
Call of the Wild (poem celebrating election of Geert Wilders)


   Nations set their standards
for immigration policy
to reinforce national will
so time will pass hurdles easily
cultural divisions de frapped

   Preferring the same stoic values
history should flow like syrup
smooth employment, frictionless lives
antipathetic migrants flail
when new giving 
just won't arrive

   Wilder's hopes for progress won’t wait
rational order can’t be late
nor include I‘slam conquest goals
that atheists, queers, dopers go
to capitalism's social traps.


Faith Doesn't Implicitly Conflict with Logic

 One needs to define what truth theory one is using and determine if propositions made within it correspond in some way to a verificationist paradigm. Generally comparing unrelated propositions without a logical structure creates inaccuracy obviously. One sometimes need use dead reckoning blind trust in one’s own judgments or those of God.

It is possible to use inductive logic and create presently unverified theory. On some occasions it is possible to have faith that a theory drawn from inducted parameters is true without being able to prove it objectively or empirically in the present.

Another topic slightly related.

Heart decides a lot of things, for instance if it near maximum sustainable heart rate riding a bike in hot weather one need get off and rest a few minutes to let it slow down before getting on and resuming riding. The heart’s condition informs the brain and the smart rider rests a bit. One’s heart can skip a beat simply because of an emotion.

The heartless it is said have no heart and are callous or on different about others in certain circumstances, yet no one believes they lack one because it was removed and auction for a transplant. Losing one”s heart doesn’t literally mean that very often though captives of Aztecs sometimes did etc. Emotion can be reflected in the heart as well, yet rigorous formal logic is a skill like chess playing. So one may love logic and know ever abstract form while simultaneously have a heart and give a valentine to some sweet thing Feb 14.

Concerning the Nature of TIme


Maybe there is a key insight into each (space and time) within the parameters of the special theory of relativity. Namely, why is time 100% at rest and less so while in motion?

Massless particles have no time, yet they are field phenomena; part of an existential continua that had an origin in time so that isn’t of great value. Shouldn’t all massless particles such as neutrinos occur within a field beside the Higgs.

On AI: AI will put most people out of work eventually except perhaps for laborers (until robots replace laborers). Nothing to fear. Politicians will create national basic income so Americans will finally be free to learn finger painting.

Make a Bed Making Invention


Maybe it would be useful to invent a complete automatic bed making device that is voice activated. If one doesn’t already exist the tool could save time.

Trouble is that patents cost too much for the poor to afford. The US Government never did lower the cost or reduce the period of patent exclusivity to give years with 10% royalties going to inventor for a century when the invention goes public domain. The economy could be stimulated if the system were brought from the 19th to the 21st century.

Into the Jaws of Financial Transfer (apoem)


   Hair that needed combing
leaves embedded in complicated entanglements
she was a wild woman
from beyond the snow line

  She was a call for-herself unto-others
wolves in the yard loved her too
fate barely keeping them at bay
where they chased after deer along the shore

  Like the fog on the horizon
a Marilyn Monroe archetype
her assets drew followers
though caller ID said she was from Nigeria

  The legend of scam was a hearty pudding
drawing emotion like a troop surge
so onward rode the six-hundred
into the jaws of financial transfers.

Into the Jaws of Financial Transfer (a poem)

Hair that needed combing
leaves embedded in complicated entanglements
she was a wild woman
from beyond the snow line

  She was a call for-herself unto-others
wolves in the yard loved her too
fate barely keeping them at bay
where they chased after deer along the shore

  Like the fog on the horizon
a Marilyn Monroe archetype
her assets drew followers
though caller ID said she was from Nigeria

  The legend of scam was a hearty pudding
drawing emotion like a troop surge
so onward rode the six-hundred
into the jaws of financial transfers.


Opiate of the Masses and Opiates of Elites

 Marx had to write lot. Writers write and some of the rich, maybe the vulgar ones, try to prevent that. Philosophical writers ask questions about social justice and scribble thousands of words about it; discomforting the upper classes.

