
Wittgenstein, Cohen, Quine, Kripke, Language, Wars etc.

 Wittgenstein's Blue and Brown books presented a simple anthropology of language development. It was a somewhat more pragmatic approach than Heidegger's investigation of language and concept meanings with depth in etymology. His thought about language was a part of the development of linguistic or analytic philosophy yet very early. Realism and nominalism questions about words were better understood toward the later half of the 20th century Applying logic to language and meaning as elements of epistemology developed later with people like Cohen, Strawson, Quine and Kripke. 

A thought about wars of the distant future... Weapons like scalpels will be applied to scale of conflict. To destroy a planet or galaxy different tools would be used than to excise opposition forces amid some friendly forces. If people remain stupid enough to have wars they will probably annihilate themselves anyway.

Apparently scientists already bred an ape with a human and aborted the foetus, otherwise there would have been a better alternative to Joe Biden. Seriously though, 16 million years ago a major eruption occurred- with vast left-wing lava extrusion (The Columbia River Basalt Province) from the Yellowstone hotspot and before that the Deccan Traps extrusion 66 million y.b.p. Humans have been around from about 100,000-200,000 years ago and no they wouldn't naturally evolve to a super-being in just 100,000 more years. Many people including James Lovelock and the late Jacques Cousteau have said that humanity will probably destroy the livability of the Earth within 200 years. It does seem likely. 


Unicorns in the Old Testament. Apparently Re'em was a unicorn as well as the rhino mentioned earlier ( "the scientific name for the Indian Rhino is 'Rhinoceros Unicornis") It had to do with horns. Stipes was the upright stick Jesus was crucified on and the unicorn was a symbol of Christ. I will quote a relevant piece on unicorns from a google search... "The Hebrew word re'em is mentioned nine times in the Bible and is often translated as "unicorn" in English translations. However, some modern translations use the term "wild ox" (aurochs) to describe the re'em, which is the correct meaning". I tend toward being a KJV only reader myself so far as Bibles go, because I like the language, although the Good News version is sometimes interesting too.

Overlapping Tomorrows (a poem)


Soft breezes everywhere frostbite laps
oceans of dreams returning to slosh
silently no more than wind and waves
froth reaching jagged edged hours
washing time away

In the dark night sky
she is like thought unsurpassed
water and will
echoes and ideas

Tomorrow's plains of grass
are shelves of land pushed to crenelations
-mountains arisen to heights
where cold ascends toward truth

Nothingess became a symphony
Gorecki’s sorrowful songs
when lives turn to dust
remembered by those still
living in this place

A view of the past from promontory point
starlights for someone new
looking in the distance could be
conversion to the spiritual
one might wish for.

The Nature of it All (poem)


The sky is large
and the world's billion echoes
are contrail cloud cover
silently disappearing in daybreak
because orange light fullness
faded into blue

Molecules and minerals
drawn together in gravity
comprise a solid base where life abounds
where God set the players
consciously realizing
the nature of it all.


The Red or the Blue Pill; Nov 5 2024

 On election day voters will choose the red or the blue pill. One provides illusion with foreign wars and deaths lingering externalities to comfortable inside the  looking glass soma of woke social reality while the other is a key to unlock the Matrix.

The red or the blue pill, the choice is yours.

Reflections on Olber's Paradox


Olber’s Paradox is interesting to consider. The Universe probably isn’t static nor “filled” with stars since they are so far away. Visible light requires sentient eyes to view it and regard it as visible anyway. Before eyes existed the Universe might have been in effect without light. One knows at any rate that light is an excitation or phenomena in an electromagnetic field and photons travelling in space are affected by the spatial curvature of the Universe because of gravity, or perhaps spatial curvature itself is a reciprocal of gravity as it were and that varied over the course of the expansion of the universe. Photons are nearly mass-less particles and their timeless journey can end or transition as they encounter different fields and mass or energy in the Universe.

