
Democrats, Dictators and Venezuelan Oil

 The United States doesn't recognize Venezuela's President Madura as the constitutionally elected President. There are no Democrat committees set up to investigate the fake election results, just Joe Biden's emissaries conducting friendly business deals to let President Madura export oil to the United States.


Venezuela has lots of fine oil Americans can burn up and add to the vast left-wing supported global warming gas flow streaming into the sky from auto a-holes. Some leftist drive electric cars. China is rapidly transitioning to electric cars unreliant on oil from nations led by Dictators and Theftocracies. President Biden has stepped back into the over-mature, senile fossil fuel vehicle league to help his re-election chances in 2024. Instead of leading the way to newer, faster, cheaper forms of transport that don't harm the atmosphere or ecosphere on land and sea the President has opted for quick, dirty and dangerous fiscal intercourse with dictators.


Republicans are supposed to be the party of innovators, tech leadership and economic good sense. Implementing those characteristics have been lacking from Republican discourse the past decade or more in regard to energy. Democrats have exploited the failure of Republicans to lead from the front on energy upgrades. President Biden fundamentally has a fake green energy policy that returns to Dictatorial and authoritarian oil doghouses as soon as it can to prop up the nation's economy. Republicans lucked out with the discovery of fracking to revitalize the nation's oil fields yet even that isn't enough for either party that sucks up oil from any source at all. Yet if that is so one might ask, why not Russia?

The economic war on Russia to support the Democratic Party's proxy war on Russia via Ukraine is quite costly the nation and the world economy. When Mr. Biden is gone and a Republican President takes charge it is likely that the Ukraine investment policy of Democrats will slow or end and the world economy can have a chance to seek the light at the end of the tunnel. The world ecosphere though will be irreparably harmed by then and the breakdown of national energy leadership will perhaps continue to lean on dirty oil and dictators as the ecosphere degrades.


Respect Homo Marriage Act and Fugitive Slave Act of 1850

  In the end of their lame Duck session dominating the legislative branch federal Democrats verified their main concern was homo marriage and queering up the nation. They failed to get substantial ecospheric and economic integration accomplished leaving the planet's sustainability index in continuing decline. The rich owners of Wall Street were apparently concerned as marionettes with having the zero population growth plan to saturate the world with the legal fiction of homo marriage firmed up so far as to shift social reality through force of law into their evil demesne.

Homosexuals do not marry, biologically speaking. Marriage has been redefined to mean any coupling of human adults (for the time being) with vows legally reinforced. That paradigm is socially divisive and a source of political turmoil even unto the point of wars and may have consequences ahead. Recognition of homo relationships that left sane marriage intact was the rational alternative. Like Latvia's advocacy that Ukraine attack Russia, it flunked practical reason.

Interesting is the actual legal mechanisms the Senate used to reinforce homosexual marriage. They will force the federal government to recognize the laws on marriage each state has even if they differ substantially. It is possible that some state will outlaw marriage and establish new relationship legally among adults that serve the same purpose that are not based upon fiction. Then Democrats may seek to pass a law to establish the 'equivalency of marriage' to cover the new legal paradigm.

The 'Respect Marriage Act' to disrespect marriage and promote a homosexual usurpation through legal pretense shall require Federal laws to follow individual state's laws in patchwork array presumably. One would imagine that the antebellum southern plutocrats would have loved such a law to compel federal authorities to return escaped slaves to states that allowed slavery (The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850). When Congress required all states to return escaped slaves they went a bridge too far.https://www.battlefields.org/learn/primary-sources/fugitive-slave-act#:~:text=Passed%20on%20September%2018%2C%201850,returning%2C%20and%20trying%20escaped%20slaves.


Fox News Moves toward fop-center of Mainstream Biased Broadcast Media

 Major broadcast media outlets are notoriously biased toward proprietary politics reflecting their alignment toward the Democrat Party agenda generally with Fox nominally toward Republican politics. Recently though it has taken to using thematic demotics usually associated with Democrat broadcast media spin, and that is rather surprising. I would guess the reason is their owner’s desire to reinforce retrograde fossil fuel development and anti-environmental regressivism.

The late Rush Limbaugh’s rational Achilles heel was his notable and profound failure to comprehend environmental challenges to human survival on Earth. Broad is the road that leads to destruction and narrow is the gate that leads to salvation; few there are in U.S. politics that find it. Fox may be doubling down on the political punk approach and urging more global greenhouse gassing industries because fossil fuel burning auto and truck engines continue to be the primary mover of most U.S. economic activity.

Anthropologically a human tool kit comprising a society’s means of working economic activity evolves. Directed economic activity is sometimes necessary when existential challenges demand focus from all of society to meet the challenges head-on and successfully. Changing the tool kit through directed laws and rules rather than letting it naturally evolve is where resistance arises from Fox and its ilk of sycophants of rich owners of the broadcast media. Leftist sycophants in the broadcast media need at least nominally support a conservative ecospheric economic approach to appeal to its base of support that is at any rate brainwashed into believing that racism is the basic political divide in the nation rather than economics.

Failing to adapting the national economic tool kit to ecospheric challenges in order to use tools that return short term profit builds the disaster base for the ongoing seventh mass extinction. Directed free enterprise with incentives to evolve and adapt the tool kit is the preferred way to proceed. Corporatocracy seems to pursue short term profits and long-term social control with broadcast media support across the broadcast spectrum as their minions are bought and paid for to promote the agenda with maladroit political interpretation and straw men issues.


Cryptocurrency Failures Reflect Gresham’s Law

The failure of FTX and troubles with other cryptocurrencies reflect Gresham’s Law; bad money drives out good.