Plainly Marx and socialists maladroitly sought to oppose Christian faith in their efforts toward political revolution. Europeans had a lot of church/state wealth leadership packed together. Churches owned a lot of land before the Protestant insurrection against catholicism's monopoly upon legal meetings of faith. The socialist revolutionaries were idiots in that onerous divide and conquers agenda though. God is actually amused by the follies of mankind at all levels. The socialists could make no subtle religious distinctions on faith or biblical content being ham fisted.

God isn't mankind whom slog about in the morass of original sin that is reinforced and contained in thermodynamics. Jesus was what God was like when he became man. What rich person or government does what the Lord said to do? Socialists may as well have been in the mob demanding crucifixion of the Son of God. Idiots.

Marx may have known that opium was a trendy dope of the rich and that the poor couldn't afford it. The poor, who are blessed from a certain perspective in that they have a better chance than the rich to enter the kingdom of God. The rich cannot just buy their way to heaven. The poor did have the consolation of faith in God. Some people have notable happiness and positive brain chemistry changes in prayer.

Marx was influenced by the notable atheist Feuerbach and also may have had an intellectual elitist's contempt for the masses lacking 'class consciousness'. That is they weren't 'woke' and didn't know that various socialists believed the masses should have an insurrection against the rich and royalty at least to be respectable of they incapable of honest revolution.

As a sophisticated career librarian Marx had all of the books he could ever want after his philosophy career ended. Marx was a great economist and social analyst obviously, yet really less on the gospel of salvation and that it promoted equal rights and even democracy. Jesus had high regard for the poor.


Cosmology and Morality Trivia

 My poem ‘Configurations’ does refer to scripture and things Jesus said on a couple of lines. Philosophically there are two concepts named monism and pluralism.  Pluralism does exist within monism and I believe that is the way modern quantum cosmology needs to look at things...and it occurs temporally. As far as human society goes it would function much better if everyone made the right moral decisions, and of course they don't.


 Numbering the stones
each piece of metamorphosed rock
broken into fragments with time and stress
is like the hair on a head
or feathers of a sparrow
articles counted to the last follicle
each jot and iota of meaning
quantified and calculated
appearances emerged, existed and disappeared

    Consider the lilies
grown living structures upon structures
minerals glistening in sunshine and rain
even in moonlight
with gluons and quarks snug in nuclei
atoms forming molecules
everything accounted for
in the pluralistic division of a solitary field
being is becoming.

Space is nothing more than the way sentient humans perceive the structures of mass and energy. It is on a macro level equivalent to the gaps between quantum particles within an atom; and it's known those 'particles' are actually waves. People are locked into perceptions of mass/energy/space because of their own composition existing within known and unknown fields.


U.S.A. took the wrong history fork in theft of Ukraine from Russia

Plainly the United States has run amuck with support for the western position in Ukraine. It has taken a wrong branch that it won't easily be able to recover from. Ukraine was Russian for hundreds of years before the communists took in over and naturally they expect to regain control of it, as they have often had to fight the west to keep control of their land. Bad Democrat Party politics since the end of the cold war obdurately overturned peace and laid the foundation for war. The Democrat Party has continued to double down on building up and sustaining the war as if one day their version of modern history would be broadly accepted and few remaining people literate in history of Eurasia will remain to contest their wrong and veritably evil viewpoint.

Plainly the conflict has been continuously avoidable for more than 30 years if the United States would have supported recognition of Russian claims on Ukraine. Even now the war should stop at present military held locations in the conflict rather than continue. If only reason would prevail instead of great political lies bought into by the U.S. administration and N.A.T.O. Fomenting nuclear war and dividing the world in two economic camps was idiotic and a betrayal of what N.A.T.O. was supposed to be in the first place of keeping the peace as a guarantor.

Yet Democrats reason 'Who cares' when 'bullshit walks and money talks' for international relations, truth is what is most useful to land annexers and all they need to is propagandize the public to build up knee-jerk patriotic fervor for and evil, superfluous war.

Hamas's Use of Hospital for Military Ordinance Cache reminds one of 'Hard Boiled'

 Hamas' use of the main hospital in Gaza City for a military HQ and weapons cache reminded me of the classic movie 'Hard Boiled'.



Regarding Colin Wilson's ''The Outsider'

Nice statement and photographic presentation; Clint Eastwood walking away from the philosophical showdown a winner. There are a few more tha...