“Olbers’ paradox is a cosmological paradox that asks why the night sky is dark if the universe is infinite and contains an infinite number of stars

I suppose that it is possible that photons could encounter a kind of anti-virtual particle phenomena wherein photons disappear from the Universe into whatever field virtual particles emerge fro as the Universe flexes it’s quantum soup of some kind of tomato bisque. I don’t know why for that matter that a virtual energy field should be evenly distributed through the Universe and not for-itself associated in some way with a ratio to real fields and mass of the Universe. Perhaps they model the distribution of gravitational fields of the Universe, although nothing can travel faster than light that is subluminal. Of course mass-less 2 dimensional particles travel at light speed. Quantum entanglement could occur between photons and virtual energy. I have thought the concepts of timeless, mass-less particles and a Universe of time and space something of a paradox itself.


Harris Against Freedom of Choice for States in Preference of Federal Dictatorship

VP Harris primary support is from women that want the federal government to force abortion on all of the states  Women for Harris don’t want states to have the freedom to choose what they want for-themselves.

In some instances like slavery federal rules, so long as they are morally sound positions, should prevail. On most other moral issues states and the citizens thereof ought to decide for themselves how they want to live and regulate themselves.

Select environmental concerns are compelling and require federal oversight when people lack knowledge of emergent issues of a complex nature. The nation however can survive and thrive if Californians and Bostonians have abortions and those from Idaho and Texas don’t. Federal law for abortion is not critical; a dictatorship of federal Democrats is not even desirable.


Biden Harris Management to Direct World toward Nuclear War is Exciting

 Nothing like the world advancing toward nuclear war to get the heart pumping. Apparently the generations changing have forgotten the down side of atomic bombs and see only the good. maybe nuclear war is as unreal as the U.S. public debt to Democrats and one can keep escalating toward it without any problems.

Some believe that the Zelensky claim that he can go nuclear with his own bombs to attack Russia is another bad development. Actually the only viable solution to the Ukraine conflict is to settle it along lines of each side gets 50% of the nation- the Solomon option as it were. The baby won’t be relinquished by the real mother though so cutting it in half is the only way the Ukraine can be saved.

Russia will never quit fighting to recover its land and the U.S. choice to be unable to compromise western claims so far as to recognize the legitimacy of the Russia point of view will continue to develop counter-productive global economic as well as military developments that a rational political party would seek to avoid. Perhaps good sense is an externality to the legalism of greed relying on bogus historical claims to ownership for Ukraine as an historical independent nation equal to that of England, France or Germany.

One can better understand why the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified by humans through the lens of the Ukraine war and the way original sin rules political thought of select leaders in D.C. and Western Europe


If Leadership is Adaptive, Creative and Intelligent the American Dream Machine Works


 Americans in the rather crowded demographics of the nation with 320 million people needs creative and adaptive leadership in the office of the President. The President of the United States cannot be just an apparatchik functionary operating a machine with a known and finite number of parts as it were. Democrat lawyer Presidents tend to act as if  was that simple.

Americans in the rather crowded demographics of the nation with 320 million people needs creative and adaptive leadership in the office of the President. The President of the United States cannot be just an apparatchik functionary operating a machine with a known and finite number of parts as it were. Democrat lawyer Presidents tend to act as if  was that simple.

Lawyers work with an existing legal framework made in the past. The law does adapt to challenges of course yet the legal. Democrat lawyer president tend to be less creative than some of those of the past such as F.D.R. Since Bill Clinton they have drifted toward being non-creative war mongers (maybe I should have included L.B.J.) and redistributionist, slopping the poor while enriching themselves and cutting taxes on the middle class. Democrat Presidents rely on deficit spending as an essential part of ordinary economic policy.

The problem of applying finite, known machine like paradigms to complex, vague and amorphous issues such as history, cosmology and religion is interesting. The Democrat party support for war with Russia over Ukraine is a case in point. Chop logic and incompetent historical data reasoning bring the world toward its first unlimited atomic and nuclear conflict.

The historian Arnold Toynbee showed that one of the main reasons for the failure of a civilization is it’s inability to change and adapt its economy to new paradigms especially with  external challenges such as environmental decay compel a right response to the challenge. Redistributing some wealth with public debt will not solve such challenges.

