
The U.S.A. Shouldn't Provide Military Support to Ukraine

 There is unlikely to be global stability until the U.S. recognizes Russia's historical ownership of the Crimea and eastern Ukraine. Russia is trying to assert its historical boundaries suppressed by the Soviets and dittoed by the Clinton-Obama-Biden leadership. Degradation of the Arctic littoral environmentally, a divided east-west economic world order, piling up U.S. public debt, non-cooperation against terrorism- just so western arms dealers and ideologues of the Democrat Party establishment can have an obsolete, perennial, Orwellian-like war to prop up a paranoid Europe. The war is senseless, stupid and should be ended by a right-thinking Republican candidate for President if elected.


Election Interference of State's Rights in Georgia?

Georgia’s case against former President Trump on 13 felony counts related to trying to swing the bad presidential election vote total his way is of course part of the general Democrat Party hatred of all things pertaining to Donald Trump. Mr. Trump himself declared the prosecutor to be left wing, and that is the paradox.

Democrats tend to identify President Trump and his supporters as the far right and tend to exaggerate any sort of political charge against Republicans. The January 6th protest wasn’t a Tienanmen Square quelled by tanks-it is being taken apart post hoc by vindictive Democrats. Democrats persecuted President Trump with a majority in the House by investigating a demonstrably false collusion with Russia to swing votes or steal the election of 2016 and later with the impeachment vote.

The prosecution of Donald Trump and eighteen others defends state’s rights against federal interference. That’s the paradox; that a southern black female prosecutor- Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis- would be defending state’s rights in Georgia against a white northerner (well, for most of his life Trump was a New Yorker) that felt a need to get help or at least to admonish Georgia election officials to count all of the votes honestly. Mr. Trump might not have pressured Georgia election officials to the extent that Al Gore, G.W. Bush and legions of lawyers pressurized Florida officials in counting votes in the 2000 Presidential election yet he did apparently ask some state personnel to make sure the election was honest so far as I know about it (and that isn’t much).

State’s rights pushing back against Federal pressure and overreach is an old sore spot in the states that even became fuel for the civil war. Maybe the Proud Boys and the Georgia prosecution team will find themselves on the same page about that.

Sentience and Evolution Differ

Human sentience rise far above the form of evolution that inheres within nature; therefore humanity in a real sense may be said not to evolve as much as to be self-determining. Evolution is natural sequential change of mass subject to the laws of thermodynamics. Time is evolving matter measured by human sentience in an orderly progress at a constant rate of change. Albert Einstein informed humanity that time and space are united and differ in rate of change from one place to another, or if one is in motion or at rest. Evolution is the change of mass observed by sentient beings when its molecular and atomic structures change with interaction and thermodynamics. Mass in various fields may change within structured parameters in regard to its material of composition and forces acting on it. Humans with sentience have placed themselves apart from natural forces of evolution and the pace of non-sentient animate and inanimate matter to a significant degree.

It became fashionable during the Obama administration for politicians to say that their point of view was evolving. Evolution as a popular theory and explanation was taken to encompass human behavior too even including government. G.W.F. Hegel believed evolution was being done by a spirit that was coming to realize itself in history and further that the German government was the highest evolved state. The United States today with 31 trillion dollars of public debt and running the ending of the Cold War in reverse has demonstrated the silliness of Hegel’s thesis from The Phenomenology of Mind that a government could be the highest form of evolution.

It is alternatively possible that material evolution occurs with a small part of the mind of God within and infinite Multiverse with variegated mechanics perhaps also given some sort of orderly progressive structure in order to accomplish some teleological destiny. Though God may know all things before they exist and the end state of every possible Universe before its creation He may yet have some reason to let self-awareness arise for individual sentient beings existing within one of His Universes. Mass arises from energy interacting with fields and sentient minds are embedded within mass with an evolved state with select configurations to support it.

Sentient minds arise from an evolving Universe yet are superior to it qualitatively speaking if no morally. Morally people are in a fallen state as they are subject to the thermodynamic fields in which they exist. That desire for more energy and food as mass along with procreative drives brings them to sin exist other people existing as material objects-in-themselves too. Mind may try to subdue and control thermodynamic drives yet they are ubiquitous and ever-present too-even if just a desire for water to quench thirst. When a Democratic form of government elects leaders that promote evolution as a rationale for governance they are employing and excuse for elites to disregard the advise and consent voluntarily for of governance with the consent of the governed for an elitist ethic that excuses anything at all as just evolution. Democratic governments are not evolving entities-they are instead stable, representative bodies following stable rules assuring equal protection of well understood and just laws for all citizens. That is quite different from an imperialistic pursuit of advantage fr elites or cliches and special classes with the prevailing ethic that anything is OK if you can get away with it.

