
Rising Dreams (Haiku written with sli lead)

 So it must be right-
lifting dreams through silent nights
in the choirs’ first light.

Special Leader Biden Covers Quilts of War

 As cold tendrils and dark nights oove into the no-oath one’s thought may turn toward warm blankets that won’t fall onto the floor when one sleeps. Maybe blankets should have magnets that attach them to 24” wide plywood bed where one dreams counting sheep jumping over a fence.

Maybe not. It could be that warm winter quilts should be upgraded to de frappe temperatures of minus zero better. What if quality space blankets were sewn into a quilt sandwiched between layers of polar guard insulation. In contemporary America one’s though easily drifts into other applications for the body heat reflecting and trapping blanket; like its possible utility in concealing one’s location from infrared imaging infrared sensing drones.

Today NPR related that the Ukraine government said its ‘special forces’ had killed a Russian Black Sea fleet naval commander and 35 of his or her senior staff. That made me think of the Al Baghdadi hit coordinated with surveillance drones. Predators and hellfire missiles might well cluster on a heavily defended Russian naval HQ. better than ground troops advancing through lines of perimeter defenders. Can the Pentagon be regarded as a Ukrainian special force?

The Ukraine-Russia conflict reminds me a little of the American civil war battle on the western front and especially the battle of Chickamauga where Sherman’s troops were nearly routed in battle because of a confederate breakthrough union lines that sent union troops pell mel into retreat and a disaster saved only by General Walton’s stand in the middle of the surge of confederate forces that provided enough rear guard defense to let union forces slip away. I suppose Ukraine and the Pentagon are hoping for a breakthrough that would send Russian forces into retreat or otherwise have them overwhelmed and suppressed in order to allow an eventual N.A.T.O. build up on far eastern Ukraine borders with Russia.

That N.A.T.O./Biden fantasy aside, the interesting point meaningful to Americans is Russia’s ineffective missile attacks on Kiev and other salient Ukrainian position that recur about every week. It is as if Russia is field testing modern technology against American air defense systems. Providing Russia with the opportunity to innovate and upgrade ways to sort out missile defenses isn’t too helpful for the prospect of reducing defense spending and paying down U.S. public debt. One might want to sleep soundly at night free of concern of a muscle twitch sending a swarm of hypersonic missiles to vaporize the neighborhood if an A.I. millisecond speed launch decision system gets hit by a cosmic ray on the quantum circuit host. It might have been better to invest in systems to let rural African farmers grow drought and terror-resistant crops.

Traditionally missile designers regard point targets and how to send missiles accurately there. Anti-missile designers consider ways to identify and intercept incoming missiles. Offensive missiles usually are blind to anti-missiles on intercept courses attacking them. With so many ineffective Russian drone and missile attacks it is obvious that people are thinking about how to change the relationships in order to make drone and missile attacks more effectively overcome air defenses.

Even missiles designed to attack air defense missiles are dedicated single purpose systems. In the future missiles launched at point targets probably will have artificial intelligence and or limited capability virtual intelligence guidance that will have anti-missile batteries as their primary target and other targets as secondary targets in case no anti missiles are launched upon them. As American designers invented MIRV and MARV capability for ICBMs during the late stages of the Cold War multiple independent re-targeting vehicles may brake off from primary missiles to seek multiple different targets each with A.I. guidance to select from multiple targets. Some MIRV units can be used as decoy or release spoofing and chaff to disorder or distract anti-missiles such as Patriots from finding a primary target. Other MIRV vehicles could be purposed to detonate the Patriot for-themselves.

One of the problems with anti-missile systems is that even hypersonic missiles and gliders released from MIG-31s flying up high could find multiple targets with different purposes released from the primary hyper-sonic package. Some of those MIRV packages might be adapted to hunting Patriot batteries themselves after the Patriot batteries have given have identified their location by launching on incoming primary missile delivery packages. Hypersonic missiles can deliver force packages to a region and release them for distribution to local enemy hubs inclusive of attacking patriot batteries. Apparently speed is involved in punching, step hook counter-punching and an ability to circle an opponent to deliver jabs and even knock out strikes on opposition force command sites.

If one is a simple soldier trying to stay warm in the trench or an unemployed homeless American on the plains in cold continental winter winds the heat-reflecting and polar guard heat-absorbing quilt may have another value when the sky is filled with surveillance seeking prey.

A.I. and Screenplay Futurism

 Hollywood films, like early television were something of a quasi-monopoly product that required special human technical skills and capital to produce. No one needed to add a ‘Don’t try making a movie like this’ at home warning at the start of a feature movie. A.I. has changed that. In the fairly near future virtually anyone with quality A.I. software running on a home computer with enough processing power will be able to order a feature length movie generated for-themselves.