If pie-in-the-galaxy solutions for near light speed travel could be found easily-perhaps  mapping the gravitational fields of the Milky Way and calculating travel course for engines that can interact with gravity field currents, there would be less need for creative Presidential leadership. As it is a legalistic approach based with existing laws made in the past won’t provide any kind of creative change.

Most citizens prefer stable economic parameters, yet the economy is implicitly unstable these days because of quick technological challenges and the international scale of it. Kamala Harris may have an isolationist concept of the U.S. economy in that she might think it is a stand alone phenomenon and cutting off Russia and relying on China won’t affect it at all, yet obviously that is wrong.

Democrats support illegal immigration to have a ready source of cheap labor. The nation though is not experiencing an influx of intellectuals from abroad; it is receiving millions of under-educated new consumers that want plain physical jobs and experience life with naivety concerning national and global environmental resources. Because Democrats support illegal migration they are anti-environmental conservation necessarily as a contrapositive fact.

Americans in the rather crowded demographics of the nation with 320 million people needs creative and adaptive leadership in the office of the President. The President of the United States cannot be just an apparatchik functionary operating a machine with a known and finite number of parts as it were. Democrat lawyer Presidents tend to act as if  was that simple.

Lawyers work with an existing legal framework made in the past. The law does adapt to challenges of course yet the legal. Democrat lawyer president tend to be less creative than some of those of the past such as F.D.R. Since Bill Clinton they have drifted toward being non-creative war mongers (maybe I should have included L.B.J.) and redistributionist, slopping the poor while enriching themselves and cutting taxes on the middle class. Democrat Presidents rely on deficit spending as an essential part of ordinary economic policy.

The problem of applying finite, known machine like paradigms to complex, vague and amorphous issues such as history, cosmology and religion is interesting. The Democrat party support for war with Russia over Ukraine is a case in point. Chop logic and incompetent historical data reasoning bring the world toward its first unlimited atomic and nuclear conflict.

The historian Arnold Toynbee showed that one of the main reasons for the failure of a civilization is it’s inability to change and adapt its economy to new paradigms especially with  external challenges such as environmental decay compel a right response to the challenge. Redistributing some wealth with public debt will not solve such challenges.

If pie-in-the-galaxy solutions for near light speed travel could be found easily-perhaps  mapping the gravitational fields of the Milky Way and calculating travel course for engines that can interact with gravity field currents, there would be less need for creative Presidential leadership. As it is a legalistic approach based with existing laws made in the past won’t provide any kind of creative change.

Most citizens prefer stable economic parameters, yet the economy is implicitly unstable these days because of quick technological challenges and the international scale of it. Kamala Harris may have an isolationist concept of the U.S. economy in that she might think it is a stand alone phenomenon and cutting off Russia and relying on China won’t affect it at all, yet obviously that is wrong. Democrats support illegal immigration to have a ready source of cheap labor. The nation though is not experiencing an influx of intellectuals from abroad; it is receiving millions of under-educated new consumers that want plain physical jobs and experience life with naivety concerning national and global environmental resources. Because Democrats support illegal migration they are anti-environmental conservation necessarily as a contrapositive fact.

Intellectuals can’t really work here illegally. They need to be on the clock legally. Every society has an average range of intellectuals and physical workers in regard to potential, even underdeveloped societies. A society needs to keep that balance for health rather than absorbing millions of uneducated people or losing’s it’s intellectuals abroad.

Lawyers work with an existing legal framework made in the past. The law does adapt to challenges of course yet the legal. Democrat lawyer president tend to be less creative than some of those of the past such as F.D.R. Since Bill Clinton they have drifted toward being non-creative war mongers (maybe I should have included L.B.J.) and redistributionist, slopping the poor while enriching themselves and cutting taxes on the middle class. Democrat Presidents rely on deficit spending as an essential part of ordinary economic policy.

The problem of applying finite, known machine like paradigms to complex, vague and amorphous issues such as history, cosmology and religion is interesting. The Democrat party support for war with Russia over Ukraine is a case in point. Chop logic and incompetent historical data reasoning bring the world toward its first unlimited atomic and nuclear conflict.

The historian Arnold Toynbee showed that one of the main reasons for the failure of a civilization is it’s inability to change and adapt its economy to new paradigms especially with  external challenges such as environmental decay compel a right response to the challenge. Redistributing some wealth with public debt will not solve such challenges.

