
The Drowning Man and World War III

Nietzsche got the idea of eternal recurrence one night walking along the shoreline of Lake Lucerne. He kicked a stone on the beach, a stumbling block as it were, and had his great notion that he had lived the scene and life infinite times before just so. He probably had advanced syphilis at the time and might not have tried to save a drowning man being a superman in his own mind maybe, for being aware of the recurrence and transcendence of morality becoming beyond good and evil. Perhaps a student of 19th century German romanticism was a skeptic until contacted by an operator claiming to be from the future.


The operator gave him instructions then returned to his own space-time of origin. The rich person- possibly a woman, man or eunuch sitting on the beach in a splendid chair perhaps brought by porters, may have provided extra motivation for the naked guy to rescue the drowning man perhaps knowing that ten years in the future the drowning man would invent a time travel loophole to the equations of general relativity and send an operative back to 2024 to stop Joe Biden from starting World War III before he left office . The nuclear war created nuclear winter and 5 billion people died.

The frantic unclothed dude swimming in the dark cold water  grasped the drowning man in a headlock from behind and begins side stroking to the distant beach as his strength wanes. The rich guy, seeing that the rescue might not work dives into the fray fully clothed ruining his custom made jimmy chu shoes yet soon grabs both wet rats and pulls them ashore. His 7 foot height let him go 100 feet out yet be able to touch the bottom of the lake that helped ease the intervention.

Ashore he took his basketball and walked away into the starry night leaving the two soaked and gasping men in the sand.


The Election Choice of Cold or Hot Death

The recent Presidential election was a choice between nuclear winter that could end life on Earth soon after WW 3, and global warming that could end life on Earth in 175 years. So voters chose to fix the first crisis, although Joe Biden might get the below zero thing that lasts for years going anyway. There is irony in that choice.

The Analytic/Synthetic Distinction and Epistemology

Quine and Strawson; analytic philosophers, tried to model language and logic in an epistemology context yet not so much of the world.  Empiricism tried to make a direct relationship between thought, propositions, and the material world Cf A.J. Ayer- 'Language,Truth and Logic'.  Quine refuted the relation in The Two Dogmas of Empiricism. Skepticism about knowing reality comprehensively is generally on the same side of epistemology as Quine concerning the analytic/synthetic distinction.

A.I. uses formal symbolic logic developed in part by analytic philosophers who were logicians obviously. Yet I would venture that the philosophical justification is found elsewhere in philosophy for explaining realty. Possibly that is pragmatism and quantum theory fused with other speculative cosmology and physics. A.I. is fascinating because it can directly be formed with human authored language and exists in the real world, albeit without sentience. If it had sentience it would have an even worse analytic/synthetic distinction paradox than humans.

What works in explaining the heteronymous phenomenality of mind and reality... a kind of ambiguous duality, is analytic philosophical deliberation on mind, language, prositional logic and the quantum 'other' world.

Aspects of Original Sin

 I believe it's thermodynamics expressing the remedy for containing unbridled and willful disobedience. The form of humans embedded in thermodynamics fields reflects drives to input energy for expansion (eating); sex, will to power etc  are thermodynamics categorical imperatives. That brings all sorts of sins naturally i.e. murder, cannibalism,  theft adultery, slavery etc. 
Amoeba don't have the sophistication for sins as humans, and they are stupid and innocent of moral culpability,  yet they share select thermodynamic requisites for existing with humans.

Tyndale, the Lollards and the Protestant reformation followed after the dark ages. The printing press was invented to publish the Bible and became the advanced tech tool for accelerating the pace of education  catalyzing technology's progress. Before that Christians laboriously copying or writing manuscripts were, I believe, the primary  leaders producing works for literacy for the west during the dark ages.

Removing Pres Biden From Office for Incapacity Might Solve the World War 3 Issue

  Pres Biden may think he is on a crusade to keep Europe free of Huns, Almohads, Atheists, communists or whatever. He is the first President I feel should be removed for incapacity...maybe dementia... Recall that he can't remember his time as VP.  I would prefer to gamble on Harris being able to go 8 weeks without starting WW3 than Biden.