Modern computer technology and software have brought democratic changes to end the exclusivity of writing movie or film scripts that was limited to specialists with degrees in English not uncommonly. Guilds and unions won’t be the primary providers of content design for verbal communication transpiring in films. Artificial intelligence will be able to create complete artificial worlds and dialogues of interest to local individuals with such ease and quantity that every town in the U.S.A. might have countless citizens creating feature films on their home computer in every genre and local backgrounds. Artificial intelligence given image samples can create realistic landscapes compatible with local scenery, culture and dress.

Recent labor union strikes in the film and acting trades have brought up the pathos of human struggle against computers and artificial intelligence that has gone on since typing and office secretary became largely obsolete occupations with the arrival of Windows and MSWORD. Unions understandably don’t want competition from new technology. Like Luddites, unions seeking to arrest the profusion of A.I. created products in order to preserve their occupations will hardly slow the advancing tide of technology. In a better human social environment humans could adapt A.I. safely to augment social ventures. Yet even if an A.I. wrote a modern Utopia of ecological economics that would work better than any existing political system it wouldn’t be given an political interest at all.

Humans will be able to create their own feature films to such an extent that over-the-transom proliferation will stimulate people to find something else to do eventually. Free speech in A.I. generated products with unlimited voice samples and person images artificially generated will enable the rise of an endless variety of actors and actresses working on limitless vistas. At least live humans on Broadway should have job security. A.I. can create new voices and faces with the vast database for synthesizing new already in the public domain.

An endless supply of Oscar winning quality movies created with the help of A.I. may arise under the pressure of international competition in addition to the phenomenon of basement movie studios on-a-chip. Because the cost of creating a movie on a chip will be nearly zero in comparison to the cost of making a film with human actors, directors, screen writers and so forth, independent film creators may experience a substantial quality and quantity production advantage over traditional studios or even those with PIXAR graphics.

I have written a few science fiction novels myself; usually improved first drafts composed in an unheated location in Alaska. It was the pilosophical content that was valuable to me rather than the entertainment value in-itself. A.I. may make the writing of purely entertainment novels competetively obsolete as well as movies. After experiencing the value of A.I. art that is still a very young technology, and asking ChatGPT to write a philosophical sonnet I am persuaded that the appearance of quality novels written by A.I. isn’t too far down the road.

Plainly artificial intelligence as a highly mobile expert system will find applications in virtually every trade from those of being an electrician or plumber to medicine. Bad lawyers with hangovers may take an A.I. companion to court to listen to the opposition and prompt them to enter an objection when relevant simply to create a point of reference for a future appeal. The swamping and bumping of trades from the appearance of A.I. expert systems goes along with the appearance of new human capabilities in so many occupations. It is challenging to believe that congress in a free democratic society with capitalism will find it possible to ban A.I. applications too much. If there are tens of thousands of novels published every day on-line that are free to read it may be difficult for aspiring authors to find a market to sell their own product in since the books usually go for free with top quality.

A.I. will bring large, discomforting changes to society as well good ones. If Elon Musk had installed high quality cameras on his thousands of Starlink satellites around the planet in low Earth orbit A.I. could have used them to gather all kinds of data about the world. A.I. from home computers might have used one or more of the cameras for business purposes including creation of movies. Home dial-in access to live satellite imagery for a few minutes at low cost may be around the corder,

There is a dark side to A.I. as well as good. Without question A.I. imagery might notice fine details in live pollution, deforestation and wildfire events that some may not want observed. Skynet terminator/Forbin Project, HAL, The Cell events could be scripted by programmers and filter in as easily as fragrance on an evening breeze intentionally r unintentionally. For certain the Congress hasn’t the intellect or will to know what to do with A.I., pay down the public debt, end poverty globally or restore the vital health of the world ecosphere.

For the interim the rise of A.I. art in film may make a a few thousand interesting productions for Neflix style outlets for those interested, to watch. Writing screenplays for A.I. production will be something of a new field for-itself. Providing prompts and directions/suggestions for scene constructions and dialogue with a fuzzy logic letting free reign for the A.I. that has every novel, play and movie ever published in its database to draw upon differs from creating action scenes with comparatively sparse on-camera dialogue. It will be interesting to view the adventures of Dorothee and her little dog tow-tow taking their supra-dimensional Kansas farmhouse to a different planet; a different galaxy each week to make landfall on their five-year mission to find new subscribers where none have existed before.

Newer Laptops Don't Charge Well in Cold Weather

I spent  a winter in an unheated building in rural Alaska with temperatures generally below 40F and often below freezing.  I discovered that recharging laptops withe modern 10 and 7 nanometer wires were very slow to charge, while older laptops with 14 nanometer architecture charged normally.

