
Naming a Contingent Universe for a SciFi Novel

 Suggestions for naming a field of reality device used in a science fiction novel were solicited at a site. The paradigm was described as a 'Shroud World' were reality was projected and mirrored on a membrane presumably of fewer than four dimensions. I wrote this;

Reality is something like that...2-dimensional quanta at the speed of light-massless particles are slowed in the Higgs Field and pick up a third dimension. The third dimension is slower or different than the other two and with three dimensions the appearance of mass can seem to exist to contingent beings that arise within the field. So contingent universes-emergent universes can conditionally exist with qualities that just phenomenally exist. In a way that is a paradigm for relativity somewhat different than those of standard cosmology. Perhaps a Shroud of Occurrence or Shroud of Temporality would work, or a Fliggs Field, Shrouds Field , Field of Dreams and Plato's Field are names that could refer to such a place.

There are physics theories about this Universe existing on the surface event horizon of a black hole in a Universe with more than four dimensions. Physicists sometimes describes cubes and hypercubes with more dimensions than three. "In geometry, a hypercube is an n-dimensional analogue of a square (n = 2) and a cube (n = 3). " (wikipedia)

Pope WInks at Blessings for Queer Unions

Pope Francis' suggestion that the Catholic Church may be able to bless queer unions is of a kind that stimulated the Protestant Reformation led by Martin Luther. It's a mostly free world so of course the fallable fellow in the Vatican can go ahead and make statements in conflict with the will of God as expressed in the Bible. 

Romans 1:26-27 

26 "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet."

 Corrupt Western elites have green lighted queer unions and expect the world to ride along. The Pope knows what side his bread is buttered on and believes a little syncretism might not be a bad thing for Church attendance and political correctness. Making the Catholic Church a kind of chameleon taking on some of the trappings of worldliness might open doors that would be closed to Christian morality.


* Since publication of the news about exoert interpreters of the Pope's vagueries on controversial topics have elucidated the ambiguity of the Francin position... https://www.pillarcatholic.com/p/pope-francis-answers-a-dubia-does

It is wrong for church leaders to give aid and comfort to spiritual enemies and dupe humans into believing that sinful conduct in contradiction of scriptural guidelines is acceptable behavior to God. Conforming to atheist, worldly will philosophically on moral issues isn’t necessary and neither is it good policy.

Jeremiah 3-9  “3 They are always ready to tell lies; dishonesty instead of truth rules the land. The Lord says, "My people do one evil thing after another and do not acknowledge me as their God."

4 Everyone must be on guard against their friends, and no one can trust their relatives; for all relatives are as deceitful as Jacob, and everyone slanders their friends.

5 They all mislead their friends, and no one tells the truth; they have taught their tongues to lie and will not give up their sinning. They do one violent thing after another, and one deceitful act follows another. The Lord says that his people reject him.

7 Because of this the Lord Almighty says, "I will refine my people like metal and put them to the test. My people have done evil - what else can I do with them?

8 Their tongues are like deadly arrows; they always tell lies. Everyone speaks friendly words to their neighbors, but they are really setting a trap for them.

9 Will I not punish them for these things? Will I not take revenge on a nation like this? I, the Lord, have spoken."

Google News science is featuring a couple of articles today explaining how same-sex (sic) evolution strategies can work for some animals. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-41290-x

If 4% of mammal species have same-sex behavior (261 species) the implication is that humans need to accept that their own species has aberrant behavior too and should support it politically. While it is the right of people to be queer it does not follow that Christian should change their opinion from a Bible based one to those satisfactory to lizards, select furry creatures and various mammals without rhyme or reason.

every human certainly has an natural right to be free of personal abuse and to have security in society. Democracies at least are not obligated to codify into law the will of minorities ways if that will adversely impact all of society such as has homosexual marriage with the subversion of biological family lines. A Christian Church is however set aside from society in that it is of the City of God rather than the City of Man. Christians are in the world yet not of it for they are reborn in the spirit of God. Churches that take the path of worldliness over Godliness will present more than a few members to the wrong side of the bar on the last day.

The Prompt was Bertrand Russell's Failure to Have Faith

 Russell's history of philosophy is excellent. He was a good conscientious fellow yet wrong about faith. The people of the world are condemned with original sin, and that is inescapable except for the intervention of the Lord who saves through grace. Augustine thought man's nature is totally depraved. Paul's letter to the Romans following cannonically the Book of Acts in the New Testament is a work of genius, It is also a message from God in choosing an apostle to the gentiles and delivering him to Rome on time to witness for the Lord before beheading. It really is an amazing progression.

The phenomenality of life, as if it occurred in virtual reality, has foggy boundaries that will ever be unfathomable while being described scientifically. Godel's incompleteness theorems reinforce the uncertain nature of the quantum realm, fields and even gravity that theoretically should be a negative, antimatter charge drawing all mass toward itself. Russell and Whitehead's Principia Mathematica was the cutting edge in mathematical logic for ten years or more before being surpassed. Russell swimming for ten minutes in the cold, dark English channel after his plane was shot down in the war could have had a moment of insight and faith yet did not. The philosophy of logic is a wonderful field, yet one knows that Kripke-Quine neorealism and nominalism support the primacy of subjective epistemolgy consistent with being a human brain embedded in a quantum and contingent field with matter as an emergent charascteristic-a secondary characteristic occurring within a phenomenal Higgs Field. Perchance to dream...


