
The U.S.A. likes Crazy, Incompetent and Swinger Presidents Apparently

 President Biden's international policy of supporting protracted war with Russia via Ukraine seems to continue to be ramping up toward nuclear conflict. Recently he green lighted F-16s for Ukraine's Air Force and is training the pilots in the U.S.A. Along with HIMARS missiles, cluster bombs and lethal drones as well as intelligence from satellites etc President Biden has gone full in for some time to defeat Russia militarily in Ukraine and areas it has reclaimed as part of historical Russia formally. The high risk of nuclear was with the very least a divided east-west economic alignment while global warming is increasing and reinforcing itself as it does via more water vapor that is itself a greenhouse gas rising into the sky from warmer oceans and air simply is not rational policy. The United States of course is willing to accept that, or at half of the voters are, while the other half would seemingly support Donald Trump who is the Democrat's best argument for re-electing President Biden. Donald Trump is a slouch at reducing global warming although he apparently would supporting ending the war on terms Russia could accept and that might lead to a reunified planetary economy.

I am not happy with two quite elderly candidates leading the Presidential race- and no one can doubt that President Trump's reelection campaign wasn't full of good new ideas or energy and was instead a reflection on how great the nation was. He seemed to feel that everyone understood how great he is and his re-election was a shoe-in. His response to the election loss was characteristic of his ego that is equal in a different way to Joe Biden's and was if not criminal, less than desirable. Mr. Trump is a better choice than Joe Biden for the reasons of war and the role of Mr. Biden as a global warming spoiler who doesn't actually get much done to fix the issue. Not that a single Democrat candidate in 2016 had a good environmental economic plant to completely change the way humans do economics starting in the U.S.A.--that is what the world needs now.

Democrats and NPR promote racism and seem to disrespect art as an occupation, or at least writers that are self-employed and artists-for-themselves crafting nice stories. Race conflict is easy to fan and distracts voters from solvable issues and the idea that tax increases on the rich or reforming economic practices might be a good idea. The prospect of either Joe Biden or Donald Trump being elected is demoralizing. One knows that atmospheric heating will increase and political b.s. will prevail as normal if a nuclear war doesn't occur.

Regarding Russia; its leader is bound to pursue policy that restores its historical boundaries-anyone elected President would need to do so. In order to bring Russia and China back to the fold the United States needs to end the war by recognizing Russian ownership of Ukraine and portions of Eastern Ukraine. Within five year os that kind of ending a normal economic situation could be restored. Especially if a free trade zone existed instead of a DMZ between the two nations east and west business would flourish their locally even if no one has a post-war ecological economic plan that would have no fossil fuels being released into the atmosphere from the area.

The war will end eventually and it is important to not only end the war, it is also the preferred alternative to have a warm peace rather than a Cold War after a cease fire and perhaps armistice. Intelligent leaders would understand the utility and value in that, the sooner the better.

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