Lawmakers and chief law enforcement officers should not treat laws and a democratic constitution as a malleable tool for evolving unfair advantages for special interests if they have the opportunity to do so, or gaming the constitution to let one’s proprietary laws be implemented and efforts to make subsequent changes to those laws illegal to bring about.

It is wrong for politicians and media elites to pretend that evolution is a good or even necessary reason for abandonment of human ethics and government standards that are plain, open and just. The human mind and human democratic or republic governments are made by and for humans apart from the thermodynamic challenges for natural evolution although they be cognizant of it. Human political representatives have responsibilities that cannot and should not be obscure through the smokescreen of evolution paradigmata. Post hoc it is fine for historians to note that governments have ‘evolved’ over time in response to external challenges or social corruption ad of course rarely in response to rare political wisdom donated by some one or few benefactors of society. In real time it is simply wrong to excuse corruption and bad governance with the rubric of evolution.

A Shame to Call that an Insurrection

 It was an historically comparatively wussy insurrection

It was of special utility for Democrat party leaders and media to promote the January 6 mass protests of election results to the level of insurrection. The mass protest of innumerable facets of Democrat party conduct during and even before the Trump administration reached a crescendo on the 6th of January. The protest was like countless others of Black Lives Matter protests to those of the Vietnam War and 1968 Democrat Party National Convention in Chicago that led to a minority element rioting and breaking in to buildings. Even protests on Wall Street during the 2008-9 financial meltdown led to buildings being illegally occupied and spurred an Occupy Wall Street movement. The January 6 events was of a similar ilk that was a priori entirely predictable. Tthe fact that it was in Washington D.C. at the national capitol meant the immediate building object of wrath of the demonstrators was the capitol building. It was a protest rather than one of the wussiest insurrections in world history.

During the years of the Trump administration the Democrat Party methodically upgraded its political attacks on the President of the United States beginning with the false charges of his collusion with Russia to win the 2016 election to the eventual impeachment. The enmity was exceptional so it was no surprise that Democrats took the opportunity to maximize accusations against the President and his supporters. People that Hillary Clinton named the reprehendsibles were morphed into the insurrectionists.

Plainly some very few reprehendsibles would have liked to put stretch ties on Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and even tar and feather them; that doesn’t make it an insurrection even if some would revolt and establish a dictatorship of Donald, a Spartan Republic led by philosopher kings, a whites only nation led by Casper the Hangman, a Utopian democracy with liberty and justice for all where the U.S.A. is great again replete with new episodes of the twilight zone and the Outer Limits each week or a purge of the Illuminati from the Deep State. Every collection of tens of thousands of political protesters has non-representative extremists in rather than a collective political consciousness uniformity of all sharing the same political motivation and beliefs. They are of a heterodox rather than a homologous composition.

Real insurrections are usually bloody affairs were people use things like guns to try to seize power. On January 5th not a single shot was fired by the protesters. Everyone and their brothers know the power of the U.S. Government is backed by the full support of those sworn to defend the constitution in the military and that no occupation in the capitol would result in a change of government comprising a revolution. In a nation with more than 500 mass shootings annually, actual insurrectionists attempting a revolt would have been able to manage to kill more than a policeman accidently or emergently squashed to death in a door by the pressure of a mob pushing on it..

Propaganda values of media repetition of the term insurrection ad nauseam would condition the masses to actually believe that the magic dragon actually existed behind the cloud of smoke and mirrors that is Democrat Party propaganda. With the Commander in Chief in charge of the military the notion that Donald Trump sought to employ the protesters as revolutionaries is completely absurd. President Trump’s appointees to Sec Def sometimes resigned; the Pentagon wasn’t stacked with Generals itching to support a Trump led Dictatorship or Junta with Donald Trump as leader. President Trump and most of the January 6 protesters were well aware that even if they blocked the capitol from being the site where electoral college certification of the election would happen by occupying it that it would only be a temporary delay since the Congress could meet anywhere it wanted to accomplish certification including Anchorage Alaska.

And why should President Trump have reacted swiftly to reinforce the security of the Democrats in Congress that had persecuted him since 2015? Mr. Trump is only human and it is not unreasonable to expect a politician not to be too swift to protect one’s political enemies that had recently impeached him though he wasn’t convicted by the Senate. Jesus Christ might have taught to love one’s enemies (“Father, forgive them for they know not what they do”) yet he wouldn’t have been in office anyway as he said render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s; worldly political power isn’t Godly even though God may predestine particular office holders to His own unknowable purposes (a comic break?’-”What is wisdom for man is foolishness to God”).

At some point one day the nation may return to honest politics with less sensationalism to simply reconcile themselves to a balanced budget, the elimination of poverty, secure borders and a restoring ecosystem with a more egalitarian distribution of wealth. In the meantime it is the lunacy of Democrat Party thought control extremists that shapes the nation’s political zeitgeist.

