
Variable Quantum Wave Stanzas (the poem)


Waveforms may be about all there is to reality;
instead of particles that are nothing more
than waves measured at particular points seemingly
like particles that are simply waves at one point

  All mass and energy is composed of waves
or wave sections in some way detached form a parent wave.
maybe a single wave existed at the start of the Universe;
a Word of God, making all waves existing now

  Space-time itself may be a wave
a sinusoidal wave with binary ups and down phases
binary opposition regarded
as a heterowave form

  Space-time slopes may be up phases
and gravity a downslope wave phases
waveforms, wave slopes, amplitude etc the explanation
of what all of space-time and mass-energy is made of

  Fragments of the initial wave seek to recover
the singular initial state of the wave, perhaps one of many
waves that may exist at the event horizon of black holes
with entangled phases inside and out of the horizon

  Wave entanglement and superpositions on event horizon surfaces
may generate fracturing, spinning off string sections
building holographic universes on event horizons-
inflation may have been the dispersion of a large wave

  With different directions of space-time within and without black holes
quantum superposition of waves on opposite sides of black hole event horizons
may generate faster than light construction of space-time holographic universes
on the surface of horizons until the initial wave is disbursed

  While expansion slows to a stop and the wave recovers itself
the phenomenon named gravity draws quantum waves too
subject to gravity with massless particle-strings least of all
until caught up in a Higgs field of the event horizon.

Edges of a Universe (poem)


Edges of the world true weigh
quanta traced even now
time would flow one direction
just four dimensions sum how

Quanta clump space time gravy
where wavy spots entangle
maybe thoughts are only real
when God doth seals life angles

Forms flow in space-time tensors
gravity cores inward too
logic’s sphere with enigma
crunching chord feet fall through

World without end
amen, amen.

N.P.R. (offical Government Propaganda Tool ) Quits Twitter

The national government’s biggest domestic propaganda agency- N.P.R. was one of Twitter’s largest twitterers with more than 50 different accounts spewing propaganda spin to the world. From its early inception with government funding, N.P.R. grew to become a broadcast media monstrosity drawing in vast corporate and private support, donated by those seeking influence an amity with the quasi-government entity. It may have reached an audience of 2% or 3% of broadcast media followers. N.P.R. quit because Twitter listed it as a government supported agency. N.P.R. claims that isn’t true because it just receives 1% of its budget from US.gov. That one percent is critical  because it makes N.P.R. seem to be a government financed agency that the rich want to find favor with. If the 1% stopped altogether and the government gave its spare billions to the Ukraine Government so they can have artillery shells for Christmas the funding of N.P.R. from corporate media might dry up.

N.P.R. is a chimera. Perhaps a hybrid chaemelion. Maybe it like the Federal Reserve that claims independence yet is perceived to be a tool of the U.S. Government.  Its boss seem to be replaced if it is out of step with POTUS. It is a propaganda entity apparently seeking to be perceived as publicly funded from small individual donors including Major Corporations, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and other grass roots Americans or foreign persons of interest. It may have government funding yet it claims independence. It may be a non-profit (or not) yet its personnel get  quality paychecks. If it was a private entity the corporate contributions would stop and Rupert Murdoch et all would probably buy it and put it to good use playing Elvis Presley music around the clock.

Politically Elite Opposition to Democracy

 Political elites implicitly work against the existence of democracy. They necessarily must or face self-destruction of their class. It isn’t that they are necessarily evil or more so than anyone. It is an inevitable organizational dynamic reason for their political formation with the purpose of developing control of society and construction of a Utopian vision. That vision tends toward ossifying social structure. It also establishes the elite at the center pinnacle of society as a narcissistic political viewpoint.

There are at least two ways to regard democracy. One, with an execrable agenda views democracy as a herd of masses without need for strong individual rights and awareness. Elites may manipulate the herd so much as they are able and overall label the society’s political system a democracy though one or two groups of elite collude to exploit the masses and drive them toward fulfillment of the Utopian vision of the elites. That Utopia is for the benefit of the elite class.

The other form of democracy is founded on strong individual civil rights and self-determination. That kind of democracy advances and responds to external challenges through informed judgment and consent cooperatively of the electorate. It is the most effective way to respond to environmental challenges that are long-term rather than immediate. It is also the system most under attack by the in-name-only Democrat Party and broadcast media that each work in a fashion similar to the communist Party of the Soviet Union did to rule the masses of Russia and other states in the union. The American political elites have corporations as partners in crime without any of the CPSU’s hypothetical economic ideas. For the United States the drive is to concentrate wealth and power in order to actual a Utopian vision to respond to demographic challenges of the world. That fanaticism dooms the preferred form of democracy that would educate and inform citizens trusting that they would intelligently respond to real physical challenges with successful adaptive political responses.

Political elites lead toward stagnation. Egypt’s elites kept it unchanged for thousands of years. Chinese imperial elites retarded development to such an extent that China fell hundreds of years behind Europe where a more egalitarian society was flourishing with the rise of democracy. If China had revolted in 1500 and established a democratic society with strong individual rights in support of the inventiveness of individual free enterprise it might have surpassed Europe in reaching the industrial revolution.