Stuff for Not Getting Lost

Before GPS it was easier to be lost. One should keep a KJV small military new testament, some trail mix, a cell phone, quart of soda and a poncho in a rucksack if one needs more.

There are several apps for hiking and bicycling maps that show you where you are. If camping in an area with fire ants get a small tent at Walmart to sleep in and throw a bunch of anti-ant powder under and around it. For warmth buy a 10 hour burning iron file hand warmer.  Put it in a shirt pocket. For hygiene in the field isopropyl alcohol is an expedient replacement for 30 gallon showers.

Siberian Unicorns Failed to Reach Noah's Ark

Siberian unicorns died out about 13,000 BC. They were enormous shaggy rhinos with a huge single horn. I believe though that the flood of Noah covered the entire world of civilization in Mesopotamia located below the present sea level of the Persian Gulf that has risen 200 feet since the Wisconsin ice age ended. Many ancient people described the world as the area one could walk across in three days. Language meanings change over time, although some are linguistic realists instead of nominalists. Climate change killed the northern unicorn though Indian rhinos classified as unicorns still exist.


Engineering and Scripture

The Bible has provided opportunities for deliberation of scholars from numerous fields. Solomon’s Temple, The Ark, the pool of Bethesda, Jericho, Meggifo and innumerable sites provide engineers and archeologists challenges to investigate and corroborate scripture that is the source of Christian theology. One may use astronomy and physics to consider sundry solar and seller phemona, marine biology and history to consider paradigms of Jonah being swallowed by a whale  or fish and living three days in it before the creature puked him upon a beach, etc. Yet futurist engineers might consider what a Multiverse would be like structured within the mind of an omniscient, Omnipotent eternal God who has created all such components before local time within them.

Structural engineering can replicate with models numerous ancient structures that no longer exist. The first tower in human history was built, I believe, in Jericho about 9000 BC. Its purpose isn’t clear yet it could have been a pulpit for a descendent of Noah to tell people about God and to help them with agriculture community coordination. Engineers can even research prehistory and that information is useful for interpretation of Scripture and understanding ancient times better.

Forces of Nature at Time=0 Like a Russian Kachina Doll

The universe may be compared to a Russian kachina doll with four embedded forces arising from a singularity. Gravity was the first to peel off, and it may have dispersed with space-time hyper-inflation along with the other, smaller forces, more or less evenly. 

Simultaneous implosion and explosion faster than light, like Russian kachina dolls forces appeared from singularity. Gravity first, strong second, electroweak third. How did different forces appear from one substance if not for ordinal reductionism. Maybe the FTL era was to allow uniform dispersion. Ideas?

The strong, electroweak and the Higgs appeared in rapid succession. There was a scalar cardinality in the appearance of forces   One couldn't have all of the fermions in just one quadrant of the Universe  Space-time time nothingness may be where everything originated appearing from the Universe as will and idea of God. The Unified field at space-time=0 was expressed as Word.

 The unified field and black holes are prime examples of the tendency toward monism. The Universe mechanics are perhaps far more strange than imagined with real nothing inexplicably expanding into spacetime throwing off four fields (gravity first) and expanding faster than light briefly to evenly distribute the fields. The tree branch model is popular yet only one model. It need beg the premises of the singularity though, and what occurs within doesn't, it because the math doesn't work at that point? Time is possibly just a contingent fact of entangled quanta. Tegmark's view was that all possible universe may already exist and mind switches to the right one. That follows Everetts no waveform collapse paradigm for a many worlds model.

Pres Biden Might Create Unicorns and WW 3 From Nothingness

People say that energy cannot be created or destroyed. Yet it has been pointed out that energy is a property of matter. More correctly it is a measurement of the ability to do work rather than a thing-for-itself. Like nothingness it cannot be created or destroyed. It is like arguing that a unicorn cannot be created or destroyed; except for President Biden, who might create unicorns out of thin air like World War Three (he just authorized Ukraine to attack Moscow and deep inside Russia with US provided missiles).

Without clearly defined lines for 64 squares chess would be difficult, although fuzzy logic might help solve problems of fuzzy chess boards in nature.

Idealism, Godel and Einstein

There is an epistemic and metaphysical difference of opinion about reality and the extent to which mind interprets and shapes its perception...