
What was Antifa and was it bad?

 Who comprises the radical organization Antifa is difficult to know; they often wore hoods to conceal their identity in some of their numerous protests. They reminded me a little of Adolph Hitler’s formerly socialist street thugs (80%) the Sturmabteilung aka S.A. who got things done politically and on the streets. Antifa seems to have some kind of orientation with the Republican elements of the Spanish civil war who opposed Franco and his fascists.


Antifa seems to attract leftists that haven’t recognition of the modern trend toward, or within corporatism- another fascist invention of the Dictator Mussolini used by Hitler to make the German economy work. Hence Antifah opposes nationalism and especially seems to hate traditional moral norms such as held by most of the American military that served in the Second World War to defeat German fascists and Japanese imperialists.

Antifa used violence to obstruct legal marches of right-leaning groups and may have organized the upgrading of black lives matter demonstrations to riots and looting- one cannot know too well. They seem to have inherited some of the S.D.S. ethos yet stop short of being Weathermen who perpetrated bombings in support of the anti-Vietnam war movement.

What is of concern about Antifa is that they were part of a virtual intifada put on by Democrats when a Republican President is in office if at all possible. Some Democrats seem unwilling to accept election results and go on about civil affairs; instead deciding not to play in the game unless they are in office- and that seems to be a move toward traditional communist one-party rule.

What is of concern about Antifa is that they were part of a virtual intifada put on by Democrats when a Republican President is in office if at all possible. Some Democrats seem unwilling to accept election results and go on about civil affairs; instead deciding not to play in the game unless they are in office- and that seems to be a move toward traditional communist one-party rule. Protracted civil disorder especially during a pandemic isn’t helpful to many economic and other social interests of ordinary people.

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