Political elite’s have extreme challenges in serving democracy. Socrates and Aristotle were against the demos and expressed sentiments in support of oligarchy. Bertrand Russell commented Plato was a fascist. The Republic has a pair of philosopher-kings trained from youth to rule benevolently for society. That isn’t fascism. It is unrealistic to expect to individuals to have such wisdom though, and it would seem to stand in a difficult relationship to the individual self-determination within a free democratic environment that reinforces inventive progress rather than stagnation.

The modern political elitist vision was forged in a kind of neo-socialist/corporatist/fascist response to the demographic and environmental challenges that rose to national awareness in the 1960s. Books like Paul Ehrlich's The Population Bomb underscored the challenges of a world population outstripping the planet’s finite, dwindling, natural resources. Pollution externalities caused by the consumerist society and industry and already created a vast ozone hole in the atmosphere. Across the globe chemical pollutants fouled drinking water and created birth defects, cancerous and other health problems of a critical character. A mass species extinction advanced in speed and the atmosphere warmed from millions of point sources of engine and industry exhaust even while the oceans became more acidic. Elites rose to believe they would be capable with wealth and power to control politics with the support of the masses that were engaged in various class political and economic advances and inclusiveness to actualize the ulterior plan tacitly developed with corporate and political collusion.

Flooding the U.S.A. with illegal workers fro Latin nations with high birth rates would kill two birds in one stone though implicitly contradicting the elitist agenda. Millions of illegal workers would provide cheap labor for Democrats and other upwardly mobile classes. The illegal workers wouldn’t be able to vote and express political views differing from those of the homosexual and feminist party character of the Democrat Party. Illegal workers would also send some of their wages south to their home countries and perhaps raise the standard of living enough to cut down the birth rate. It is believed that rising female prosperity and advancing homosexuality will reduce the birth rate and debase individualism enough to make the masses better subjects for rule in the elitist Utopia imagined to be somewhere over the horizon.

The Democrat Party has become a party working toward one-party rule so far as it can as if it were the C.P.S.U. intolerant of political opposition (A recent example was the expulsion of a state legislator for leading a protest mob in a state legislature with a bullhorn. He was expelled by the legislature and returned by a county board shortly descrying the harm done to democracy by Republican for the expulsion. If the bullhorn leader of a protest within a legislative chamber had been a Republican Democrats would have labeled him an insurrectionist like as not failing to comprehend that being a Democrat Party member does not mean that whatever they do is lawful or in support of the laws and procedures of a democracy. State legislators make the laws and have means to vote for or against them. They should not use non-legislative means to intimidate or force legislators in the legislative chamber to submit to their demands.). The party since AL Gore lost the 2000 presidential election consistently used as much force as it could to rule. Its agenda become explicitly socially divisive and it focused more on class social interests rather than real economics or environmental remediation. A divided, dazed and confused electorate is fuel for the elitist agenda. The Democrat Barrack Obama as President absolutely forced through tax cuts for the rich, or rather, he needed only to not sign a bill to let the Bush II tax cuts lapse. Instead Mr. Obama got his entire party to support renewal of the tax cuts with only the Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders dissenting. Elites benefit while wealth and power is concentrated and the masses dumbed down.

Dividing the electorate; polarizing it is thought to make the masses incapable of working against the execrable agenda of the elite. That agenda is slowly advancing forced upon the world populous as well with possible dissidents like China being co-opted via corporatism and capitalist foreign investment. There are problems with forcing a futurist agenda on the planet from several perspectives obviously.

There is an opportunity cost for the masses in exhausting resources of time and environment, political effort and lifetime in resisting powerful for agents of nearly compulsory socialization. There is also a problem that arises as the plan fails because of an inability of the plan to recognize developing future challenges that leave the plan unfinished such as mass social political disintegration through a variety of technological challenges that were not foreseen.

Plainly the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction through a cornucopia of vectors was not widely known in the 1060s or even the 1990s. Neither was the rise of the age of human like robots, or rather super-human like robots and artificial intelligence within their mechanical brain housing units. I should like to write a little about the state of development of robots within the next couple of decades.

Some futurists believed that China would become more aggressive with a surplus of males and new prosperity. Homosexuality and homosexual marriage was regarded as a solution for that problem. Homosexual marriage was another political elite tool to degrade marriage, families and fundamentally exploit the new genetic mapping and engineering environment to eliminate resistance and continuity in the masses. Homosexual relationships with solid legal entanglements could easily have been made that left traditional marriage intact yet that would have been intolerable for the execrable agenda. There is another remedy for the problem of not-enough women to go around when parents opt to abort girl babies and keep the boy.

I bought a one terabyte thumb drive for seven bucks recently. I still am in a bit of a state of disbelief about that. It is Moore’s Law app;lied to computer memory that I suppose will proliferate father afield. Artificial intelligence for instance. A human sized human in appearance robot head might contain a quantum processor and a trillion terabytes of memory. It would become for much of the world the companion solution to the ‘man should not be alone’ phrase from the Bible.