The Valley Before Shadow Fall (a poem)


In the beginning the spirit moved
upon the face of the deep
bringing light
and darkness comprehended it not

  Hills that were cut by erasion
of sediments metamorphosed by ancient oceans
had life drift in with breezes
raising an ecospheric quotient

  Athabaskan sojourners sought the true
getting their bearings from skies too blue
wandering down toward Navajo land
just to see; to prove they can

  Hunting the mammoth, saber tooth and bear
until no predators of size were alive somewhere
and  the valley weilded giant forests
as woodlands sang ripe nature’s chorus

  So battles were fought with knife and bow
spear tips, atlatls and arrows to go
where other humans breathed and stood before
time could close another door

  Blue soldiers lie waiting
in the woods barrels focused
for grazing fire at the knees
over the quiet brook

  Cavalry readied to break free
from fetters of motionlessness
racing falling leaves
to die in the season’s end

  Elk were driven away by the highway noise
grizzlies were stuffed and mounted
litter and junk cast aside
began to fill the meadow

  Global warming deniers
rumbled along roads
bulldozed inimically to the natural course
water flowed from the highlands

  Like a hotel room in spacetime
meadow constructions displaced environmental matter
human wars and destruction passed too
landscape for-itself to the hereafter.


Mt. McGinness (a poem)

Trails climb
along cliffs edges
enter stand slide snows
anomy where every digit grasps
plants, roots, rocks
twists pains verge
break past's falls
drawn space
empty shape
above, below
final shown
brush crash

Ernest at War (a poem)


For whom the bell tolls
time is a sentence of line breaks
trenches dug in against political reality
furies the lives take
where fascists launch fantastic weapons
to land in splattering bursts
bodies burning

  Across the Jordan
In difficult pink hills
brambles and thorns hide trails
where guerillas set traps
thrill stressed memories were made
elephantine echoes enfiladed by death
clappers on skull housing units

Investments to hold generations firm
reporters speaking as insiders
bullets passing overhead like externalities
so unconcerned with the arrival of fall
while the point of aim is a recticle
shared with thee
the final call.

Yes, land is still available for purchase in Russia

 Yes you can buy land in Russia. Rural land averages about $400 an acre. In spite of the war in the Ukraine  and being assaulted and sanctioned through every possible means the Biden administration can dream of the Russian Federation remains something of a developing democracy and open society that lets foreigners buy affordible housing.





Since the Clinton administration era kicked off the concept of Russia as a soft target readily exploited lacking strong military power westerners have lusted for owning Russian real estate. Political takeovers through concessions, leverage and so forth are cheaper than paying cash for real estate. Taking the Crimea from the new Russia when the infant state was at its weakest was the first stage in the modern Euro-American eastward expansion into Russia. That effort continues today in the war in Ukraine that has so much support from the U.S. administration and N.At.O.

 It is amazing watching sycophants of killing Russians issue gleeful stories on the internet about adventures in killing Russians or how the U.S. Government is training F-16 pilots, transferring aircraft, tanks, missile systems, and so forth to kill Russians. It was inevitable after the peaceful conclusion of the Soviet Union that the west would attack a weakened Russia after having first levered as much land away as it could during the transition period-without a referendum in Russia approving boundaries of course.


One Good Turn (poem)

A beautiful turn
for the mermaid
near the end of the pool
flipping the face of spacetime

  Blue ripples carved in the mind
cream rising for the topping
gathered world appearences
phenomenalities compresent

  A world ocean farther for great notions
to think the chance to dream
arisen from darkest depths
that draw one to return

  Aesthetic's moments suggest answers
glimpses into beginnings and endings
ubknown yet familiar
surfaces crumbling like instants.


Shadow Waves (poem)


Waves are gravity’s shadows
moving faster than thought
endless, relentless, surging, overcoming
senses, sensations and substance
formless forms filling space with voids
chord tumbling angles breaking up froth

Emptiness has volume
depth and scansion
feel the beginning of the end
for power driving gales
need clash with countercurrent echoes
peaks and troughs
tumbling field phenomenon
water weight of the world
oar worlds across time
sines in brine
life and death
a breath.

Free at Last (a poem)


 Slaves to the world
genuflect on capital
temples of wealth and terror
clusters of critical creation

  Pillars rise like shadows
casting reality where nothingness would
jackrabbits gaze around rocky corners
when silence, searing stood

  Royal clumps of ant like bumps
still hills that filled with leaven
arisen to the skies
while everyone tries
to find the niche that's heaven
on surface breaking stumps

What can be done
when peace is profound
and wars echo ideas
emanations of censured sounds

  Original sin
rolled like gravity’s marrow
bone crunches dinner for vultures of sorrow

  Good leaves thought
when philosophy is bare
dust settles empty shelves
mankind  becomes collective tares

Lord Jesus freed the slaves
bound to the temporal
hope did cost
winning over confusion ephemeral
for spirit filled eternity.

Fate or Joss

I tend to think of fate as joss. That is whatever occurs happens. My regard is to consider it a post hoc description of what happened. The C...