If pie-in-the-galaxy solutions for near light speed travel could be found easily-perhaps  mapping the gravitational fields of the Milky Way and calculating travel course for engines that can interact with gravity field currents, there would be less need for creative Presidential leadership. As it is a legalistic approach based with existing laws made in the past won’t provide any kind of creative change.

Most citizens prefer stable economic parameters, yet the economy is implicitly unstable these days because of quick technological challenges and the international scale of it. Kamala Harris may have an isolationist concept of the U.S. economy in that she might think it is a stand alone phenomenon and cutting off Russia and relying on China won’t affect it at all, yet obviously that is wrong. Democrats support illegal immigration to have a ready source of cheap labor. The nation though is not experiencing an influx of intellectuals from abroad; it is receiving millions of under-educated new consumers that want plain physical jobs and experience life with naivety concerning national and global environmental resources. Because Democrats support illegal migration they are anti-environmental conservation necessarily as a contrapositive fact.

For Ecological Reasons New Homes Should Be Easy to Assemble and Disassemble


New home construction should have fasteners and other materials in design that make them easy to reassemble someplace else. That would prevent waste and permit more flexibility in future community environmental plans. It woul also let homes easily be sold and relocated.

Substantial tax breaks should be given to new home builders with high energy production, insulation and dismantle and reassembly efficiency ratings.

Concrete foundations for example might be pre cast or poured in short forms that could be fastened together and removed later for re-use; ie rectangle pieces a few feet in length a front loader could install.

Roofs could be entirely solar panels that could be upgraded after tech progress.


Laser Beams for Power Streams Between Stars

 Because there is no foreseeable technology to travel faster than light between star systems it is worth considering the fastest way to power space modules to a substantial portion of the speed of light. Scientists have pointed out that using enough energy to power a spacecraft if the fuel was aboard the vessel would be too massive, the criterion moves to establishing a stream of energy outside the craft it’s ‘engine’ can draw upon to approach equalization of its speed to that of the laser beam, reaching perhaps 3/4s of the speed of light.

Coherent light- laser light travels at light speed. A very large laser beamed aimed at a target star light Proxima Centauri- 4.6 light years away, would need to be very strong and powered by the sun or a fusion reactor in space near the edge of the solar system. There would need to be a way to tap into the laser beam and convert the photons into electrons and possible an electro magnetic field some configuration that would move the ship forward. Perhaps an on board energy converter could tap into the beam periodically to continue to advance its rate of acceleration closer to the speed of light of the laser beam. The technology would in effect let a spacecraft catch a ride on the laser beam’s energy.

When the first star connection was established, star a to b, then a connection could be made from star b to c. after delivering components to build more laser star links to star b for making a connection to star c. The travel time using the fastest present space engine tech is 88,000 years to Proxima Centauri where with a laser beam to provide power for energy to let a reciprocal electrons power tie-into to the beam travel at light speed the time would be reduced to about eight years.

In order for a stable platform from which to send a laser light star link it might be necessary to locate some Lagrange Point equivalents for the solar system rather than the Earth. On the other hand it could be useful to construct a network of solar system encompassing laser beam platforms on the out edge of the solar system forming a rough sphere around it- balanced for gravitational elements of course, and from those platform each sending a laser beam to some point in space where the beams are gathered with mirrors and combined into a solitary powerful beam initially aimed at Proxima Centauri for a decade when a ship is using the tech for travel.

Some future generation may discover the way to innovate the first few laser star links, if the present war-mongering one being led into nuclear war chicken with Russia doesn’t incinerate future generations by actualizing M.A.D. policy.

It might be feasible to map gravitational currents/fields of this galaxy and use them to sail between select areas by letting the gravitational pull draw a spaceship forward toward the speed of light. Obviously micro-gravity sailing technologies might improve when the causality of gravity is better understood. Still, I like the possibility and recognize that boosting start up acceleration might be desirable with a different technology.

Veganism Experienced Inflated Food Prices Too

Apparently there are two major branches of veganism; dietary and ethical. The first is for health and the latter to stop cruelty to animals....