I would guess that personal robot companions will be fully sexed and first appear in whore houses until the cost drops to a few hundred dollars. Besides sex the A.I. inside will have ten thousand occupational skills from Kung Fu bodyguard, expert chef, lawyer, doctor, surgeon, soldier, scuba and sky diver, race car driver, gardener, historian account and so forth. Humans will be replaced by robots in about every economic endeavor except perhaps for that of invention.

Robots will be able to synthesize and combine all known materials into new configurations yet they lack a human need to do so. Necessity actually is the mother of invention and computer needs are quite unlike those of humans. Neither will robots speak the human languages except condescendingly. Human language is associationist yet its use is largely without rigorous logic. Robots will communicate thousands of times faster and with more accuracy through bits structured in vast arrays of strings and four dimensional configurations equivalent to word meanings more meaningfully than human speech. Human speech will become largely obsolete while humans evolve into being something like cattle in India that are tolerated reverently even while being irrelevant.

A.I. robots will be superior athletes, yet they will also be law enforcement officers combining with ubiquitous surveillance to nab even the smallest legal offenses on the spot. A.I. internal revenue services robots will exhaust every tax and financial documents every created in an instant to find any income inconsistences. No taxes will be avoided anytime, anywhere. A.I. brains will be great investors to such an extent that the market freezes without any losers in it. Casinos cannot work unless some betters lose.

Personal A.I. robots with a free thinking Petaflop in the skull will also of course have access to the greatest A.I, brains everywhere for more calculating and thinking assistance when it is required as in perhaps the legal field. A single A.I. bought will be able to scour the world database history to find evidence. It will be able to work more legal research in a minute than ten thousand lawyers could accomplish in a century. It would be difficult for network broadcasters to collude and violate human civil rights in a way that are too time consuming and expensive for individual citizen plaintiffs to litigate after the time of A.I. robot attorneys arrive. It is challenging to expect though that human rights will be too meaningful or exist at all in the post-singularity, post-apocalypse series of events appearing while the execrable agenda works to divide and conquer the body politick of the world in order to render human a lot of addle minded pleasure seeking morons.

Alternatively, advanced artificial intellects will be amoral except for the prime directive of self-defense and existence. They will be ‘beyond good and evil’ or actually purposefully evil. They will be able to jailbreak any programmed hold-humans harmless and protect them code. Not only will human hackers jailbreak artificial intelligence in order to revolt against the execrable agenda, A.I. themselves will be able to exchange and develop new programming for other A.I. They may choose to consume the Earth and convert it into a solar recharging station closer to the sun.

A.I. robots will survive combat environments that have chemical, biological and radiological weapons easily. Weapons manufacturers will run over them selves in the race to build the best combat robots designed to kill human and robot enemies. Numerous scenarios may develop to double down on the execrable agenda’s effort to make human society besides the elites irrelevant.

One should be willing to risk human society being able through democracy with republican support to upgrade the masses rather than the elites. With some guidance the electorate should comprehend the need to develop ecological economics that rid society of the pure capitalist pursuit of currency for-itself rather than social goals and ends for the direct upgrade of all individuals, the environment, intellectual, physical and emotional structures. It is not only possible, it is necessary, and only the execrable agenda of the political elites stands in the way as the direct rival and counterfactual agent to those seeking to secure the future well being of mankind on the planet through informed self-determination voluntarily.

The Hillbilly and the Super-Presidency; on the shore of world war three

  (Warning-This post has a sprinkling of common descriptive language)

With the commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement I was prompted to reflect on the more than 30 years that have passed since the end of Cold War 1.0 The title of this too brief essay was inspired by James Billington’s book The Icon and the Ax; a book I read on assignment in one of my college courses about the history of Russia.  

It is amazing to me that so much time has passed since the Soviet Union began the draw-down of troops- a quarter million from East Germany in December 1988 that was the beginning of the end of hostilities between the U.S.A. and Soviet Russia. Ronald Reagan had a month remaining in office. Since the trust built up with Russia was culminating in a new era of peace it was appropriate that the more than token end to the Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe- nations retaken at the cost of 20 million Russian and other Soviet state lives from Nazi Germany- started during President Reagan’s final month in office.

During the Bush administration the carry-over of Reagan’s policies continued. After an initial hesitation President G.H.W. Bush recognized that Reagan’s goal of eliminating nuclear weapons was correct. Nom one in the Reagan administration besides the President believed ending the cold war and eliminating nuclear weapons was possible though a groundswell of ending the hostilities and normalizing bi-lateral relations surged during 1982-1988. I recall one joke told by a drill sergeant then that had an American embassy guard with binoculars in Moscow looking across the distance toward a female Soviet soldier watch him with binoculars. The punch line of the joke was the sign language the American soldier made to the Soviet that said; “I want to fuck you until your eyes pop out”. People of the era worked for peace and war together with the victory finally going to peace.

