
Intelligent design of a new reform of government

 I.M.O. a reform of the existing democracy-capitalism synthesis that is heavily biased to ecological economics would be the better try. There may be continuing fusion of a few other systems that would lead to regular, classical economic continuity that likely will be maladapted toward future demographic and environmental challenges.

It could be that social organizations of scale at a certain size merge evolve toward a common form with similar sorts of personnel leadership. In the modern post-industrial economy the majority may value social position roles more than individual ability. That is one could be a great pianist, philosopher, humanitarian etc. yet what really counts is what one’s salary is and how many people one has below oneself as manager. A restructured capitalism with limits on the top % of a nation’s income one could own, and a return to free enterprise and individualism with a new foundation that seeks to actualize the potential intellectual production and creativity of every citizen could become an ongoing political-theoretical project useful for responding to worldly challenges.

Hierarchical organizations such as one find in the corporate world and vast bureaucratic government structures tend to become dominant social organizations difficult to reform and resistant to fundamental change. A practical example is the vast highway system and fossil fuel vehicles; there are newer alternative transport infrastructures possible yet with so many organizations bought into it the prospects for change are dismal and grim for restoring the global ecosphere to a healthy, sustainable degree.

Those with a rosy view from above can rationalize away poverty and the harm it does to individuals and society overall. Generally that is done with the belief that the present system is fine and not in need of radical change and that it will evolve and adapt existentially as if the corporate-government synthesis was the best of all possible worlds striving for perfection.

Capital is known to naturally increase faster than wages and has done so for centuries. Without substantial correction wealth concentrates so far that the individual enterprise of the masses becomes repressed or trickles up to the rich through a number of means including the better ability to afford patents, lawyers and patent defenses, relocate factories abroad for cheaper labor etc. individuals in a nation and culture are minimized in value to the government-corporate culture that also owns or controls mass communication media.

Some have written in support of a basic income for all U.S. citizens that would fade away if earnings surpassed a certain minimal threshold; that and free public education through graduate school, a reduction in the cost of patents and length of their exclusivity with 10% royalties to patent holders after three years in would alleviate some of the problems and structural impediments to individual actualization. A society that is 100% supportive of all humans to rise to their greatest potential in knowledge and creativity rather than the greatest place in a social organizational hierarchy might need to vet businesses that are allowed license to assure that they conform with ecological conservation criteria that aren’t harmful.

If corporate employment was limited to 30,000 employees maximum then more corporations could arise as need to generate extra production, yet also fade out without much social disruption if not needed and neither would they have such size as to compel their continuity with publicly less than optimally efficient products in regard to the environment.

I would think that ideally people of a nation would not be so desperate for a job or income that they would do anything or manufacture anything possible for income. That paradigm tends to reduce ethics and ration political choices from the ,marketplace of ideas. If society could afford to have more discrimination about what businesses do in economics so they can just allow ones that aren’t too harmful to the ecosystem to go forward, and they can afford to keep 20% of the population out of work and into non -profit self-employed research, education and so forth, the overall efficiency of a nation might increase a lot and reply to several ecological, economic and social challenges of the time.

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