
Carnival of Confusion (a poem)


Woke to confusion
simplified streaming politics
hand shaken shoulder
archaic rumbles of discontent
deep in the bellly of the beast
brought the cave of reality
to the bright light of fusion

Quark-built complete complex of compresence
economy of ideas consolidated like wealth
in a moment of sangfroid
when all was real like bits of a matrix
Democritus took Newton's spinning bucket too far
Wheeler's retro-causality
certainty undermined by an existential doubt
meditations upon a method being-for-itself
epistemologically other; ideas of ideas

Descartes pinched himself, then Sally did
with Marx selling seashells by the shore
of time and plutocrats, Walruses and automats
awoke in dogmatic slumber
before pure reason empirically seasoned
comprehended causality as formations of judgments
posteriori, a priori, synthetic a priori
carnivals of creativity
word universes of propositions and logics
described the great show on Earth.

Authenticating Twits, Twerps and Trumps

 After so many years of dominant tweets on twitter one might wonder why a social network for twerps hasn't been formed. Donald Trump's social network doesn't have that twittishness to it that a rival network like a twerp should have. Even if one can verify for a fee that one is a genuine twit ot twerp. a social network cannot claim success simply by charging extra to have a badge of authenticity to make twits, twerps andr trumps trussworthy.



An Economy of Insiders (a poem)


Insider A.I. swimming in dark pools
over borders of transistor claws
basic worlds wit morphed designs
general intellect advances more song

Interesting thoughts that live in the air
with those who breathe and share them
fairly deleted beyond network wires
sore twerps would rend and tear rem

Planning battles with millisecond thrift
Japan crashed on real estate
U.S. and, China learned miffed
withdrawing investments overseas TaihuLight
calculates probabilities deep through the night

Internal neural logic amplified sensors
employed funky monkeys
making them censors
officers retired to golden ponds
amid livid rivers of holographic renter bonds

Cracker box palaces for one human race
run out of step, running in place
eco decline somewhere out there
externalities of concern share still warming air

Species extirpated; maybe mankind too
mildly troubling calculations
wherewithal masses can't do
when leaders few, economics drift.


At Low Tide (poem)


Wild waves turned the skiff toward its side
surfing through crests
descending with troughs
salt water splashed strangely soft
rainy dusk strained
eyes looking on distant breakers

Reach Slocum Inlet, port turn Frederick Sound
Limestone Inlet in darkness found
bear and sea sky'd
she rested on sand at low tide.

Retire the Spigot of A.I.'s Harsh Light (the poem)


Artificial Intellect on deck swabbing fiction letters
the Missouri biden its time, mothballed for warre
unheard little robots dance a song
high in the Alp deserts just wrong
wince with plucky strings quarked up
down the Escherian starcase, a mobius diction
intellect simplifies artificially
assembled language withn pan-temporal mystery
parrots of Keating pasting Wordsworth mold chilling
versified paradises of green chords fullfilling
history dialectically resemblng
D.N.A.'s programmatic scores like whalesong gongs
A.I. brings disordered order and non-sense to structure
walking the plank for-itself, and for-others.



Hydrogen May Be Plentiful Underground

  Developing hydrogen underground that accumulates in ways comparable to oil-yet is naturally renewable, may become a solution to the energy crisis that generates greenhouse gases.


Transporting concentrated hydrogen could be difficult yet it needn't be. A national network of pipelines made to cool superconducting power lines and built deep below interstate highways could be the prime distribution network after enough quantity is located in the country. A well has been drilled in Nebraska by HyTerra that is conducting flow tests of hydrogen this month.


Perhaps it's possible to pump  water deep underground in appropriate locations to stimulate natural creation of hydrogen?  One natural process is called serpentinization (not named for the devil's winter home in hell) where "water reacts with iron-rich (very hot) rocks (deep underground) to produce hydrogen".

Joe Visits a Charnel House (1 poem)


I would not count Alexander Pope
for essays on criticism emulatable
or rhyming Sopho’s lines
with free verse quite inflatable

  The Rubicon of signs is language to bear
shaggy, woolly, mammoth
saber toothed tares
sewn to the winds bright froth foam to share

Tawddgyrch Cadwynog, Cyhydedd Hir
through woods’ too lonely, dark and deep
with double trouble, soil and grub
lay crenelated rubble- iambic pentameters to keep

  Noh rhyme fated vines to people kind maidens
or fill the fields of echo’s hallowed havens
where warre trod heavily over winter’s mists
for many a son felt death’s fast swift kiss

  Poems were hollow those fated morns
when politicians made themselves living statues
the legend shot out hope with the mind of a gun
leaving good reason no good place to run

  Write, write till the art’s content
of prosody and power, shrapnel and bowers
lives spent without thinking
calculations for-others, tolled bells tinkle hours

  One foot after another
lines march forward through time
pile up bodies of stanzas
with verses and rhyme

Make poems, not war.