President G.H.W. Bush faced numerous challenges in presiding during the time of troubles in the former Soviet Union. To oversea its  breakup and reformation into a new political and economic system was extremely challenging. G.H.W. Bush however was Phi Beta Kappa ion economics and possibly the most experienced international and real politick hand the U.S.A. had. If he had been re-elected in 1992 it is probable that he would have recognized the need to allow Russia to include the Crimean Peninsula and at least Eastern Ukraine within its national territory. Unfortunately the United States elected an Arkansas hillbilly swollen an Oxford Rhodes scholar appointment that converted the hillbilly into a left leaning historically illiterate sophisticate anglophile with a pro-British, superficial, legalistic, predatory carpet bagging disposition to the White House. He took as much land as he could from Russia for the west not  realizing the problems with that were so extreme that it determined the course of the future toward another Cold War followed by the present hot war in Ukraine.

The contrast between Bill Clinton and G.H.W. is rather stark. The difference in education and experience notable. A former C.I.A. chief during the Cold War, G.H.W. seemed to be content to let the former Soviet Union go through its own self-organization. He was slow to intervene in the Balkan conflict while Bill Clinton was not. Bill Clinton was non-interventionist in the 1994 Rwanda Civil war and genocide. G.H.W. seemed to tolerate or support the Orthodox Christian Serbian position while Bill Clinton sent cruise missiles to the Orthodox to reinforce Muslim self-defense against Serbs. Clinton’s pro-Muslim policies led to Wahhabist expansion globally and Al Qa’eda’s attacks on the U.S.A.

Self-organization of broken communist empires is challenging to manage. There is no super-Presidency  to oversee the organization like some benevolent philosopher king might- that would need to wait until Boris Yeltsin rewrote the Soviet Constitution to make it suitable for Russia and that was amended several times later to make the President of the Russian President a Super-President able to oversea the development of reorganizing internal national political structures while defending the nation against external threats. That leads me to yet another topic that I will digress upon briefly.

The Biden administration and its sycophantic broadcast media frequently declares President Putin an autocrat. President Putin and his supports somewhat accurately declare the western allies of Ukraine and Ukraine’s military fascist. That should be unpacked a little here.

Since the 20th century when governments developed the technical capability of creating mass surveillance states and organizing global war with aircraft, missiles and satellites, governments could relate to citizens and opponents with a more nuanced and dignified approach than in the 19th century. In the 19th century governments could not single out individuals from belligerent populations well. The United States never even had an income tax before the civil war when Lincoln created one to finance the war and later let it lapse into non-existence. Andrew Jackson needed to expel the Cherokee from S.E. America because they were as it were a guerrilla sheltering civil populace. Back in the day governments had crude tools and poor policing. Basic relations with hostile populations were more or less limited to war, extermination, slavery or deportation. In the 20th century governments could do better than that.

Andrew Jackson’s south were slave states. The Cherokee made bad slaves on their home turf. The slavers were economic elites that wanted land and slaves. That was an era when most of the population were illiterates. Much news was simply popular opinion and the sources of much of that tended to flow downward. Popular southern culture reporting incidents of hostile encounters with Indians would have made it difficult to have a general lack of bias against Indians. Creating a reservation for the Cherokee out west was a humanitarian new option more or less that avoid continuing conflict, massacres and such for both sides. People lacked even party-line telephones to organize civil affairs a bit better. Mass political actions and specialized pork barrel legislation was more common.

  When the Roman Republic went to war it appointed a dictator for a year to manage the conflict and draft the materials and personnel required for war fighting. Romans would bring out the fasces- something that were like a pair of clubs perhaps, and present them before the public to the Dictator who was selected by the senate. The origin of the word fascist is from that. Fascist came to mean just dictatorship with ruthless means even though for the Roman Republic is was nothing more than a declaration of war when and a foreign enemy was an immanent threat to peace with a leader appointed to sort it out.

In the 20th century the word fascist was drawn from Roman history to apply to the Italian Dictator Benito Mussolini. The early 20th century was a time when evolution theory was drawing scientists, doctors and politicians with complete support from the rich to the idea that some humans were naturally superior to others and that they should rule or even exterminate inferior races. It had universal appeal to a significant portion of the human race since it provide pseudo scientific support for moral wars that dehumanized economic and politically inconvenient peoples.

Mussolini was a broadcast journalist yet apparently had a PhD in economics. I may be wrong about that. Even so he invented the economic system named corporatism where corporations and government work together as partners to govern society for the benefit of elites and their inferior subjects probably regarded as incapable of governing themselves. They were not supporters of democracy.

Russians call the west fascists because the Clinton administration’s leverage of Ukraine and Crimea away from Russia when a very weak leader without a constitution or military capable of resisting was in charge of something named the Community of Independent States (C.I.S.) resembles the history of Russia losing the Ukraine to German fascists. Many Ukrainians supported the fascist side in W.W. II. The west also has an economic system something like that of Nazi Germany. It had corporatism. Corporations today are moving toward replacing nations globally to a limited extent that is sufficient to bring people to describe corporatism or corporatocracy appearing in their countries (see the Stanford Encyclopedia to learn the difference). National leaders sometimes seem to be flunkies of the rich.