With the profusion of cryptocurrencies it was inevitable that some would collapse. There are about 22,000 cryptocurrencies of which 9,314 are active. In the United States 1,600 banks were allowed to issue paper money from 1793 to 1861 with 7,000 different bank notes. Some of those notes were of little value. Eventually the United States became the exclusive issuer of paper money. Between 1863 and 1929 “thousands of banks” were allowed to issue notes that resembled federal greenbacks on official paper before that too ended. It should be noted that 1929 was a notable year for the economic crash getting under way.

It wouldn't be too surprising if cryptocurrencies also followed the evolution of paper money in as much as some may be transacted with some sort of federal seal to guarantee their value. Financial fraud, tax evasion and money laundering may be implicit facets of crypto currencies. Like the Internet tech dot-com crash of 2000-1 one would expect shakeouts of the field periodically.


Speaker Pelosi was a leader while public debt rose from 6 to 31 trillion dollars

When Nancy Pelosi first became speaker of the House in 2007 U.S. public debt was about 6 trillion dollars. During her final term in 2022 public debt had reached 31 trillion and the environmental challenges were not substantially defeated. Ecology work for land and sea management were deficient on software and hardware axes. Though she wasn’t in office all of those years she was her party’s leader and that indicates something about the political economy she was associated with. It is time for a change though Speaker McCarthy may not be the leader one might like.

There seems to be some ambiguity concerning the actual amount of public debt in 2007-2008. The numbers range from 6.3 trillion to 10 trillion dollars.


The Center of TIme (a poem)

The center of time
moved past quicker rhyme
glued itself to signs
right down the street

powers ripe just heat
run roughshod to beat
anything it meets;
a network elite

mass extinction tide
the bad override
won’t be denied
surface of the seas

tuned in to boom
each investor tomb
anyone’s room
is Wall Street’s last breeze.


Seventh Mass Extinction Making Solid Gaines

A lot of species- thousands, are going extinct each year because of environmental changes. Human activity causes those changes. A science paper reported that this is actually the 7th mass extinction in the Earth’s history, rather than the 6th, because one at the end of the Ediacaran period occurred that wasn’t previously regarded as such.


One of the basic causes of mass extinctions is atmospheric composition changes, like lower oxygen levels. Destroying habitat can occur from chemical changes as well as bulldozers, auto exhaust etc. Human activities are well on the way to making the world sort of uninhabitable for many species including humans. That isn’t anything to worry about of course, if the rich can just get better tax cuts.


Points in TIme (the poem)

Twelve geese flew north November
when nothing in time was too sure
one goose flew south over Earth
for three birds paddled water
gospel moved through pine and fir
singularity matters
God rules over space time atoms
humble are sums to occur.


Early and Modern Premillennialism

  Modern premillennialism became popular in the middle of the 1800s, yet it's been around since the second century at least. The church fathers were roughly evenly divided amidst post-millennialism and pre-millennialism. The most notable point to me though is that it seems like a lot of people miss out on Jesus' prophecies concerning the first century events leading to the fall of Jerusalem etc. He was the most accurate prophet of all (he should of course being God the Son). He said all of the things would be fulfilled before the last of the present generation and they were. That doesn't mean that other prophetic things he said were included in the first century prophecy fulfillment items though. Here is a decent brief paper on early premillennialists.


I can't say I was aware of the various sorts of predestination. There seems to be at least five varieties theologically speaking. 



People Do Misunderstand Calvin and God's Omniscience, Omnipotentce and Pre-destination

 Calvin's ‘Institutes’ is a remarkable work. I believe many people today misunderstand the reformation movement and what the reformers thought about theology and the Bible. Paul wrote to the Ephesians (5:11) "Ephesians 5:11, KJV: And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." Plainly Paul was referring to humans in a practical way; pagan society of the day had quite a lot of wickedness. Yet he wasn't especially making theological research into predestination, omniscience and omnipotence and what that means as far as everything that is created. Incidentally McGee was of the opinion that what the Bible calls 'evil' are natural events (i.e. earthquakes, floods (including the one that drowned the first human civilization except for Noah and his family); the Bible refers to human evil, not as evil, rather as wickedness. It is probable that many people misunderstand the cosmological mechanics of the Universe that God created, and how he created it. Calvin was a believer in determinism, election and so forth and there are many opposed to that. They also tend to believe in salvation through works rather than grace.

The subject of predestination is fascinating and implied in the Bible numerous places. (ref. https://www.biblestudytools.com/.../what-does-the-bible...

In my opinion God being omnipotent and omniscient creates everything that exists including circumstances such as freedom that allow people to choose to do wickedness. Plainly the fallen human condition of original sin has changed the relationship of humans to God whom is perfect. He is the maker of pots and can break them if he wills that.

The topic is interesting cosmologically too. It seems that the Universe’s thermodynamics tend toward pre-destination on the largest scale as it was from the beginning giving a certain allotment of energy and then mass to exist and actualize all forms. The topic is fascinating and deep theologically and physically. One theoretical physicist speculated that a universe or Multiverse may exist where everything that can exist, already does-every possible Multiverse universe bit-and human minds with freedom switch between them with each thought, yet the Multiverse itself never changes, it is people choosing their own fate along possible world-lines.

The Revelation 22:10-12 “10And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand. 11He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.

12And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. 13I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.”

That kind of statement is consistent with free will in a deterministic environment where individuals select their own fate. Yet there are thousands of points to consider about the power of God. I suppose he could create a Multiverse just in His thoughts, yet they have perhaps existed in His foreknowledge forever.

A quote from Calvin's 'Institutes'… https://www.ccel.org/ccel/calvin/institutes.v.xxiv.html

What is Meant by 'Atheists Have No Morals'

Divine command moral norms following Moses and Deuteronomy were plain and simple. Alternatively modern godless individuals haven’t anything ...