
Sentience and Evolution Differ

Human sentience rise far above the form of evolution that inheres within nature; therefore humanity in a real sense may be said not to evolve as much as to be self-determining. Evolution is natural sequential change of mass subject to the laws of thermodynamics. Time is evolving matter measured by human sentience in an orderly progress at a constant rate of change. Albert Einstein informed humanity that time and space are united and differ in rate of change from one place to another, or if one is in motion or at rest. Evolution is the change of mass observed by sentient beings when its molecular and atomic structures change with interaction and thermodynamics. Mass in various fields may change within structured parameters in regard to its material of composition and forces acting on it. Humans with sentience have placed themselves apart from natural forces of evolution and the pace of non-sentient animate and inanimate matter to a significant degree.

It became fashionable during the Obama administration for politicians to say that their point of view was evolving. Evolution as a popular theory and explanation was taken to encompass human behavior too even including government. G.W.F. Hegel believed evolution was being done by a spirit that was coming to realize itself in history and further that the German government was the highest evolved state. The United States today with 31 trillion dollars of public debt and running the ending of the Cold War in reverse has demonstrated the silliness of Hegel’s thesis from The Phenomenology of Mind that a government could be the highest form of evolution.

It is alternatively possible that material evolution occurs with a small part of the mind of God within and infinite Multiverse with variegated mechanics perhaps also given some sort of orderly progressive structure in order to accomplish some teleological destiny. Though God may know all things before they exist and the end state of every possible Universe before its creation He may yet have some reason to let self-awareness arise for individual sentient beings existing within one of His Universes. Mass arises from energy interacting with fields and sentient minds are embedded within mass with an evolved state with select configurations to support it.

Sentient minds arise from an evolving Universe yet are superior to it qualitatively speaking if no morally. Morally people are in a fallen state as they are subject to the thermodynamic fields in which they exist. That desire for more energy and food as mass along with procreative drives brings them to sin exist other people existing as material objects-in-themselves too. Mind may try to subdue and control thermodynamic drives yet they are ubiquitous and ever-present too-even if just a desire for water to quench thirst. When a Democratic form of government elects leaders that promote evolution as a rationale for governance they are employing and excuse for elites to disregard the advise and consent voluntarily for of governance with the consent of the governed for an elitist ethic that excuses anything at all as just evolution. Democratic governments are not evolving entities-they are instead stable, representative bodies following stable rules assuring equal protection of well understood and just laws for all citizens. That is quite different from an imperialistic pursuit of advantage fr elites or cliches and special classes with the prevailing ethic that anything is OK if you can get away with it.

Lawmakers and chief law enforcement officers should not treat laws and a democratic constitution as a malleable tool for evolving unfair advantages for special interests if they have the opportunity to do so, or gaming the constitution to let one’s proprietary laws be implemented and efforts to make subsequent changes to those laws illegal to bring about.

It is wrong for politicians and media elites to pretend that evolution is a good or even necessary reason for abandonment of human ethics and government standards that are plain, open and just. The human mind and human democratic or republic governments are made by and for humans apart from the thermodynamic challenges for natural evolution although they be cognizant of it. Human political representatives have responsibilities that cannot and should not be obscure through the smokescreen of evolution paradigmata. Post hoc it is fine for historians to note that governments have ‘evolved’ over time in response to external challenges or social corruption ad of course rarely in response to rare political wisdom donated by some one or few benefactors of society. In real time it is simply wrong to excuse corruption and bad governance with the rubric of evolution.

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