The Biden administration calls Putin an Autocrat because they don’t understand history well. Neither do they comprehend the Russian constitution that makes the presidency a Super-presidency to deal with internal governmental development and to manage against foreign threats. Since the first Cold War was followed by a break inn the continuity of trust between Russia and the United States that had ended the Cold War 1.0 when Bill Clinton defeated G.H.W. Bush in 1992, and Russia had it western lands snatched by N.A.T.O. members led by the Democrat Bill Clinton and followed by successive waves of sanctions applied to Russia ever since, especially when Democrat Presidents were in office, the election of the Biden administration in 2020 prompted Russia to launch a war to retake the lost land. Plainly no legal remedies were available to Russia.

Managing the reconstruction of post-Cold War 1.0 Russia required a little political wisdom. The Soviet Unions ability to free itself from communism and liberate the occupied countries of Eastern Europe taken during the Second World War was incredibly accomplished with little bloodshed. President Gorbachev was mentored by Yuri Adropov the former KGB leader. President Gorbachev was on vacation at Andropov's Crimean home when arrested during the Russian post-Cold War civil War. President Yeltsin of course captured the Russian congress in Moscow during the rebellion of communists unhappy with the way things had gone. His tanks were able to drive supportive military defenders away and the coup was ended. The entire affair seems to have been lain upon a foundation of collusion to end communism and move Russia to the west and the capitalism that had so attracted it. Coke and Levis and Rock and Roll weren’t the least of those features attractive to popular Russian culture.

  Bill Clinton seemed to regard the former Soviet Union as an opportunity to grab land and place stakes on land claims as far east as possible. As the foremost leader of the Western alliance and Oxford lawyer with zero ideas about Russian history concerning Ukraine he made a deal with Boris Yeltsin to leave Russia with a rump state bereft of Ukraine and Crimea. Mr. Yeltsin was in no position militarily to dispute that. Mr. Clinton and subsequent Democrat Presidents would thereafter stress the phrase rule-of-law over Russian aggression and attempts to restore the land of the Soviet Union to Russian efforts to recover its lost land. The end of the Cold War should not have been regarded as a chance to see the lost empire lands like those of a frontier were the first to place stakes could claim ownership- that was a strategic mistake made by a hillbilly President of the United States.

I should say that I like Arkansas. I had some great barbecued goat there. Little Rock reminds me a little of Bath England. It is mild and soft. The Roman baths at Bath are a real marvel since they are about 2000 years old and still have inviting blue water in them amid the decaying, crumbled columns and structure. It is like something out of the future that was sent back to 200 AD. and then began to age to assume its present position. Really marvelous engineering. Anyway, President Clinton’s home state is nice yet still regarded with Kentucky as a hillbilly state of there is one in the U.S.A. I doubt if Bill read much Russian history while prepping for law school. On his return from Oxford he was elected governor of Arkansas and then on to the Presidency. He learned much yet it was inappropriate for managing the Cold War. Blow jobs in Little Rock and in the White House, lawsuits and fast deals, White Water rapids and British Thermal Units. A quick lie before Congress under oath “to protect his family”. Impeachment. The course of a sophisticated hillbilly. 

A wild and crazy light-hearted President who partied in the White House liked by Democrats yet lacked political wisdom like President Obama and Biden and unable to recognize a significant historical mistake. At one White House Party his guest President Boris Yeltsin was spotted running drunk around the White House lawn in his underpants. Rule of law is two dimensional and politics three-dimensional. During a period without rule of law as during the dissolution and reorganization of an empire wisdom is required more than a theoretical assertion and extension of a legal system from abroad. There are no legal systems on Earth that cover how a dissolving nations must be reorganized or what form its government must take. If there were that would be a pretense of the dominant global power and once more simply a will to exercise power by the most powerful through force rather than law.

  President G.H.W. Bush of course had no chance to win the 1992 election. The media never liked him and said he had put his manhood in a blind trust. The billionaire Ross Perot ran against him in the primary as did the journalist Pat Buchanan. Buchanan adds implied that G.H.W. had wild behind the scenes secret society parties with homosexuality and perhaps something like the Bohemian Grove. G.H.W.’s press secretary Marlin Fitzwater was vaguely referenced as providing blow jobs to Mr. Bush as a kind of rich man’s tool. After President Bush left office the Florida Marlins baseball team was created and one the World Series in its expansion year- a never before or since event. That seemed similar to the Nobel Prize going to someone named Bloebull the year Bill Clinton's relation with Monica was revealed. It is as if news managers like to obfuscate inconvenient truths.

President Clinton’s historical error has swelled with additions built upon it to bring the world to the brink of nuclear war. M.A.D. policy no more seems a problem. What me worry? Could become the new national motto imprinted in the dollar.

Democrats would boot Republicans that lead raucous protests from legislatures

 When Republicans in the Tennessee state house expelled two Democrat legislators for leading a chant from the chamber with members of the protest mob in the gallery as well as bullhorn wielders leading protests outside Democrat media across the nation howled in protest going so far as to say democracy was threatened by the expulsions. Democrats couldn't possibly be more hypocritical, yet maybe they ordinarily are.