Palazzo (poem)


The city subsides in time
water lapping stone walks
over the past
bridge of size
executing present work
excavations tourists find
dark canals of history
paintings from the Doge's prime.


Democrat's Ukraine Policy Might Be Daft

 The United States has supplied lethal arms to Ukraine since the Obama administration. Presently the administration is complaining and 'warning' China against supplying the same to Russia, as if China need necessarily comply with the United States on foreign policy goals or ever has.


Unintelligent leadership can bring less than desirable results. The Democrat Party has consistently demonstrated an inability to comprehend the consequence of their actions. Instead of selecting lines of foreign policy relations that are realistic they select lines that are optimal for-themselves and label their opponent criminal. Democrat lawyer-Presidents believe international law supports whatever they choose to do in effect, as the 'leader' of the 'free' world with less than half of the world's population.

The Biden administration sent its first large shipment of weapons to Ukraine January 2022- before the start of the Ukraine war. The weapons build up demonstrated U.S. intent, especially as it encouraged the Baltic states to send weapons to Ukraine, and may have been a trigger for Russia to invade before things got worse.

From 2014 to the start of the Ukraine war the U.S. ‘committed’ 30 billion dollars to Ukrainian security according to a report by the Congressional Budget Office. https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IF/IF12040 -report may no longer be available








Some have noted the basic inability of Democrats to adjust to the end of Cold War I and form good new relations with Russia. Much of the U.S. economy and several states with Democrat party federal delegations had invested in Cold War production and defense related capabilities. It seems as if the economic base and inertia brought the Democrat Party to revert to hostile foreign relations although for a time in the 1990s it seemed as if a new. better and different footing was growing. The Ukraine War is a logical result of the traditional belligerent U.S. relationship with Russia. Democrat party desire to dictate China's foreign policy regarding Russia is equally an assertion of what might be viewed by China as hegemonic imperialism.

It is possible that China will supply a fraction of U.S. lethal weapons support to Ukraine to Russia in order to defrappe N.A.T.O.'s hegemonic expansion eastward. China has invested much in Russia's arctic and supports development of Russian natural resources including oil and gas in order to have plentiful, stable, cheap energy to replace unreliable western supplies that could be cut off in the future when the Democrat Party deems sanctions appropriate. U.S. leadership may need to accept the fact that China has different interests than the U.S.A. in the Arctic, Russia and Asia and is still a growing economy the U.S. relies upon for manufacturing. With China and India as Russian friends or neutrals the supply of cheap labor may dry up for U.S. capitalists. A realistic foreign policy would have settled the Ukraine affair long ago with concessions to Russia that recognized their historical and valid claims to own much if not all of Ukraine. The E.U. and the Democrat Party have a different narrative of course.

Chinese leadership may supply substantial quantities of weapons to Russia in order to prevent a Russian defeat before the 2023 U.S. Presidential election when a Republican has a better than even chance of being elected. A Republican President probably could bring a negotiated end to the war by cutting off continuing arms shipments to Ukraine. Restoring good relations with Russia is rather important if the United States is to continue to participate in a global economy without a significant east-west split. The split global economy probably wouldn't be helpful for U.S. capitalists at all. The Chinese and Indian economies are growing while the U.S.A. has low economic growth and vast public debt relying on cheap Chinese imports for consumers. U.S. capitalists have invested a lot in China in Asian production.

Present prosperity for concentrated wealth in the United States that owns much of the national income- more than 50% goes to a tiny minority of citizens, may have led Democrat leadership to a certain degree of hubris in its will to power through lawsuits and military force. Peaceful evolutionary economics transition as swiftly as possible to ecological economic durability with such a great population is much preferred to war so far as U.S. national interests are concerned.


Pond of Opulence (the poem)

 Pond of Opulence

The eye beheld opulence
like nature’s melted glaciers
romantic aesthetics’ confluence
just moved with Occam’s razor

Shadows and mist settled on the pond
with rasping sounds frogs croaked the song
of stars reduced to gossamer light
silently moving through borrowed night

Compresence shaped the rising breeze
thermals carried time to dark black trees
fire sought the sole survivor
who dreamt with dawn's designer
of summer-ending freeze.

Writing and the Point of No Return

I read somewhere that one should always finish what one starts if it was worth doing to start with. Just put your head down and ride into th...