It is a mistake to debase the meaning of insurrection in order to support the convenient use-truth political values of one’s party. Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were an insurrection of two, the late Ted Kuzinsky was an insurrection of one; he cared enough about the nation’s environmental situation to target and kill corporate officers that he felt did not meet his standards of environmental responsibility. Unlike most Americans he must have felt that the preferred revolutionary act of electing someone of one’s own party instead of that was the opposition wasn’t capable of saving the environment and world of anthropic degradation of the environment to the point where life on Earth is no longer humanly possible. Americans always reserve the right to revolt against corrupt, oppressive and ineffective and unresponsive government in some way or other, it is in their genes. That does not always mean they have the will or good sense to do so when it is actually necessary to preserve a perfect union.

The founders of the U.S.A. had sentiments that might as well have been informed by Kant’s categorical imperative wherein one should act as if one’s moral and ethical choices could be made into a universal law. It is plain that the Democrat party leaders aren’t always or even usually following that maxim. The January 6 Wussy Insurrection is not only history written by the victors, it is history written by liars.


The Field Expedient Method (a poem)


  Seeking after perfection
with lines of poetry
perfectly formed

  Clearing a blockage
choking the trochee
wit a jolt upon a stump

  The field expedient method
truncates verse, rhyme and stanzas
budding, each leaf is a poem

Like artificial intelligence
in the stomach of creativity
issued wing forth perfect  gas clouds

  Duplicates without flaws are perfect
replicas of things for-themselves
being themselves as they were

War's aesthetic judgments
of battlefield's gestalt Napoleon thought perfect
while a Colonel regarded horror.


Wheeler's One-Electron Universes

John Wheeler's idea of a one-electron Universe with a single timeless electron travelling all possible worldlines entangling itself up in knots. Without time initially, mass and time would become emergent characteristics of a Universe then said to exist. I have no idea of how quarks and gluons fit into the paradigm since they were discovered after 1941. Nambu's 1949 paper on 'The Theory of Positrons had particle-anti-particle pairs with only a change of time direction rather than actual annihilation. There could be an infinite number field clumps of single electrons in the mind of God exploiting a parameter as if they were Leibnitz' spirtual one-dimensional monads.  

If God created a Universe to evolve that does not mean logically that he could not interact with the creatures within it after creation, nor preclude him from making editing changes to the Universe while it evolves. Theologians aren't too modern in thought concerning modal logic nor the Biblical problem of the indeterminacy of translation.

I believe one may learn from comparing the Universe to an operating system like windows or Linux; programmers keep making changes and updates to them after they are created. If one wrote gradually evolving programs so they could be more adaptive that would be closer to resembling the universe that requires change in the temporal order through evolution.

Classifying Buddhism as Philosophy or Religion

 I would say that Buddhism is a philosophical outlook. It is a philosophy of negation; negation of troubles and challenges and even of the world with a stoic-like resignation in awareness of reality being conditional, contingent and emergent as it were. It is like the state of 2-dimensional particles that are massless becoming mass because they are slowed in the Higgs Field. Buddhists would posit that reality is illusory or maybe vanishingly temporal. Perhaps that is a Solomonesque insight about life being like a blade of grass. Belief in God is the 6th heresy of Buddhism so plainly they aren’t saved through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Even so beginners or the unreflective may have a religious devotion to Buddha burning incense and all.

Creation and Evolution with Modal Logic

 If God created a Universe to evolve that does not mean logically that he could not interact with the creatures within it after creation, nor preclude him from making editing changes to the Universe while it evolves. Theologians aren't too modern in thought concerning modal logic nor the Biblical problem of the indeterminacy of translation.

I believe one may learn from comparing the Universe to an operating system like windows or Linux; programmers keep making changes and updates to them after they are created. If one wrote gradually evolving programs so they could be more adaptive that would be closer to resembling the universe that requires change in the temporal order through evolution.

In Regard to the Allegory of the Cave

The allegory of the cave may be favored by atheists that regard all they see and experience in-the-universe as exclusively what is is. They tend to believe only in matter, gluons, dark energy and theoretical extra dimensions of string theory and that they have been to the surface and know about 'the truth'. They cannot believe that spirit and God- or other than energy/mass can or does exist and through faith in the power of God and the atoning sacrifice of Jesus that they would have life after death or beyond 'the cave'. In a way, none have made it out of the Universe/cave and returned yet except fot the Lord Jesus Christ; and he did inform humanity about what He knew of the Father, heaven etc.



Valles Marineris (a poem)

Split from the bottom up
Martian crust riven
with dust covering a world
jagged edges emerged
from the fog of time
talus slope
descendants of volcanism
where man would live.

Context in Proverbs Chapter 3 Verse 5

One might want a little more context; “3 My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments: 2 For length of days, and long...