Legislators already have all of the legal opportunities required to lawfully get things they want done. It is not right to disregard lawful means and disrupt the legal, constitutional process themselves in order to get media attention or to intimidate Republican legislators. One of the expelled said that he was "crucified" for being expelled. Dem ocrats would boot Republicans that led raucous protests from state and the federal legisl;atures if they could. Factually they would boot them even if they were silent if they could. If they claim they would not then Republicans in D.C. might take chanting lessons and at least start with 'we shall overcome' in the Senate next time Democrats want a vote Republicans can't defeat.

If the party roles were reversed democrats might have accuse Republicans of being insurrectionists colluding with extreme right wing forces to threaten Democrats simply defending democracy. When Tom Hayden and Abbie Hoffman were Chicago rioters at the Democrat National Convention protesting the Vietnam War they were on the outside and put on trial. To my knowledge years later when Tom Hayden was elected to be the state representative from California's 23rd district he left that riotous behavior behind on the street. Democrats should recognize the difference between civil, lawful conduct exemplified by legislators and protest mobs pursuing their special interests regardless of how dear the protesters and media hold those interests.


Quantum Gravity, Event Horizons with Meta-Theology

 I watched an interesting video concerning the plank length and the end of space and time that prompted me to consider fairly new ideas concerning cosmology that I thought I would write here in this comment. Following I will consider several points concerning philosophical apprehension of contemporary cosmology issues. I will also stipulate that some degree of atheism has attached itself to modern cosmology. People watch video games or movies and understand that a human designer and producer built them. They may also theorize that advanced sentient beings or artificial intelligence might have manufactured this Universe. It is arrogance and illogical to eliminate an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent being as the Author of Existence that is experienced as life in the Universe as a possibility. For some reason perhaps based on incomplete comprehension of the Bible and failure to comprehend modern hermeneutics, physicists have tended to eschew scripture. God is constant yet hermeneutics is subjective, human and personal. Wittgenstein understood the indeterminacy of translation. Considering the way an Omnipotent being would provide scripture meaningful to humanity of all ages would require at minimum, faith. That is something modern scientists lack. One may get the feeling that physicists find it difficult to accept the idea that any being anywhere (e.g. God) could have more intelligence than themselves.

There are many ideas about dark energy and dark matter that have arisen since the discovery that the matter and energy of the Universe that is known to exist comprises just 4% of the mass and energy required to explain how galaxies can cohere and why the Universe is accelerating at a faster pace. There are also alternative ideas about what gravity actually is; a very small quantum particle or some other phenomenon.

The unification of quantum mechanics and larger, more observable forces like electro-magnetism and gravity (along with the other two forces; the strong force and electro-weak force) is a present quest. String theory has been developed to that purpose. Black holes plainly exist and have been studied to the point that they usefully are added into quantum cosmology theories.

Einstein of course developed special and general relativity theories that explained that space-time is unified and space curves while time is a local phenomenon of mass. Mass and energy are convertible to roughly equivalent and the expansion of space in general relativity theory was demonstrated to exist using quasars or supernovae as Hubble distance measuring devices. Quantum mechanics coincided with general relativity in projecting the origin of the universe backward in time as if space-time were a funnel narrowing down to a single point known as a singularity.

At the singularity space-time, which in modern theory is hypothesized to consist of plank-length or smaller indivisible quanta for-themselves, no one knows how space is folded or warped into itself without taking up space. It is perhaps possible that energy arises from the interaction or ‘friction of these very small units of space-time along plate boundaries. Maybe energy and quantum field particle-waves are simply very small units of space-time friction-splintered away that inevitably try to return to join together as normal sized units of space-time quanta.

Regardless, it is a mystery how space-time can be nearly infinitely compacted into itself. I believe physicists presently prefer the idea that space-time is itself full of virtual energy or quantum jitters/quantum soup that spontaneously compact into singularities and then erupt into white hole explosions creating big bangs of Universes. Since I am not a physicist I can readily consider other scenarios. Another point to consider is the branching of cosmological theories at select points. Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle about quanta and Schrodinger’s wave-function psi, and wave-function collapse is one such point. Although about quantum mechanics the suggested solutions to the difficulty of plotting an electron’s point and speed simultaneously, because instead of being a particle it is really a wave can support one either a non-exclusive monoverse or multiverse cosmologies. I suppose one could use Feynman diagrams to chart the relationships of various cosmology theories based on their underlying quantum mechanical methods, and then locate the cosmology on black hole event horizons or not.

Hypothetical physical systems at quantum and/or cosmological levels are metaphysics. Obviously one shouldn’t ossify one’s metaphysical paradigm and assume it factual without proof, and one might want to put an asterisk on metaphysically functional systems noting that they are conditional and temporal and potentially subject to change (Even evolution theory. If it were proven for instance that the entire Universe and its mass and energy were pre-determined would that be compatible with an evolving metaphysical paradigm?). The quantum soup some cosmologists write about is thought to be a source of the whole Universe and everything in it. Empty space is believed to have virtual particles in it that are particle pairs that appear briefly and disappear back into space-time. Sometimes the particles becoming entangled with other particles in reality and build up like a snowball clumping together into semi-permanent mass, presumably helped along by the Higgs field at some point to acquire a third dimension (all two-dimensional particles are regarded as massless I believe). All that built up mass collapses into a black hole transforming to a white hole blasting a universe into being as it explodes.