 My suggestion for chip manufacturers and laptop makers is that they continue to make a line of cold weather models with the older 14 nanometer design that charges in less than an hour instead of several hours. Charging 10 and 7 nm laptops one must first use body heat to prewarm them and then watch a video or other material that will bring the computer to heat up when it activates turbo threads.

Perhaps chip makers seeking better battery life don’t use computers in cold weather themselves. I suppose that older, thicker wires simply allow more electricity to flow creating more heat internally-phenomena new chips seek to avoid. Over-heating is usually a problem for computer chips rather than over-cooling; so I suppose manufacturers don’t consider the issue much-especially since comparatively few people live or work in cold weather without access to a thermostat-controlled indoor environment.

Autostrikes in Bidenomics

 The Detroit auto producer union strikes present an interesting opportunity to consider the impact of Biden economics on Americans generally. Labor unions point to vast compensation piles for CEOs and seek large pay increases and items such as profit sharing. The President traveled to Michigan to provide support for the strikers. Since President Trump also went to Detroit one must wonder if the strike isn’t somewhat meaningless as labor unions are rather insipid since so much labor entered the world market since the 1990s and unions faded. Democrat leadership seem to concentrate their own wealth and throw corn to mollify their constituents. Maybe the Detroit phenomenon is like that as the percent of wealth going to workers is just a tiny fraction of that going to the 1 per centers and the tope 30% of earners in the U.S.A. It’s necessary to toss the pork, stir up racial unrest and etc. if the voters are to believe the economy is becoming better, voting is meaningful and plutocracy is a myth. Hate speech and insurrections could just a word or two away for political opponents..

The United States has experienced concentration of wealth in recent decades that equaled Mexico. For the present average wages are still quite above the world average yet as was well known and anticipated wages in the United States stagnated as the workforce diversified and jobs became increasingly outsourced especially after the end of the Cold War version 1.0 circa 1990. Technology was transferred as well as jobs and today China is a great auto and ship manufacturer in addition to making aircraft etc,

Biden economics eschewed tax increases on the rich and upper middle class in preference for deficit spending. Biden economics floods the nation with illegal labor to bolster future Democrat voting and provide cheap labor for middle class Democrat voters while increasing government spending with borrowed cash from the Federal Reserve building up more than 30 trillion dollars of public debt so far.

In some respects the national economy seems somewhat puffed up and living beyond its means. Some economists have though said that the public debt doesn’t really matter. Of course if the public dent exceeds the value of national assets in land ownership (such as national forests and parks) substantial pressure might be applied some day to lever extraction of natural resources from those lands and monuments.

American economic classes aren’t like they used to be during the 20th century. Taxes on the rich began to increase globally to pay for the great wars- FDR said he wanted to tax the most rich at a 100% rate rather than 90%. Beginning with President Carter taxation on the rich was scaled back. Since wages don’t keep up with capital increase the concetration of wealth was inevitable after the Reagan-Bush-Obama-Trump tax cuts.

Maybe is no longer a real middle class. There is the rich and everyone else. I suppose there are three classes of rich people too; those earning a 100,000 dollars annually to 500,000 and with assets of more than 5 million, those earning from $500,000 to 3 million dollars annually and/or with assets from 5 million to a billion dollars, and billionaires.

The middle class today also has three classes. The upper middle class earn from $100,000 to 60,000 annually, 60,000 to 30,000 and 30,000 to 21,000. Americans earning fewer than 21,000 annually are the poor, also with three classes, upper middle and lower poor divided with roughly 7,000 for the lowest annually, 7 to 14 thousand for the middle poor and 14 to 21,000 thousand dollars annually for the upper poor.

One might wonder about unions locking in much higher average wages than those of the rest of the world based on the profit of selling automobiles that are very expensive to Americans and other first worlders with enough earnings to spend $50,000 on a car or truck; will Detroit manufacturers find a global market, or even a national market down the road for expensive electric automobiles when electric transport platforms can be made for a fraction of the cost and a fraction of the weight of fossil fuel vehicles?

While President Biden and the Democrat party would shut down the U.S. government and throw a wrench into the U.S. economy if the don’t get enough billions more to continue the war tunneling to Russia without a possible light at the end except perhaps for nuclear conflict the world nations seems to be vaguely drifting toward support for an Asian alternative to U.S.-Europe economic management. That Asian leadership with a maturing China joined fortuitously through Biden economics and war ventures toward much closer ties with Russia also includes South American and African trade partners. Most people of the poorer developing nations probably will be happy with far lower priced electric vehicles that are much lighter in weight yet still reach 200-300 miles per charge (MPC).

It is possible that electric transportation platforms may reach numerous infrastructure paradigms radically different than those of the United States. Just as developing nations may flourish with internet access through Starlink hubs in remote villages and solar power technology manufactured in China, India and elsewhere in Asia it is not unlikely that some nations will build transport power grids made just to provide in-line power for electric transport platforms guided by chip and A.I, to let seamless, frictionless movement of millions of vehicles in congested and chaotic urban areas with the maximum possible efficiency, packing and use of power with no noise or pollution. One wonders if American labor unions in Detroit manufacturing very large and costly platforms will find much profit to share with an over-mature transport grid hosting their product designed more for the rich than the world’s poor.

