity (the entire world has natural resource and demographic sustainability issues).

Shrinking of time and space- not Earth, socially speaking

Generally that statement referred to the proliferation of technology that has shrunk travel times several orders of magnitude. It is a social reference rather than one of cosmology. Someone wrote an essay on the topic comparing traditional cultures to modern ones in the 1960s if I member correctly. They noted that a Russian villager circa 1800 might never travel farther than 30 miles from their home in their lifetime on foot. That was contrasted with the average modern American who travels hundreds of thousands or millions of miles.

Of course one can purchase an around the world plane ticket for a couple of weeks salary these days, and Europe is just a few hours away by air for any citizen with a passport. Distance has shrank so much that it tends to spoil modern perspectives of things. I have rode a bike every mile between Alaska and South Florida and border to border and seen cars whizzing past crossing the nation in what- a couple of days where it took me quite a bit more time.

Star Trek faster than light across the Universe is the paradigm many moderns are thinking about and looking for as they trample the ecosphere of the Earth as it is just a platform for their machines transporting their persons; they have a certain misunderstanding about where the world is located apparently and don’t value the God-given nature and qualities of the planetary environment well enough to care for it as well as good gardeners conserve that mansion’s appearance in Beverly Hills.

What Jefferson meant by; 'tyranny prevails when good men do nothing'

 He could have been referring to citizens failing to read philosophy or failing to be saved by the Lord Jesus Christ. When the tyranny of worldliness and pure materialize dominated over spirit people can become enslaved to principles of evil over spirit. With the degradation of spiritual values and lack of faith a long dark eternity under ungodly imperial authority glimmers like hope of more wealth at the end of the tunnel- and it might be the fires of hell they perceive dimply.

W. Shakespeare of course mentioned much ado about nothing, and what valuable lessons one can learn from that I am not certain of. One should not make nothing of it of course. Sartre published his title ‘Being and Nothingness’ and illustrated a little of what nothingness is- fundamentally an absence I believe it was.

Of course Jefferson might have believed citizens or people should be proactive rather than complacent and satisfied with their position in life, or alternatively he may have felt that anything besides his political preferences are as good as nothing, or doing nothing useful. If he was just finding an oblique way of saying that everyone should revolt or the tyrant King George III prevails every time- maybe he was correct. Globalism is assuredly encroaching upon the U.S.A. with reverse colonization driving Americans toward being corporate lackeys without anything good to say about strong nationalism that defends boundaries, properties of rights and equal protection of the laws.

Maybe Jefferson could foresee that Amazon, Facebook and Apple would have dominant social media influence or that wealth would be too concentrated and Wall Street and the Dow would soar over 34000. I am not certain


Social change vs continuity

 The United States is and has been experiencing continuous change. Socially and demographically the present U.S.A. isn’t much like it was even twenty years ago. The question today might be more a matter of how to keep what is good about the nation intact.

The problems of political wisdom and philosophy of governance that a modern, large nation like the U.S. experiences are compounded with the rapid growth of knowledge as well as population, technology and cultural profusion of globalism within what was formerly a more unified populace. Politicians are just individuals and an individual's personal knowledge is limited. Limited personal knowledge in a complex society limits the potential for innovation and change. Because the social and infrastructure constructs that already are present are easier to understand and operate than the challenge of inventing new infrastructures that are definitely possible with if the knowledge of all the people of the nation were combined into one mind, and because the horizon of understanding everything that exists already in human knowledge is beyond personal understanding of any individual, fundamental technical progress or change outside the existing paradigms is improbable.

Some changes are good, some bad and some ugly; constant and reliable elements that allow social stability and continuity are equally as necessary as change.

Arnold Toynbee noted that one of the reasons civilizations fail is that they cannot change their basic infrastructure; once a civilization (or nation in the case of the U.S.A. is built up and established it, vested interests and culture grow around it that resist newer ways. Toynbee used the ancient Greek city-states as an example; they could not federate in the way Roman did and failed to the new power that conquered them.

The Problem With N.A.T.O.

  With 32 member nations N.A.T.O. is a very large military body. It can throw it’s power around such as in Ukraine, without concern for reta...