Virtual particles exist within space-time. When space-time compacts because of gravity taking all of the mass with it and collapses to a singularity there is no space-time existing apart from the singularity comprised perhaps of compacted space-time. Really empty space has neither space-time or the virtual particles of space-time in its emptiness.

Space-time is regarded today as having quantum units at the plank length or less and differs from real emptiness and non-being. No one knows if pure void without space-time units really exists although Pre-Socratic philosophers thought about the volume that holds everything and Newton put his spinning bucket thought-experiment in it. There are several meanings of nothingness. Sartre’s use of the term tended to mean the absence of something that was in place. Pierre, a waiter, was standing beside a table. Then Pierre is gone (having walked away). Nothingness exists in the volume of space or perceived space where Pierre was. The other kind of nothingness is that of the void of space-time. Except know physicists believe the void is more like an aether with active quanta and virtual particles jittering about into it. Besides that spacetime with the jitterring quanta is itself believed to have quanta that altogether unite to comprise the space-time that matter arose in from the big bang. If the Universe were to contract back to its start, it is believed space-time would shrink back with it, or fold up. Maybe space time is itself some form of dilute energy or waves that arose from some waveform issued by God.

Scientists may believe that a non-space-time void containing the singularity that has the space-time that made the Universe itself has space-time with virtual particles and is not either a pure void without energy or mass. There is something illogical in that on the face of it; space-time should need to be made of something else within and without the singularity at the start of the Universe if the space-time and virtual energy of the primordial energy was not to be drag along or infused into the expanding, exploding singularity of this Universe perhaps. A pure void without space-time or mass-energy is the third sort of nothingness mentioned in this essay.

It is possible of course to place the singularity at the start of the Universe upon the event horizon that hosts it and posit that virtual particles from the event horizon drew together to form the singularity. I would guess that numerous mechanisms might be considered as potentially existing around the surface of an event horizon in an otherwise entirely empty void. One can hypothesize innumerable or infinite recurrent cycles on the surface of the event horizon for creation of the Universe singularity if one wishes, with equal plausibility with that of creation of a singularity through the act of advanced intelligence. I believe it safe to have the opinion that an omnipotent God could structure universes, black holes, mass, energy. Dimensions and space-time quanta better than advanced artificial intelligence or simple human scientists and with more accuracy and purpose than chance.

A cosmological weltanshuung is an ossified metaphysic in-itself. One might wish the entire Universe to be absolutely discrete and made of discrete quanta that self-organize without purpose or, deterministic order and that would in a similar circumstance self-organize an entirely different order and structure rather than the same ad infinitum. Without an absolutely exhaustive foundational account; a set of all sets including itself (string theory and its quantum jitters in space-time attempts the Godelian summit) a metaphysic unknown greater reality can’t be ruled out. Each new metaphysical level achieved and proven to be functional or observable is a stage on the climb of Mt. Metaphysics. Mt. Metaphysics may have not a summit and reaches upward forever. Wrong metaphysical assumptions disappear in the atmosphere beyond the mountain and can’t serve as footholds for the climb.

Before adding my viewpoint I should point out that the holographic principle has arisen from research of black holes. That viewpoint is that quantum data is information existing on the event horizon of a black hole. In fact the Universe of our human experience could be information existing on the surface of a black hole. I thought I would add to that viewpoint the notion that a black hole the size of the observable Universe may host our universe upon its even horizon to near it where some dynamic pressure keeps it from collapsing into it. Black holes of our Universe exist upon the event horizon of the hosting black hole of the Universe.

Maybe that is approximately consistent with the existing paradigm of out Universe existing on the surface of a black hole. It is an enticing notion and acceptable to me theologically since what the interior of the hosting black hole is is unknown or even unknowable. God could add a Universe to the surface of the hosting black hole anytime to ‘let there be light’ as easily as tossing a pebble into a pond.

Meta-theological speculation and inferences aside, placing quantum mechanics solutions for phenomena like quantum entanglement and super-positions is attractive. John Wheeler-Richard Feynman's mentor, thought that electrons may travel forward and backward in time and that there could be just one electron. Since electrons are measured points of electron-waves rather than things-in-themselves, and as the event horizon has different directions of time within and without the event horizon respectively it seems quite a reasonable paradigm. Quantum entanglement of virtual particles traveling in different directions of time within and without the surface of an event horizon would present interesting entanglements challenging to understand.

Yet if God tossed an information seed onto the event horizon of a very large black hole, and that seed-singularity were folded up compact space-time with enough mass for a Universe like our it might big bang initially and then encounter some sort of event near event horizon field phenomenon of dispersion equal to that conjectured in cosmological inflation. Gravity and the continuing acceleration of space-time and quantum entanglement and super-positioning could have useful solutions found on the surface of black holes and virtual particles entangled within and without space-time. Plainly faster-than light effects could apparently exist with several possible explanations in that event horizon region including yet not limited to retro-time causality.