It may be that Detroit auto producers will mover production abroad even more than today in order to manufacture small, fast, cheap platforms that cannot be sold in the United States. If Americans could actually build homes for $40,000 with better use of materials instead of $400,000 for the average cost of a new home could that even be tolerated by economic leaders in the U.S.A. There are numerous fascinating economic developments to watch in the world ahead now that the Biden international relations revolution building on that of Clinton and Obama has overthrown a century of developing peace, ending wars and enmity wit communists and restored fully hostility with out World War Two allies Russia and China and built a team for war with our world war two enemies Germany and Japan.

Advice for Presidential Candidates- Write Poetry

It could be useful for Presidential candidates to organize their language-package it as it were, in iambic hexameter or pentameter with a dozen stanzas for each of ten salient issues they believe important for the nation. So much language is disorganized and spectators don’t really know what to expect of political rhetoric except that it might be tiresome and not actually to the point.

The public might benefit from candidates finding their own ten points and memorizing the poetry of each point with a limit of twenty lines per point. It is true that some candidates might not be able to remember twenty lines of verse for each of ten points yet that is what Teleprompters are for.

What is impressive about modern Presidential politics is how little quality content actually arises during a Presidential campaign. One candidate in a Presidential primary debate  said that she got dumber every time she listened to a rival talk. That kind of exchange might be suitable for realty TV yet it isn’t to the point of a substantive issue. Ten actual, real, solid ideas that would improve the nation from each candidate; ideas that could be actualized with support from Congress, would be a vast left and right wing improvement over the way things are.

Four Points for Avoiding Government Shutdown

 I thought to write a few reasonable guidelines to avoid government shutdown when bi-partisan negotiations are at loggerheads. Here are a few principles

1) The borders need to be secured against illegal entry. That is equivalent to locking the doors of a home. The homeowners may then be able to choose who may enter the dwelling rather than home invasion specialists.

2) If a divided congress wants to decrease and increase spending the federal budget should remain unchanged. The right time to alter budget levels is when broad bipartisan support for a change in one direction is present or when a single party in control of both houses of congress was elected to do so. Democrats had the opportunity to raise taxes on the rich to fund budget increases or pay down debt if they chose to do so during the first two years of the Biden administration and did not act on the matter.

3) Federal funding should never depend on funding a foreign government. Foreign government funding such as the twenty billion dollars Democrats want for Ukraine should not be included in budget negotiations unless there is broad bi-partisan support, and even then it is questionable that any amount at all should be included in basic federal budgeting since a foreign government is not the U.S. Government. If war mongers insist some sort of special appropriations vote in Congress on a special one-time disbursements to an alien nation that has in the past employed the President’s son might be held at a later time unrelated to legislation that could shut down the U.S. Government.

4) All federal food assistance programs including school lunch programs and WIC should be funded during an emergency government shutdown. If half of the children of the U.S.A. are poor and with food funded by WIC the poverty is enough of a disadvantage without adding malnutrition to their life opportunity vectors.


Clogs Ode Lit (the poem)


Singularity world and will
ideal phenomena mill
bubble blown membrane
time snapping through drains
rising dreams though panes
spacing plains fulfill

  Being and time needs tick quickly
short, sharp, existent and prickly
republics of thought
with castled quantum plots
rise dreams sought

Fated verse
unknown nights
vibrating strings tight
shocka field blooms star lights
power gravity fighting worse
quantum super-position, terse.

If the Assumption is Wrong (the poem)


Around red dwarf stars shining
inputting energy strength
double Dyson spheres were built
bringing to the hilt a myth

Zillion worlds with private suns
darkest matter, unsung stars
gravity set right for spheres
good Earths loamy, near like Mars

Dark energy infusion
where upwelling currents fly
mysterious profusion
across the darkened sky

Missing matter past the prime
is a sign to empty space
dark energy excess flew
Dyson worlds new-built in place.

Upstream (the poem)


Down the river builds
rapids sand falls
  atmospheric heating wills
rapids sand falls

  Upstream time fills
crashes and sprawls
atmospheric heating builds
rapids sand falls

Time upstream chills
nothings land morgues
  upstream time fills
silent bogged chords

  Through darkness fogs log
enjambments downstream
works from the past
make a future climate scream

Upstream time calls
inexorable arithmetic
downstream time flows
sedentary broadcasts thick.

Fate or Joss

I tend to think of fate as joss. That is whatever occurs happens. My regard is to consider it a post hoc description of what happened. The C...