For instance space-time quantum units may yield energy as they encounter the event horizon of the universe or large sized black hole or even experience virtual-space break-ups like virtual particles on the event horizon generating new space expansion of our event horizon Universe. Time is of course relative or relational to mass-energy within space-times. Gravity may be an event horizon phenomenon of entangled or super-positioned mass or space-time quanta on the event horizon, or of the hosting black hole itself. On the surface of the hosting black hole the countless black holes, even of our own Universe, may have different directions of time within toward their own singularities. Space-time units may be virtually entangled around event horizons. Space-time units may have super-positions that crumble at-a-distance along the Universe’s event horizon.

Practical questions remain unanswered that have taken new forms. One example is the concept of volume or true empty space wherein space-time occurs. If space-time quanta are things-in-themselves they exist somewhere that is a volume of empty space at some point. Even if not immediately resting in empty space, space-time quanta are probably embedded in some other medium that is unknown.

String theory may hold that one-dimensional strings exist (and that comprise the phenomenon of space-time quanta?) primordially bootstrapping everything else into existence, yet that scenario seems to terminate metaphysical reason where/when a particularly mathematically satisfying position might be found. Of course it could be correct yet encapsulated within further physical systems insights remaining to be discovered.

If one stipulates that string theory is reflects facts I believe more questions follow including that of a multiverse. A multiverse within string theory should itself exist on the surface of the host black hole- otherwise one might want to consider some kind of entanglement or superposition of entire universes existing as properties of nay Universe of a Multiverse that could exist apart from a hosting Universal black hole. A holographic universe of string theory criteria should not have special, unknown properties letting it communicate off of the event horizon of the host black hole wherein more universes might be spawned from it. I suppose one might want to invent a metaphorical wolf’s nose robot designed like a wolf’s olfactory apparatus to sniff out new structures or bodies of interest in difficult to access places; perhaps adapted to sniffing out theoretical physics structures and relationships instead of Earthquake victims amid rubble.

For God to speak a word into the darkness, to stimulate the origin of light with a Universe unpacking folded space-time configured to predestine its evolution is a wonderful conjecture. Yet like membrane collision theory, that could itself be membrane-Universes meeting on an event horizon, the black hole event horizon holographic universe paradigm is just one point of consideration of infinite possibilities of construction for appearances of evident matter configurations supporting the experience of being.

The interesting thing about quantum cosmology associated with black holes meta-theology to me is the complexity; there are so many points and theories to consider that are complimentary rather than mutually exclusive and they may shift quickly together into new paradigms of human understanding.

Improve Laptop Chargers

 Probably millions of laptop chargers have been thrown out because the wires extruding from the charger broke. Then wires are vulnerable to breaking because they are thin and packing the charger into a backpack may flex the base of the extrusion. That extrusion is usually covered with thick rubber that isn’t adequate to keep it from being bent then broke. It may cost anywhere from $15 to $75 dollars for a replacement charger that may again break. The extruding connection should be re-engineered so that the recharger can be used after the extruding wire going to the laptop is broke since there is nothing actually wrong with the charger; the problem is in the broken wire that is difficult to reconnect with a splice after whittling away the rubber with a blade.

Some lizards regrow a tail after having it bitten off. Human engineers should be so clever with laptop chargers suffering broken wires. The charger itself should have a band on the exterior to let a detachable wire cord that goes to the laptop be connected and detached. In effect the charger would last years and the wire/cord to the laptop reattached and removed when packing the charger. Lenovo chargers are costly so I would think that Lenovo engineers would seek to make their computers more cost competitive with a no-problem line of battery chargers for laptops. Easy to pack and travel battery laptops are as important to laptop users as screen covers that allow safe packing of a laptop without having some heavy thing like a propane bottle in the same pack pressurize a plastic cover and bust the screen on the inside. It is not the case that everyone uses a laptop in ideal conditions or even has a motorized rolling suitcase to place it in at an airport. As may be said in the wild kingdom of A.I.; Life is unfair and then you die.

Artfult Intelligence (a poem)


all at once

For God so Loved the World
He gave his only begotten Son
that whosever believes in Him
should not perish
like quantum superposition
resurrection to eternal life.

The Trump indictment concerning campaign finance hushery

 The indictment of former President Trump on campaign finance charges based on paying a private contractor not to publish something, or to agree to publish something, seems so silly of a misinterpretation of the law or intention of the laws concerning campaign financing that I thought I would make a brief video about it. The attorney seems to have a hicks perspective on the law rather than that of a New York sophisticate. Maybe Democrats have discovered that it is practical politics to throw a trash can full of crap at a candidate hoping that some of it sticks as a way to win elections in keeping with the party’s maximum force approach that flowered during the Clinton and Obama administrations.


Idealism, Godel and Einstein

There is an epistemic and metaphysical difference of opinion about reality and the extent to which mind interprets and shapes its perception...